Tuesday, June 24, 2014

fun crafts for kids with fabric?


i have 2 pieces of fabric wat can my kids do w/it?

Hey awesome i am a kid and this will be soooo easy because its in a childs perspective!!!!!
-make a table cloth
-design barbie or g i joe clothes
-fold it up and cut out small shapes
-make a bedding for a cage
-make a tent(drap it over some trees and stick in dirt)
-but either cotton or rip open an old toy and get out the stuffing use a needle and thread to close the sides and a bottom part then stuff it an you have a cushion or a small pillow
-color on it and hang it in room or camper or tent
-make a blankie
-color it fold it like a triangle and cut a circle out top and you have a poncho or a shawl!
I really hope I helped :)))))

Ready for big-kid bed, or is it seperation issues?

Q. My son is 20 months.Since the day he was born, he has gone to bed at the same time everyday, without a fuss or fight, & always slept completely through the night in his own room. Recently my husband and I seperated, and at the same time he started a new job that requires travel out of town Monday-Friday.When he is in town, though, he spends 99.9% of his time at the house with us, and normally leaves once our son has gone to bed.This week, our son learned how to climb out of his crib. But before he did he woke up screaming, crying which he doesn't normally do. I tried to get him back to sleep in his crib by sitting with him and rubbing his back, which I've never had to do.As soon as i though he was asleep, & I get up to leave, he starts screaming again.If he stays asleep, and wakes up and I'm not there, thats when he starts screaming and climbs out of the crib. After 2 nights of no sleep, I gave up and tried to put him in bed with me. Voila!
Kid went right to sleep and didnt make a peep for the rest of the night. This is a horrible habit to start, I know, I don't plan on continuing. But, now, my husband and I don't know what to do. I feel in my heart that this isn't about his bed, but is starting to understand the situation. I am unsure whether it's really that he is ready to transition to a big kid bed. I'm afraid I'll go out and buy one, and we will still have the same problem! HELP!

It certainly sounds like he's having separation issues, which is normal at his age regardless of the home circumstances. Kids also start developing a lot of fears around age 2. Especially where the problem was solved with having him sleep with you, I think this is the issue.

Anyways, in my opinion, if you move him into a bed, you will be providing him with an easier venue to get out and he'll probably do it even more. 20 months is still young. I would try getting one of those crib tents that is a mesh tent that goes over the top of the crib and prevents them from climbing out. You can get them at Babies R Us. You may have to let him "cry it out" a couple of nights but my rule of thumb is if they were a good sleeper to begin with, they always go back to being a good sleeper. Sometimes they can get out of whack for a bit after being sick, etc.

You may also want to talk to your pediatrician, or ask for suggestions here, for help on how to help your son cope with your and your husband's separation. ALthough I will say kids are really so durable and really adjust well to anything. My husband and I are together, but he travels Mon-Fri as well, every week. It was a little tough in the beginning, but honestly my kids are totally fine with it now and know that come Friday, daddy will be back. Its just a way of life. I hope this helps!

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Im babysitting! KID GETS BORD EASY!?


im babysitting a kid and she is 8 and almost 9. i take her to the pool every nice day but i want to know some new things to do. we do fun stuff but after this whole summer the games we play together to pass time get old. what are some fresh new ideas for outside on sunny days. but most importantly fun things to do on stormy and windy days!!!

P.S. please dont say take her to the pool, ialready inderstand that. also think of activities for the state of ohio.

I've worked with kids for a while. Here are some ideas that kids like.

1. Make bird feeders to hang outside. Coat a pine cone with peanut butter, roll in birdseed, and hang from a tree. Birds love them, and it's a good way to spend an hour.

2. Make a mini-golf course to use inside. Use plastic cups for holes, paper towel tubes for tunnels, and a box and pinwheel for a windmill. Better yet, have her help you make it and let her decorate the setup. You can buy toy clubs and balls at any store.

3. Scrapbooking. Get the kid a disposable camera and let her take pictures about her life or on a trip with you. Then, you and she can crop and put together pages and make her very own scrapbook.

4. If you're near a zoo, go to the zoo. Kids love animals! Again, take a camera and let her take her own pictures.

5. Teach her card games like Go Fish or 500. Try clock solitaire. Get a book of card tricks from the library and work on them together.

6. While we're on the subject...LIBRARY! Never underestimate the power of the library! She can browse the kids' books, some libraries have computer games for kids to play, sections with toys, and most places I know have videos and DVDs for you to check out.

7. Living History museum. If there's one in your area, then ten to one she'll love it. You get to dress as a person from the time period the museum is about, try little projects, and make souvenirs.

8. Paper Dolls. There are printables available on the internet, and all you have to do is glue them to card stock, give her the clothes to color, cut them out, and you have paper dolls. Or, you can make your own from magazines.

9. Make a castle. Drape a sheet or two over a table after moving the chairs away, and you have a castle/fort/hideaway/tent, etc. You can "camp out" and have a lunch in your tent or a feast in your castle. Take the fun even further and dress up as princesses with crowns and dresses and jewelry.

10. Print coloring pages from the internet. They beat coloring books hands down, and even more fun for the kid is to let her choose her own.

Basically, all you have to do is use your imagination. Be creative. Good luck.

activities for kids...?


Hi Ya'll,
I babysit 3 girls ages 1, 3 and 5. Mainly it's the 3 & 5 year old for an 8 hour period and then the 1 yr old for 4 hours. They are really active (always going going going!) and I was trying to think of some activites for them to do while inside? Being outside is fine but there parents don't want them out for an excessive amount of time due to heat/sun so when they are inside I need something amusing to do for at least an hour or two at a time. Anyways, they usually don't sit still for movies very long but I did just buy playdoh, a coloring book, chalk (sidewalk), and a playdoh activity kit which I hope will keep them amused. Any other ideas...?


PS The girls do have there own toys to play with, but they usually get bored within 10 min. (just aren't "cool" anymore) so please dont suggest that. It never works! haha. :o)

I love children.. I highly sujest getting a babysitting bag together. Most children are not interested in their toys because no one has really sat down with them and show them how to play with the toys.. Get your self on a schedule play time with them. Since you are the one person that is around them the most a schedule is the best. And they really respond to order..
Children at this age Love Love 3 and 5
Story Time (make different voices to fit characters)
Puppet Time
Dress Up
Make a tent out of the kitchen table or in living room..Or in the bedroom..
The five year old should really be into playing mommy and the three year old is just starting in this area. So playing house. Which leads to play time in the world of imagination..
Pretend Cooking, Baby care, cleaning, Rest rant, This activity will and can go on for hours and they like to play it almost daily.
Playdoh is a great activity I agree make sure to cover the floor if it is on carpet..Be ready to have the colors mixed. The three year old will love to mix the colors and the older one will want them kept separate. So maybe their very own play doe for play doe time. Stinging big beads on a shoe lace../Ball time play..each needs own ball and also together time. rolling it on the ground.learning to catch.. the five year old should like tossing the ball up in the air..
Five Year Olds:
Teach sack-walking and "twist-em," "statue," or "freeze" games to provide an outlet for their drive for physical activity.
Play games that can teach right and left directions, like "Hokey-Pokey," "Looby-Loo," and "Simon Says."
Ask 5-year-olds to tell you a story. Write it down and post it on the wall or refrigerator
Three Year Old
Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in the Dell.Also they love to jump and hop.. show them "how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.Box play and anything they can hide in.. Making silly faces..
One year old..
will love play doe too.. All will love bubbles..ball play too..called "Roll it to me"

Have Fun.. Hope this helps. ^^

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