Monday, September 23, 2013

Can you recommend a gift for a 5yr old boy? This is my friend's son.?

kids tent habitat on The Coolest Treehouse/Trampoline/Swing/Tent Ever | e-Expeditions
kids tent habitat image


I asked my friend what her son wants for his birthday but she wont tell me.

Id go with a generic toy rather than a character specific one. since she wont tell u what he's into.
rc cars
bug habitat
sports stuff - basketball, football, roller skates
play doh finger paint (she'll love u for either of these )
pool toys
indoor pop up tent
aqua doodle
sock em bop ems (especially if he has siblings)
I wouldn't go with clothes unless it has a character on them that u know he likes. anyway kids (especially boys) aren't too excited about getting clothes on there birthday

My mom won't let me help my tortoise!?


My brother has abandoned the tort he got when he was 9 and im the only one in the house who gives a sh*t bout him anymore. He is a red foot and bout 9 inches long. Ok, the pet store told us his skin is ok if it gets dry and that is normal. after he outgrew his first habitat, we built him a tortoise table. Then I looked up how to care for him, and now know he needs it very humid. My mom refuses o get him a bigger water dish(He can barley sit in the one he has) and just put a small filter in it to keep it clean. She also will not replace a rock area with fake moss or soil..or something that will hold humidity better than rocks b/c she does not want him to get dirty if there is soil there when he gets out of his water bowl. He has horrible pyramiding, sores on his skin, his eye looks inflamed today(My mom says she could not see anything, even though it was painfully obvious!) and his enclosure is bone dry no matter how often I water it, she also does not want to put anything on top until my dad comes home from a Business trip and figures out something. He comes home in a week and will prolly figure out something and then maybe start building it in a few weeks, I just want something temporary so he will be happy. I just don't know what to do, my mom insists nothing seems wrong with him, but he looks horrible to me, and we are taking care of him all wrong!!!! Hes gonna die if he keeps living like thins and I feel like crap for not doing anyhting.....but I can't b/c my mom won't let me!!

im only 13....and ym daad always takes my moms side, but I have not talked to him yet.

This is a pretty common- young kid gets pet they cannot care for properly for some reason, and it gets passed on to someone else who feels stuck.

OK, you have a few choices...

1.) Give it away. I would bet there is someone near you who would be able to give it a good home. Try or for a start- they both have adoption areas.

2. In the meantime, try to make things better. Cover the turtle table with a plastic sheet to help hold the heat and humidity you do have in there. Try to prop it up with whatever you have- a box, stool, whatever. If possible, have a heat source, like a lamp, under the sheet. You can boost humidity by using a humidifier in the room, or putting a container of water with a sponge in it under the tent, etc.

3. Even if you cannot humidify the whole table, you can make a humid hide- take a plastic box, like a shoebox, put the lid on, turn it upside own, put some absorbent material in it (even an old face towel), dampen the material, and park it in a warm place in the table.

4. Treat the things that are wrong with it. Soak it in shallow, warm water for about 10-15 minutes at a time, ideally a couple times a day to start. Crush up a vitamin to sprinkle on the food, and some calcium if you have any calcium supplements around. If the weather allows, let it sun and graze.

I am sorry you are in this situation. You might try printing out or bookmarking some good info to show your dad.

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