Thursday, September 26, 2013

What is the craziest/funnest thing you've ever done in your life?

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And did this happen when you were young, High School/college, or as an adult? (I just have all kinds of weird questions brewing in my noggin haha)

The craziest thing I have ever done was a wet t-shirt contest in Daytona on spring break my senior year of high school. I had sex in a bathroom at Disenyworld when I was 20. My boyfriend had his shoes off, and this little kid asked his dad why the man in the stall had his shoes off, and the dad said never mind that

The funniest thing was when I was on a class trip to a school for the mentally handicapped, I slipped on the wet floor by the pool, and all the mentally handicapped kids pointed and yelled RETARD RETARD, and they were laughing at me. It was so funny. Also one time at the beach me and my friends would run down the beach and then when we got close to people we would fall down and act like it was accident. Also, one time we put dog poop in a couple purses and we took the purses to Walmart and burger king and gave them to employees and told them we had found someone's purse. When they opened it up to look for the person's ID they would get all grossed out. It was soooo funny at the time. Now I'm old and think it's gross, but it was funny when I was young.

I just remembered another thing. When I first got married my husband and I went camping. We bought a tent, that was on sale. When we set it up it was just this little tiny tent. So my husband and I had had to sleep with our feet and legs sticking out of the tent. The camp ground was crowded with people, so the next morning when we woke up this little kid was just standing by our feet. He said my tent is bigger then your tent, and then he just ran away.

How can I spend the rest of my summer...

Q. in a fun & interesting way? I have no plans except to hang out with a couple of friends, go shopping, watch a movie, and go to camp on the last few days. But other than that, anyone have any fun ideas?

How about a hike through a woods or a park and just for fun, pack a picnic lunch and stop near an old tree and rest awhile.

Have a bonfire in the back yard and tell ghost stories.

Have a neighborhood fry-out and everyone bring enough for their own family and a dish to pass.

Set up the camping tent in the back yard and rough-it at home.

Have a scavenger hunt with all of the neighborhood kids, but make sure that they only go to the houses of people they know. Or you can have them only look for things at home and around the yard.

Enjoy a day at the museum!

Go to rummage sales or flea markets and look for treasures.

Have a rummage sale and get rid of all of the clutter around the house.

Keep a summer scrapbook.

Start a flower garden.

Read that book you have been putting off.

Spend time just pampering yourself having a home day at the spa!

Take up a new hobby. (For example this summer I learned to weave beaded bracelets.)

(I hope that helps keep you having fun!!!)

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