Friday, September 27, 2013

a glow stick opened all over our trailer lino..does anyone know how to remove?

kids tent glow in the dark on Coleman Glow-in-the-Dark Tent
kids tent glow in the dark image


We have a tent trailer and one of the kids glow sticks got a hole in it and dripped all over the lino floor. Now the floor glows yellow in those spots..we have tried vim and sos but nothing seems to work. We want to sell the trailer and don't think this will be a good selling feature...please help!!!

yeah those things are horrible my son broke one it went all over a playstation game and on his carpet..the carpet was a two foot high hump that eventually went also got in his eyes which we got that out..the game was trash the carpet it was dark blue so you couldnt see it on the top but it was stained on the bottom when we removed bet replace the lino...i dont think there is anything that gets it could try goo gone or goof off..found in walmart hardware depts.

School's out today! What to do with a 6 & 8 year old during the summer?


I have a 6 y/o girl and 8 y/o boy and live in the Inland Empire, CA. (North of Orange County) I'm looking for ideas for the summer. Right now I'm planning on one trip to Disneyland/California Adventure before our passes black out. My sis wants to take them to the Discovery Science Center. Swim lessons for 2 weeks in July. Crafts on the way include glow-in-the-dark bug shirts and memory books. Any other ideas?
One more caveat -- my 8 y/o deals with high-functioning autism so some things like day camp are probably out. (He's verbal and well behaved most of the time but has some language processing delays)

Hi. I have an 8, 13, 17 & 19 year old!! Summer is truly the most expensive, tiring and FUN time of the year for us.

We've manged to get thru many by structuring our days. I try to divide the day and limit certain activities to time slots. My kids are NOT allowed tv, video games or computer from 10-5. Crazy, I know.

6-9am : Mom's quiet time. (I start the day ALONE to drink coffee and gear up for the day). My kids sleep in so it works.
9-10am: Breakfast, get dressed and make beds.
10-12 Outdoor play. ie: bike ride, water play, walk our dog, park time, etc.
12-1: Lunch. The kids help plan the meals, prepare and clean up.
1-3: Arts & Crafts. Mix up activities so not the same two days in a row. Painting, stamping, paper machet, baking, build a tent, etc.
3-4: Chores!
4-5: Back outside. We bring out the sidewalk chalk and make obsticle courses to follow, trails, math problems, just have fun.
5-6:30: Mom cooks and kids can watch tv or play video games.
6:30: Dinner. My kids earn tokens for eating new things and helping clean up.
7:30 Baths, spend time w/family and watch tv together. We try to do family game night once a week.
10: BED!

This schedule gets us thru the day to day stuff, but we have a great time going to Water Parks( we buy an annual pass so we don't pay everytime we go), Nature Centers, Movies and we're looking forward to the Drive Ins!

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