Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I am homeless and I don't know where else to turn for help, any ideas?

kids tent bedroom on Kids Bedroom Decorating Ideas | Lifestyle Luxury
kids tent bedroom image


I am a single mother of two wonderful boys ages 12 & 4. We were evicted after I lost my income this passed year. I was a crying mess when my boys and I checked into a shelter here in town. My Dr decided to add to my anti-depressant that I was on by giving me Abilify. She said it would have some side effects but to give it time for my system to adjust. Well after explaining to the Women in charge of the homeless shelter the reason I felt woozy or seemed extremely tired was due to the newness of this medication, she didn't believe a word I said and kicked my boys and I out into a wintery blizzard day this passed February. We had been there for three nights! Not only did she kick us to the curb she called Child Protective Services to find out where we went to and rescue my children from a strung out mother who they assumed was doing crack or meth or cocaine! Of course a lady named Em from CPS found us staying with my mother in her very small one bedroom apartment the next day or so. I told her what had happened but also what was really going on. She offered me a chance to do a drug screening to help prove that I in fact don't do drugs. I was happy to so rite there we did a drug test and waited about 2 weeks until the results came back from a lab. Of course Negative just as I knew it would. However after staying with my mom has been challenging due to my sons allergies and my other son being allergic to flea bites. This has all just got worse now that 2 of my moms 5 cats had kittens! Each mom cat had 6 kittens bringing the total up to 17 of them! My oldest son can barely breath when he wakes up in the morning, & my youngest had flea bites on his face, back, stomach, legs & everywhere! Each flea bite swells up to a big red lump or welt that takes up to a week to stat to fade. He can't handle it no one should have to! I was just told by CPS that my solution of sleeping in a tent with my kids needs to come to an end now. Due to the cold weather. And I agree totally. But we have no where to go. The pullout couch in my moms little place that we had been on is now covered in fleas! To bomb the fleas is pointless seen as she lets her cats in and out of the house whenever and with the air quality even worse from kitten pee and poo the smell is to me border line toxic! I can not subject my kids to that! I have called shelters from Traverse City, Ludington, Cadillac & Manistee, they are all full. If someone would or could help us get on our feet and into a place of our own I will not stop until I find us a home. I am currently waiting on a judgement from court about how much child support we should be receiving or if they are gong to make my boys dad pay any of the 18 grand in back child support that he owes. But that is a whole other can of worms I'll open on a different question. As for my question, Is there any help out there that I'm not aware of or haven't already tried yet? I'll try about anything so please send me any suggestions or phone numbers of anyone who can help us find a home. Also I don't even know if anyone will ever read this but if you have, thank you for your time & My life is a mess but I just need someone out there to help me and give me a chance to raise my sons to be strong and respectful with roots from a stable and secure home. Thank you, Sara Cross - Mother of Two

Weird responders so far. One seems sane, one is a religiously oriented slightly zealotous person, and one is just a jerk who is a waste of space and planet resources. Pity the last. He's brain damaged.

Now, there's no way to try to put a positive spin on your situation. That said, most cities have multiple churches that have resources allocated for people in emergency situations like yours. If you have telephone availability, that's one of the first things I'd check. Some emergency service groups are desperate to serve people but also desperate for people to help serve. That can be a 'barter' sort of arrangement that will get you off the streets or filthy digs at least till something else turns up. I assume you've reached out to relatives both near and distant? I also assume that the father of the children is not available for child support, even if it's enforced temporary remuneration for what had been unpaid to date...perhaps a lein on his paycheck? That's a legal issue and would need a lawyer to address, but there are legal aid societies that give free legal assistance.

I pray something has helped you here. If not, then please just accept my prayers.

Dr. D

What low-cost, low energy things can I do with my kids this summer?

it's just

I'm tight on cash, struggle with depression and have injuries in both feet. So summer camps are out, things that take a lot of energy to plan won't happen and I can't play physically with them until I heal. I want them to still have fun though. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

They are girls, ages 10 and 5.

Why don't you put up a tent in the living room! or get the girls to decorate a bedroom as tho it was a tent! i love that idea! im going to do that with my 7 year old daughter. Have lots of pillows, sleeping bags.. you all sleep in there! it's mad! Play games! make some home made pizzas (just use english muffins as the base) Get the girls to put on their Fav. toppings. Tell them stories. I think it's a great way to have fun and not pay much at all!

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