Friday, May 30, 2014

What is your opinion on these items for a wedding?


I was at the store last night to pick up some finishing items for the wedding. As i had a cart full of things, I wondered what the heck was I going to do with them after the wedding. I'm wondering what people thought about these items if you used them for your wedding. Were they a waste of money? Or were they something that made your reception complete. We are not having budget problems, but I don't want to waste money either. Sorry the list is long

The floral bouquet to carry down the aisle, what is a good price if you're not into flowers? Is it really necessary?

The container to put wedding favors in? I'm was going with Chinese take-out boxes wrapped in blue ribbon filled with Ghirardelli chocolate. Does anyone really care about the containers besides the bride? Will any chocolate do like Andes or kisses.

Disposable cameras for the tables? We'll have the photographer for the entire day. Do we need the disposable cameras also.

Did anyone sign the guest book? I heard not so good things about people only getting five or six signatures

Bride and Groom toasting flutes? We have china at home, don't know why we need special toasting flutes.

The serving set with the knife to cut the cake? After you cut the cake, did this collect dust in a box at in the closet...what else would you do with this?

The kissing bells to hold the escort cards. Will one bell per table work and the escort cards can be tent style instead.

Menu cards on each place setting? The meal is pretty basic, soup/salad, pasta, chicken, starch, veggie and sorbet. Then cake for dessert

Programs for the ceremony? Did people just leave those behind at the chapel?

Great question! The truth is most of the stuff you listed is not really necessary and to be quite honest, quite passe as most people do not that anymore. Here is my take:

The floral bouquet.:
You can substitute flowers for other things if you do not want to carry flowers. My flower bouquet cost $150 and that is about average. I've seen lovely bouquets here made out of buttons, feathers, even christmas tree balls. For inspiration go to or upbeatbride.con for unconventional and DIY ideas.

The container to put wedding favors in.
I particularly care about presentation, so I say this is a keeper. Any chocolate will do although Girardehli sounds very nice.

Disposable cameras for the tables
NOT necessary and a waste of money. That is so 80's/ With the boom of digital photography, everyone will share their pics with you. Also, disposable cameras are made of recycled film and produce low quality pictures. Most of the time, the kids will get a hold of them or the drinks. 90% of the pictures will be a complete waste and you will spend a ton of money on low quality pictures. Do not do it.

Did anyone sign the guest book? Most people forget to sign it and no one ever opens that book again. Spare yourself the cost and skip it, no one will miss it. You can substitute if you would like with contemporary alternatives such as a wishing well, a picture frame signed by your guest etc.

Bride and Groom toasting flutes
Not needed. You can use the ones that you already have at home or borrow some and save.

The serving set with the knife to cut the cake? Not needed. Use the one that you venue provides or borrow one from someone that whose it's collecting dust in the closet. Do not waste your money on this.

The kissing bells to hold the escort cards.
Bells are SOO passe and so 80's. No one does that anymore. Skip them. only 1 in 15 weddings that I've attended has had them and no one rang them.

Menu cards on each place setting
Unless you are having an elaborate menu with different entrees, you do not need it.

Programs for the ceremony? No one ever keeps them or picks them up. They will be left on the tables.

Good luck

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