Saturday, May 31, 2014

Please recommend an 8 or 10 person family tent for us!?

I am heartbroken. I was going to order the Columbia Cougar Flats 2 and now it has been discontinued.

Can anyone recommend a tent that would be big enough for me, my husband who is 6'4 tall, and 3 children? My youngest will be sleeping in a pack and play.

Would like a bathtub floor, good ventilation. A canopy over the front door would be a great bonus. I like the idea of divided rooms.

We are not camping anywhere very cold.. but would need something that will stand up to rain.

Thank you.

My current family tent would satisfy all of those preferences with the exception of the canopy over the door. However, the lacking canopy has proven to only be a problem when going in and out while it is actually raining, much are you going to actually do that?

The straight vertical walls allow for more usable floorspace (especially for things like a pack-n-play), it has a hanging divider, and even two doors. The doors are excellent for camping with kids because they are a hard D-frame with a hinge and velcro, so the kids can easily go in and out without having to zip/unzip/zip/unzip. You can zip up the doors when you want/need to, but you don't have to do it every time.

Big windows on three sides and doors on the fourth side have rather large windows as well. The entire top is mesh. I've never had a problem in the wind and/or rain in this tent.

The tent is very tall (I'm 6'3" so that's a requirement for me as well), and hands-down the easiest tent to setup that I have ever owned. Not exaggering when I say that I can easily setup this tent in 15 minutes by myself, including all guylines. It's also just as easy to break down, and it's the only tent I've owned that actually folds up SMALLER than it came from the store, so you can actually fit additional accessories in the original storage bag in addition to the tent.

It's made by Coleman but only sold in Target stores. If there's not a store near you, they usually offer free shipping on something priced that high. I've seen it on sale as cheap as $150, but it's usually $185-200.

Target kids bedding (outdoors theme)?


I went to target about a month ago and fell in love with this outdoor - camping bedding set.

I found the quilt set and bear pillow on but was unable to find the lantern, decor pillow, or bed tent. I didn't know if anyone knew where I could find it online. People out of state want to know so they can ship it to us.

Here are links to the stuff I found.

I happen to own that. They have a ton of it at our Target, just keep looking around. I bought mine over a year ago, I thought they'd have discontinued it by now, but every time I go, I see more and more of it. Ask people you know from different areas to check their Target for you. I think you'll have much better luck if you can get it from an actual store, rather than ordering online. BTW, ebay is always an option.

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Friday, May 30, 2014

What is a good cheap tent brand? Greatland,Ozark Trail or Field and stream?


Looking to buy a big enough tent for a family of 5. I don't want to spend to much money because I am not sure if I will even like camping.So I will like to buy a store brand. I am not sure what kmarts brand is. Anyway out of the brands I listed above our any of them good?

All very good advice above. I will give my two-cents worth. I have two, four-man (9'x7') Ozark Trail tents from Wal-Mart. For a family camping trip, these work great, they are easy to set up, pretty good bang for the buck and over-all have been pretty good tents that have lasted several years and are still holding up. Would I climb Everest or go on an extended backpacking or climbing trip with them, absolutely NOT! I have a quality, one-man backpacking tent for my more serious backpacking trips that I bought from REI. As somebody else said, a tent for the kids and a tent for you guys is the way to go, it's what I do. Two smaller tents are cheaper than one large tent and two small tents are easier to set up than one large tent. I tend to be very organized when I camp. My wife and kids scatter their "crap" all over the tent. Having two tents helps this a lot. The other plus to this is if something happens to one of the tents, it gets a tear, catches on fire, whatever, you have a back-up. Everybody has opinions based upon personal experience, and this is my personal experience. I hope your family develops a love of camping and the outdoors, it's a fantastic family experience.

what are some good affordable camping tents? price range 50. to 150. sleeping 4-6?


i want to start camping again with my kids, grown, and grandkids. it needs to be a quick setup, and easy.

Go to and they have very good tents on clearance sale.

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Camping Ideas for Couples?

Katie S

Me and my boyfriend are going camping and we need some fun activities to do. Any great ideas? We don't have any kids and we are in our early 20's. Let me know

Camping is a vague word, seeing as it could mean as little as pulling up a camper into a lot and partying all night to roughing it out in the wilderness with limited supplies for a few days, so I'll just say what I recommend for a couple in their prime years.

Depending on where you live (I'm assuming the United States), you can pick one of the country's many national parks ranging from the desert landscape of The Joshua Tree National Monument to the forest of the Great Smokey Mountains. Your best friend for finding a place to go is most certainly a local outdoors/backpacking store such as Apex Outdoors. The employees generally have much experience and often go on sponsored trips, so they generally serve as the ultimate resource. I myself have gotten to know people who work at some stores nearby and they give the best recommendations and preparation around. The internet is also useful.

I am 18, and for spring break this year I went with two of my friends to The Great Smokey Mountains for a 4 day backpacking trip. Besides a small hike I went on with a friend earlier that year in hunting territory, that is the only experience I have had. It was without a doubt the single most exciting and englightening experience of my life, and I highly recommend that you take advantage of your age and position and experience something similar. With a family you can go pitch a tent in a campsite whenever you desire and have fun with your kids. When it's just you and your friend, you are only dependent on yourself and don't have to look out for anybody else.

It sounds ridiculous but a week long trip to a good location to spend a few days in the wilderness will change your life for the better. The freedom and solitude of the wild will make you appreciate life more and obtain a totally new perspective. Not only that, but doing something like that with your boyfriend will more than likely improve the connection you share by getting through such an experience together. It's not something you can do very often once you settle down, so it's best to do it before it's too late.

As far as preparation goes, it's much cheaper than most vacations (with gas prices these days you really can't tell though). You can rent or purchase a backpack (to buy one it costs anywhere from $100-$150 for a decent one). You must also purchase backpacking-specific compact gear, like sleeping bags ($50), tents (anywhere from $40-$100, depends on what you want), bedrolls or backpacking mattress ($40), and sleeping bag lining (probably around $10). Then you will need to purchase other necessities:

A small gas burning grill to cook food or boil water.
Metal cups and utensils for eating.
Something to light fires with.
Rain gear.
Good backpacking socks (talk to a salesman).
Hiking boots (a must have, you might think you can make it with sneakers, trust me, it sucks, don't try it).
A decent knife.
Lots of Nalgene bottles that will fit your water filter. Used for keeping cooking water and drinking.
Food (trail mix, beef jerky, or you can buy a book that teaches you how to make your own dry meals).
A bag to tie your food into trees with to prevent bears from getting it at night.
A first aid kit.
And most importantly, a water filter. Don't underestimate the environment, no matter where you are, you will ALWAYS need a water filter. It's good for when you can't boil water due to rain or just need a quick fill, and it will prevent you from getting amoebas and bacteria. Remember that rivers form from run-off, and with run-off comes animal feces.

To prepare physically, go for walks or runs three times a week for at least 30 minutes. Make sure you stretch so that your muscles become toned. Go for a practice hike for a night in a nearby park or even in your backyard if you have woods. Keep in mind that you will have 20-40 pounds of gear on your back when you climb. Read some books or look online about fire building and familiarize yourself with all your equipment, using the bathroom in the woods, and dealing with animals.

It sounds like a ton of work, but it is so incredibly worth it. It's something you'll never forget or regret.

If this isn't your cup of tea, oh well, but it's just what I recommend. Best of luck to you!

camp counselor...?


Have you ever been a camp counselor for little kids? If so, did you sleep in cabins or tents? and what were the activities and stuff that you did? also does anyone know any sites about any camps and being a camp counselor?

this summer will be my 3rd summer as a camp counselor at a girl scout camp. We have girls from 6 to 17, mostly the 8-13 age though. However I really like the youngest kids and send most of my summer with them. We sleep in our own tent or cabin with the girls in the unit, during the week and have a staff house for the weekends. We have scheduals for the day that include swimming, arts and crafts, boating, hiking, we cook one meal out a week most weeks, and we do badge work along with other things that that girls might want to do.
there is a site called, or also is a really good website to find accredited camps. you can also look through girl scout council websites for camps and i am sure the same for boy scouts. hope this helps.

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What is your opinion on these items for a wedding?


I was at the store last night to pick up some finishing items for the wedding. As i had a cart full of things, I wondered what the heck was I going to do with them after the wedding. I'm wondering what people thought about these items if you used them for your wedding. Were they a waste of money? Or were they something that made your reception complete. We are not having budget problems, but I don't want to waste money either. Sorry the list is long

The floral bouquet to carry down the aisle, what is a good price if you're not into flowers? Is it really necessary?

The container to put wedding favors in? I'm was going with Chinese take-out boxes wrapped in blue ribbon filled with Ghirardelli chocolate. Does anyone really care about the containers besides the bride? Will any chocolate do like Andes or kisses.

Disposable cameras for the tables? We'll have the photographer for the entire day. Do we need the disposable cameras also.

Did anyone sign the guest book? I heard not so good things about people only getting five or six signatures

Bride and Groom toasting flutes? We have china at home, don't know why we need special toasting flutes.

The serving set with the knife to cut the cake? After you cut the cake, did this collect dust in a box at in the closet...what else would you do with this?

The kissing bells to hold the escort cards. Will one bell per table work and the escort cards can be tent style instead.

Menu cards on each place setting? The meal is pretty basic, soup/salad, pasta, chicken, starch, veggie and sorbet. Then cake for dessert

Programs for the ceremony? Did people just leave those behind at the chapel?

Great question! The truth is most of the stuff you listed is not really necessary and to be quite honest, quite passe as most people do not that anymore. Here is my take:

The floral bouquet.:
You can substitute flowers for other things if you do not want to carry flowers. My flower bouquet cost $150 and that is about average. I've seen lovely bouquets here made out of buttons, feathers, even christmas tree balls. For inspiration go to or upbeatbride.con for unconventional and DIY ideas.

The container to put wedding favors in.
I particularly care about presentation, so I say this is a keeper. Any chocolate will do although Girardehli sounds very nice.

Disposable cameras for the tables
NOT necessary and a waste of money. That is so 80's/ With the boom of digital photography, everyone will share their pics with you. Also, disposable cameras are made of recycled film and produce low quality pictures. Most of the time, the kids will get a hold of them or the drinks. 90% of the pictures will be a complete waste and you will spend a ton of money on low quality pictures. Do not do it.

Did anyone sign the guest book? Most people forget to sign it and no one ever opens that book again. Spare yourself the cost and skip it, no one will miss it. You can substitute if you would like with contemporary alternatives such as a wishing well, a picture frame signed by your guest etc.

Bride and Groom toasting flutes
Not needed. You can use the ones that you already have at home or borrow some and save.

The serving set with the knife to cut the cake? Not needed. Use the one that you venue provides or borrow one from someone that whose it's collecting dust in the closet. Do not waste your money on this.

The kissing bells to hold the escort cards.
Bells are SOO passe and so 80's. No one does that anymore. Skip them. only 1 in 15 weddings that I've attended has had them and no one rang them.

Menu cards on each place setting
Unless you are having an elaborate menu with different entrees, you do not need it.

Programs for the ceremony? No one ever keeps them or picks them up. They will be left on the tables.

Good luck

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Help with camping on the beach! What things are good to do with a 4 year old?


this is my first time camping EVER! My husband is making it easy on me and we are camping by the bay. It is too early for swimming, but sand castles are good... after that.. no clue... any ideas?

I generally didn't camp right next to the water when my children where young. For example a 4 year old is old enough and Mobile enough to unzip a tent and go out early in the morning and get to close to the water while your still asleep. So if you are at a camp ground actually pick a site where the water is not directly in site and you have to walk a ways to get to it.

If you are going to be right next to the water be very, very aware at all times where the child is. It's amazingly easy to loose track for just a few minutes while getting dinner out of the cooler, or grabbing something from the Tent or RV.

Beyond that what you need can greatly depend on what kind of camping and how long. Our family does primitive/tent camping. And we have learn, especial with young children along to pack the following (Started camping with them since first born was 3 month old, so far nothing really bad has even come close to happening.):

Extra blankets, it seems you almost never can have to many of these.

Actually don't have to buy child expensive air mate. But a cheap swimming air mat will support a child very well and dry faster if it gets wet, like rain leaking in tent or people trialling water into tent. Even if you don't use any kind of mate, it's good for the child because their internal thermostat is not as well developed as an adult. So laying on the cold ground can rob them of body heat very easy. And they can actually get hypothermia. An air mate or yoga or camping Mat help prevent this.
Also if the night temps cools make sure the child wears some form of shoe while walking about. I have actually seen full grown adults develop hypothermia while camping because the nights cooled down so much and they where walking around long term bare foot. (Really an ambulance came and took them away.) It's not going to happen on a quick run to the bathroom but if their up making smores (Best treat ever Chocolate, gramcracker, and toasted marshmellow) with the adults or something it could plus good shoes are always a good idea.

!!!!!! extra socks!!!!! its' another thing you can't have to many of. In fact I have at least one pair of wool socks for each person camping with us. Wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet (thremo's socks from artifial fibers don't always). But because people can be sinitive to wool I'd put on 1 thin sock and then the wool over that. If the nights is on the colder side it's a good idea to have the child sleep in the sock combo. though don't over bundle the rest of the body. You don't want them to sweat in their sleep. Generally is you can keep the Head and feet warm lighter cloths are all you need for the rest of the body in a sleeping bag.

I usually go to the dollar store before any camping trip and buy little cheap coloring books, games and toys for the kid to play with. Kites and bubble always go over well. Kit's are especially a favorite on the beach even with adults.

Think in terms of rain. Yeah when it's nice and sunny there is plenty you can do with a child but nothing is worse then getting stuck in a tent on a rainy day with nothing for a small child to do.

Finger and snack foods. Actually fresh vegs like carrots, apples and the like work better then alot of prepacked junk food. They don't crush, or get stale or soggy and you have less trash to worry about. My kids where often running here and there and didn't really want to sit around alot, so giving them a carrot stick they could take with them to do what ever worked well.

Also we tend to cook a good breakfast and a good dinner but made lunch light. Actually found sliced meat and cheese worked great. lay out meat put on cheese and rolled it up. No plates, no silverware or other trash and quick prep time. Didn't even bother with bread (again smashes and soggy and takes up alot of packing space.) plus the kid would only eat half of the bread anyhow. So between the fruits, raw veggies and meat cheese roll they had a pretty good lunch.

!!!!!!!!! A good first Aid kit !!!!!!!!
this means: Band-aids
the green medicated ointment (good for other burns too)
Larger bandage gauze
bandage tap
over the counter adult pain killers
A card for quick first aid reference (even professional carry these) You should also make sure to get one that includes "Child CPR". Of course it's best if one of you at least is trained in it. But the card may be of help if you don't panic. Biggest thing is to not blow out the child's lung and keep the blood moving. But the card also tell you how to slow more serious bleeding and other simple little thing that can help alot.
Thermo blank (often packed folded to 3 x 4 size and shiny aluminum.
Tweezers (splinters and such. One year I bug flew in my ear and My husband used them to pull it out.)

Sunscreen, nothing worse then burning the first day and being miserable the rest of the time. Plus sunburn dyhdrate you and in some camp ground you have to carry in all fluids you drink including water. So don't want to do anything that means you need to carry even more.

Needle and thread

something to read

deck of cards

A folding table is always handy to bring

A good sharp knife (always handy and sometime necessary)

Rubber malot (small is fine)

plastic plates and silverware even if you plan on using normal stuff and washing it's good to have a pack of this with you. Same goes for Styrofoam cups but don't burn in fire. (other plastic cups are not good for hot drinks). It's a really bummer to have Hot coco and not be able to drink it because you don't have a hot drink cup.

If you drink coffee bring coffee, cream and suger. Even if you don't drink coffee you may find you like it while camping. (warms you up on cold mornings and not as sweet as hot chocolate)

Extra clothes (again think of what if it rains)

extra Toilet paper, even indoor toilets can run out. Plus can can be used for blowing noses.

A little bag for your child to bring home souvenirs.

Trash bags

Rope and twine

pedialite or something like it for the child and anti-diarrhea med for adults. Change in diet can cause it to happen.

I can go on and on

If you want to email me and discuss more specif to your needs feel free.

Looking for a camping tent for my family (2 adults + 2year old child)?


What tent would you recommend for a camping for my family with 2 adults and a 2-year-old child.

I would like to have a little bit of privacy even without fly, so that we can change clothes in the tent. I saw Eureka Sunrise has zippers for windows, but I hesitate to buy it because it doesn't have a full fly. I am afraid it makes us wet in heavy rain.

Any recommendation?

We are not serious campers, just want to have fun in campgrounds.

I bought last years model of the Ozark trail family tent. I've taken my family camping twice with it so far and it has worked out great. The inside seperates into 3 seperate private rooms big enough for queen size air beds in each section. I love it. We got rained on once and it worked out fine. Just be sure to put a large tarp under neath it to keep in the heat and you will be just fine.

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What is a good tent for this situation?


I go on a trip every summer in the desert of New Mexico.The weather is hot in the day time, colder at night. But there is nights we have torrential downpour and super high winds which the winds continue into the next day which leave a blanket of dirt over everything in our tent. We had a Target brand tent last year and it worked well with the amount of rain we had. But it was too small for one cot and one sleeping bag. This year I am looking for one that's big enough for 2 people sleeping in cots, 2 suitcases, and enough room to change. Which usually means we get about a 6 person tent for 2 to fit well, but it was too small last year. Oh and I always spray the waterproofing all over every tent and the rain fly before going.

Also looked into the Coleman Weathermaster 10 (17x9) If anyone has used that one. I am not paying over about $220 for a tent either. Any suggestions?
No one on here is really paying attention to the fact I am not paying over about $220. I'm still in high school I don't have $600 dollars to shell out.
No one on here is really paying attention to the fact I am not paying over about $220. I'm still in high school I don't have $600 dollars to shell out.

The Coleman Weather-master is indeed a good tent, so is their instatent 8. However even with their weather-tec stay dry guarantee no large size tent will fair very well in heavy winds. If your camping in some place that has that type of consistent weather you would be better off with a lower profile 2-3 man dome style and sleep on air mattresses.

Tent placement will help you weather the windstorms so look to set your tent where you will get the best wind break from either land formations like boulders or plants and trees. Don't set a tent on the ridge line for example but well below it.

do you believe in the super natural if so why why, if not why ?

Q. vampires , lykin , ghosts , witches ......magick

One time on a camping trip I was walking back from the bathrooms at that moment right between day and night and I saw someone walk across the front of the site and stop behind a tree. So I figure one of the people is going to jump out and try to surprise me, so I pull out my flashlight, walk up to the tree, turn on the light, and there's no one there.

As a child the chandelier used to swing from side to side, and the radio would turn on by itself in the middle of the night.

One time I was alone in a house, and I felt a presence. I looked a mobile hanging motionless, and said, "If there is anyone else here, make the mobile spin." The next moment, the mobile began to spin.

One time I was driving into Ponca State Park to set up a large camping gathering, and the sides of the road were lined with spirits. All standing there, clearly visible to everyone, calmly welcoming us back.

On another camping trip, we felt a spirit near the bon-fire. We had a ring of 40 tiki-torches around the bonfire. It was a still and windless night, but all the tiki flames near the spirit bent in. One of the people in the circle had a fancy camera. After the campout she went to get the film developed, and all the photos from before the visitor turned out, but after that all the film was blank. She took the camera in to be repaired. The repairman asked if she'd been in a nuclear power plant. All the innards were fried from electromagnetism

My grandmother died while my niece was in utero. After my niece was born, she would look up at areas where no one was standing, and laugh and giggle. We all knew that she was looking at gramma, so we never showed her any pictures. Finally, at about a year old, she could speak, and my sister showed her the family photo album. My niece picked out her photo and said, "That's Old Gramma."

One time, on a camping trip, it was an especially magickal night. At some point, everyone in the camp noticed that something was missing, including a necklace from around one woman's neck. The area where we were camping was separate from any other areas and so no one came into the area. Suspecting activity of the Fae, everyone put out offerings, except for the woman who lost her necklace. She cursed the fairies. The next morning, everything was returned except the necklace. To this day, the necklace has never been found.

On another camping trip, I put my tent right in the middle of a natural faery ring. When I camp, I always have a flashlight with me at all times. The only place I could have lost it was in my tent, so I searched my tent, and the flashlight was not in there. Then I had two friends search the tent, and they couldn't find the flashlight. I put out offerings to the fae, and the next morning, the flashlight was back in my tent.

Another camp-out, We had a tarp structure in the most wind protected part of a wind protected valley. I've put up a lot of tarp structures, and it was put up very well. I've put up hundreds of tents and tarp structures, and I know what I'm doing. In and around the tarp structure where etched glass tealight holders on stands averaging about 4 feet high (it was beautiful). That night, the structure blew over (in a wind protected area) but when it fell, somehow it completely missed all of the etched glass. About mid way through the day, with no one anywhere near the structure, about half of it spontaneously stood back up.

Personally, I do spiritual healing with singing bowls. I play the bowl in someone's hand, and feel the vibrations as they extend through the person, and can tell them where the vibrations are and what they're doing.

I used to work with a Reiki master who could tell people many details about their lives while we were doing our energy work. Very specific things

many people drain those around them of life force, but there are some who can do it purposefully. They have the ability to reach out and drain a person's energy. They say it's better than caffeine.

I have a good friend who can do that. She's the only energy vampire I know who uses her power for good. She takes people's headaches. She also has an amazing ability to sense energies, making her one of the most powerful witches I know (I know a lot of witches who claim to be powerful, but very few who actually are). I have known her for many years and we are very close friends.

One time it was the dead of winter, she was sitting next to a window, and she felt someone looking at her. She looked and there was someone dressed in black with no color in their body sitting across the road, intently looking at her. She looked down for no more than five seconds, looked up again, and he was sitting on her side of the road, still intently looking at her. He was not dressed for the cold, but was not shivering at all. Just intense calm looking at her. She immediately closed the blinds realizing that she had just had an encounter with a real vampire. A real vampire and a kindred spirit. It probably wasn't a vampire like Dracula or what we see from Hollywood, but it was definitely something from outside of our mundane existence.

Most of what we think about werewolves was invented by Hollywood. The ancient myths involved people donning skins, invoking the spirit of the wolf, and losing their humanity. There's a woman called Lupa who lives in a national park and becomes a wolf nightly. I met her, and I saw her lose herself to the spirit of the wolf

Lupa was at a Pagan festival. She mostly kept to herself, except for at night when she would don the wolf pelt and dance around the fire, invoking the spirit of the wolf, giving up her humanity, losing herself to the spirit of the wolf. She was naked except for the wolf skin, and her body was lean and toned like a wolf. After she was finished dancing, she went off to do I know not what.

I heard that she was nineteen, but her face showed more years. She could speak, but rarely ever did. She might have been a bit feral

I had just gone through a shamanic vision quest to find and merge with my spirit animal, which was far more domesticated, so I was a bit leary of her, however it did give me a much greater insight into what she was doing. She was one of the most fascinating people at the festival, and for a Pagan festival, that's saying something.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A new baby, a toddler and two older children what to do?


Now that it's summer vacation I'm having a hard time thinking of stuff to do with the older children that the two little ones can enjoy as well. I'll be by myself (husband working) most days with 4 kids ages 11, 10, 2 and 4 months. We can't just stay home all the time or we'll all go crazy. I have the two older kids going to camp a few times a week but on the days they're not at camp I need some ideas that would be enjoyable for us all. We live by the ocean but I'm fearful of having the toddler and the baby by myself at the beach, same thing with the pool.

- i know by me there's a county zoo that's donation based, zoo's are good for all ages.

- google your town, county or state recreation and parks department and see if they have anything interesting, you'll at least find a few places to have a picnic or throw a ball around.

- go buy a $10 water game (slip and slide is still a surprising hit)

- check out Pinterest, there are so many crafty ideas posted, including my favorite one -

- break out the old school! my kids and I LOVE playing my original NES - sometimes they prefer it over the Wii and get just as excited about it as i did when i was their age. i'm sure there's something from your past you loved doing that they would love just as much.

- water balloons work for about 15 minutes, however, clean up of broken water balloons all over your yard lasts at least 30. ;) chalk a target on your garage door or side of the house to make it more fun.

- your kids wont like it, but i'm sure there's SOMETHING that needs to be reorganized. IDK about you but with my older girls that's an all day project i end with a glass of wine, but I at least feel accomplished when i look at it the next day.

- i know you're fearful of going to the beach with the 2 little ones, but keep in mind you have 2 older ones (god sents) that are capable of helping you carry stuff or the second eye if you need to get lunch ready and stuff. make sure they get a special thank you for helping out. :)

- sleepovers, play dates, the availability for "traditional weekend plans" just opened up to "any day" plans. dont forget the tent making in the living room!

- speaking of tents, throw one in the back yard and let the older ones sleep out there for a night.

either way, you'll def be outdoors so grab yourself the port-a-crib and a bug net to go over it and let the little guy hang out. Good luck!!

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

what is a good name for a new brand of peanut butter?


Salmonella Free!

Ok, just kidding. How about Big Top Peanut Butter. The jar would look like a circus tent and you could have a picture of an elephant with a spoonful of peanunt butter in it's trunk.

How to write a children's book about the six senses?? help please?

Q. For psychology, we have to write a children's book (preschool to kindergarten age) about the six senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, and kinisthesis). I was thinking about doing something about a kid whose family runs the circus. Any ideas on how to make that work? Or any ideas other than that? How could I incorporate the senses into a story? Thank you so much!

okayyy so i think that you should do the circus!!
because they can HEAR the music and SMELL the cotton candy/popcorn/whatever and SEE the big tent and FEEL the elephant's rough skin and TASTE the circus food!

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How to make/sew a Tunnel/Dome/Curved shape Tent (or other idea's) for Top Bunk Bed.?

Q. I NEED to make tents for my kids bunk bed.
The bottom bunk is a piece if cake.
I need to know how to make a tent for the top bunk.
I can sew no problem.
The problem i'm having is the poles... I don't know what to look for, what they are called, anything about flexible poles... Nothing!!
i have several idea's (please look at the links).
And NO i do not want it hanging from the ceiling downwards. Lol!

I'd suggest going to a camping goods store; tent poles can be purchased separate from the tents themselves - what you're looking for is "hoop-tent" poles. REI ( might be able to give you some information, or

Another option might be to go to a fabric store; believe it or not, some REALLY "old-timey" fabric stores still carry the stuff that was used for hoop skirts! Places that do work such as making vintage costumes would also have it - one of the best references for that might be Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Lastly, if the fabric that you're planning to use isn't heavy, you might check with gardening centers. They carry some stuff that is ordinarily used to make a "tent" over tender vegetable plants.

Hopefully one of those possibilities will do the job!

Does anyone have a bunk bed? Do you like it? Do your kids enjoy it? ?


I bought one the other day and I want to feel good about my investment. I thought it would be a space saver and fun for my kids.
The ladder is actually on each side of the bunk. so there is no ladder hanging off, they will climb up and down the sides.

they are a great space saver, and great if you have 2 kids sharing a room, or they have a freind for an overnight

A couple cautions: ceiling fans & bunk beds do not mix. I'm a designer and just this summer we had to remove fans from kids rooms cause they got too close.

Also if your kids a restless sleeper, they could roll out of the top bunk. Also make sure the ladder is super secure.

Some fun things to do: tuck sheets or curtain panels under the top mattress to make a "tent" or fort for the bottom bunk. If its for one kid, the top could be solely for sleeping and the bottom banked out with pillows and stuffed animal for playing.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Any family tent camping groups in southern California?


Have a 4 and 5 year old who enjoy camping. I am wondering if there is a family oriented camping group in southern California.

The YMCA, Boys/girls club, Boy Scouts of America are all active family outdoor organizations at 4-5 that's on the young side for camping related activities with these groups but they do have family camps where the whole family can attend camp together. Calvary Chapel Costa mesa also has a family camping group and also has a family summer camp where they cater to young families such as yours as well. here is the info for that

Tents for family camping?


Does anyone know where I could buy a tent ( online or in store ) that would be fire retardant FREE . ..?
I really need a new tent but I want to get one with no fire retardants.

I believe most tents have fire retardant. Your best bet would be one of the canvas tent suppliers. They make tepees and period tents from canvas and some are made to order. I'll bet they make a tent and then add the fire retardant. They would probably be the mfg. that has what you require.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

What is this called? Tent Question? Want to make my own tent for the kids but...?

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What is this flexible wire called that is used for these kind of tents... and where do i find them. Thanks.

Hi Ryu, cool name btw

Those are widely known as playtents, igloo tents, or just childrens tents. You should be able to get them from any good toy store and some are sold with the tube and other accessories.

Here's a link to try to make your own [follow the highlighted link]:

Heres some more inspiration:

I dont know what country you're from but I''l try my best to show you where to buy them:

Try a google search for you own country:

Hope i helped a bit :)



How do you make an indoor tent?

Luigi fan

I wanna make an indoor tent with my bed cuz my real tent broke and my freind's coming over and we were ganna camp...
Please answer my question!

"Tents donât necessarily have to go outdoors. You can make a fun indoor tent thatâs collapsible and will give the kids hours of enjoyment. This tent doesnât need any stakes but you will have to have plenty of fabric.
How To Make A Collapsible Indoor TentSheets can be used to make curtains, tablecloths, and yes, even tents.

Consider sheets instead of other material, since theyâre inexpensive and easy to work with, for this project.

Five twin sheets will make an excellent tent. You can purchase fabric, though, in smaller yardage than the sheets, if youâd like a shorter or smaller tent. Working with sheets makes it easier, since you donât have to measure and cut each side of the tent.

Consider how much floor space you can spare for the tent. Remember that the tent is easily collapsible if it needs to be moved in a hurry. Measure out the amount of space youâre willing to give the tent, then cut a sheet or piece of fabric to that size, allowing a couple extra inches on each side for hemming, and making sure to cut the piece in a perfect square. If one end of the sheet is already hemmed, do not add the extra inches for that side.

The square piece, upon being completely hemmed, becomes the top of the tent. Each of the four remaining sheets will become a side of the tent. Stitch the first sheet onto one side of the tent, at the very top edge. Allow the edge of the tent top to barely hang over the top edge of the sheet. Continue this until you have three sides sewn onto the tent. For the fourth side of the tent, cut the sheet in half, lengthways, then hem the cut edges. Sew the sheet onto the tent, making the fourth side, including a doorway. Make tabs and sew one on the top section and one on the bottom section of each sheet edge. These are used to tie the sides shut.

In order to hang the collapsible tent insert four eye hooks into the ceiling. To make the tent collapse out of the way of guests, insert two of the eye hooks next to the top ceiling molding. The four hooks should align with the four corners of the tent top.
String wire through the tent at all four corners. Wad the wire into a ball shape at each end, inside the tent, to keep it from coming out when hung. String the wire up to the eye hooks, making sure to get the tent top level and even. Simply wrap the wire around the eye hook and itâll hang until ready to collapse.

To collapse the tent just undo the front two wires. To remove the tent completely, just remove all four wires from the eye hooks. The tent is easy to hang again, and the kids will have a blast when they play in it."

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Good tent ideas for baby?


Hi I am trying to find some of the portable tents i can get for my 5 month old cause we are going away to the beach in a few weeks and trying to find one that i can use for that and if u know of any what stores have them thanks so much.

We used to go to the beach when our kids were babies. We'd take their porta-crib (pack-n-play) and use a large beach umbrella to keep them in the shade. I am grandma now and I bought a pack-n-play that came with a cover - very nice for the beach and camping, too. I've seen some beach tents at Target so I imagine most of those types of stores like K-Mart or Wal-Mart would probably have them, too. Also, try a sporting goods store. We have Dunham's in our area and they carry that type of thing, too. I have also seen them on eBay. You want to only get the kind of tent that is specifically designed for the beach as the type of tent that you would use for camping, such as a small dome tent is not made out of the right material and does not have the right ventilation for the beach. Having been a tenting family for years, camping tents are incredibly hot inside when the sun is shining on them. You don't want to use this type of tent at the beach - your baby will overheat in it.

How to put away the discovery kids princess castle?


This is what it is

but I removed the rods from the tent but cant figure out how to put it away in its little pouch. I googled everywhere for instructions but nothing! Help!

I haven't seen instructions anywhere online, but there is a great video on Home Shopping Network (HSN) that will show you how to fold and unfold it. It's a little on the long side, but you should get the hang of it after only one watching:

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do u think a camping tent could be used as a cheap playhouse for kids?


i was thinking of getting a playhouse but dont want to spend alot of money,a gazebo i dont think would be strong enough for windy rainy weather conditions so i have been wondering if a large tent would be suitable? thanx

An inexpensive tent would make a good play house for your kids when the weather is decent. If the weather is windy and raining, your children belong *indoors* in the house where it is safe. I once set up a tent in my back yard after a camping trip, to clean it and let it air out for a few days. My children loved playing in it while it was set up in the yard.

One evening a thunderstorm swept through the area very quickly. Of course the children were inside our home during the storm. The tent was still standing after the storm, the wind or rain did not budge the tent......but lightning had shattered one of the poles of the tent. If my kids had been in that tent during that storm, they would most likely have died.

coleman kids dome tent?

Q. can you close the netting so that no air gets out?
im painting my room and i need a cheap one and i can fit in that one. and i can make it cool if it zips.
so where it has the mesh material does it zip up so no air gets out?
or is there any other one like under 20$ that can zip?
at academy, walmart, target?
can you put a double bed in it?

Get a pup tent. They don't have mesh vents. You know, the small triangular type that look like army tents or old boy scout tents. I think academy carries them, and they are usually cheap.

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