Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Activities to do when your babysitting all day?

kids tent you draw on on Whimsical Raindrop Cottage
kids tent you draw on image


I know we are probably going to watch a movie and play some bored games, but I'm not sure what else to do. This is my first time babysitting these kids, but they do know me well. There is one boy, who is about 7 years old. And a girl who is about 10 years old. I'm babysitting from early morning to about dinner time. So I need a lot of things to do! Thanks :)
Also, please provide serious answers, thank you.

I usually do baking when I babysit, but you have to make sure it's okay with the parents first (some can be funny about that stuff) and you have to be so, so careful with hot things and the children. Obviously. Oh yeah, someone else mentioned allergies, you need to check about that first too.

Are you allowed to take them out of the house? Some parents don't mind, others do. If they don't mind, take them to the park or even just for a walk somewhere if you get really desperate. Or you could play a few games with them in the garden (if there is one).

A few of the families I babysit for regularly have a set list of things the children need to/like to do.. like one family insists that they do school work for an hour and another mother likes for her children to do crafts. Check with the parents and see if there's anything specific.

I babysit for younger children than you are babysitting most of the time and we usually play fantasy games like dress-up princesses or pirates + dragons, ect and they seem to like it. But they are between the ages of 3 and 7.

I'll do a little list of the things you could do because i've rambled a bit;
1)Play board games
2) watch a film
3) Go to the park
4) Do some baking (and get them to help decorate too, it makes the process longer and more fun)
5) School work/craft (or parent specified activity)
6) Do some drawing/colouring
7) Make a tent/den out of sheets, and read a story under there, children love this! Make sure you clear it up after though.
8) Let them help you make their food (if ti isn't pre-prepared)
9) Play dress up? I don't know, you could try it.

what are some great things you could use for camp but there not really expensive?

miss quest

My kids are going to camp this weekend and my husband and i are not going with them. What are some great stuff i could buy them on camp and not that expensive?

Water bottles with their names on them.

Fanny packs to carry snacks, whatever.

Disposable cameras to capture the weekend.

Flashlights for each.

Glow sticks for them to use in their tent at night, so they won't be scared.

A notepad and pencil so they can draw or journal for entertainment.

A book for bedtime. A deck of cards. A small stuffed animal to keep them company.

A snuggly fleece blanket to keep them warm.

Travel toothbrush, comb, and soap in a box.

Plastic cage to capture bugs or whatever.

Fieldbook of local birds, rocks and minerals, plants, whatever.

A ball to get up a game of kickball.

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