Saturday, May 10, 2014

What is the best family camping tent? Experienced campers are needed!


I would like to purchase a family camping tent for my husband and kids - only problem, I don't know ANYTHING about camping! I know I would like a 2 or 3 room tent, but I would like to be able to stand up in the side rooms. Some of the tents I have looked at it appears that you must "crawl" into the side tents. Is this a common thing? Also what do you suggest I purchase as necessities along with the tent? Sleeping bags, cots, stove? Any help is greatly appreciated, again I have never in my life camped so this is completely new to me.

What are some things that you find essential for camping? Things that you don't leave home without???



Camping Checklist (compliments of
Shelter and Bedding (essentials)
__ tent
__ tarp
__ sleeping bag
__ sleeping pad
__ headrest

Cooking and Dining (essentials)
__ water
__ food
__ cooler
__ camp stove
__ mess kit
__ can opener
__ charcoal

__ t-shirts
__ shorts
__ jeans/pants
__ socks
__ shoes/boots
__ camp shoes
__ hat/cap
__ sweater
__ rain poncho
__ underwear
__ swim suit
__ laundry bag
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________

Personal Hygiene
__ tooth brush
__ tooth paste
__ wash rag(s)
__ towel(s)
__ soap
__ comb/brush
__ nail clippers
__ razor
__ toilet paper
__ _____________
__ _____________ Shelter and Bedding (optionals)
__ book
__ cot
__ comforter
__ throw rug
__ pillow

Cooking and Dining (optionals)
__ charcoal chimney
__ smoker
__ Dutch oven
__ hot dog sticks
__ pie irons
__ chairs
__ folding table
__ table cloth
__ butane lighter
__ screen room

Cleaning Items
__ broom
__ dust pan
__ whisk broom
__ lawn rake
__ dish pan
__ detergent
__ dish rags
__ ppt scrubber

First Aid Kit
__ personal medication
__ bandages
__ aspirin, Tylenol
__ medical tape
__ sterile gauze
__ elastic wrap
__ antiseptic wipes
__ antibiotic cream
__ burn ointment
__ sunburn lotion
__ hydrogen peroxide
__ scissors
__ tweezers
__ eye wash
__ sanitary napkins
__ snake bite kit Chuck Box
__ salt and pepper
__ herbs and spices
__ cooking oil
__ pot holders
__ paper towels
__ napkins
__ plastic trash bags
__ tongs and spatula
__ aluminum foil
__ measuring cups
__ plastic silverware
__ paper plates/bowls
__ plastic cups
__ zip lock bags
__ knives
__ cutting board
__ cork screw

Miscellaneous Items
__ binoculars
__ bird guide
__ bug spray
__ bungi cords
__ camera
__ candles
__ cards, games
__ cell phone
__ clothes pins
__ compass
__ duct tape
__ fishing gear
__ flashlight
__ frisbee
__ GPS
__ kites
__ knife
__ lantern
__ matches
__ pen and paper
__ rope
__ shower bag
__ sun block
__ tools
__ water filters
__ whistle

Any family tent camping groups in southern California?


Have a 4 and 5 year old who enjoy camping. I am wondering if there is a family oriented camping group in southern California.

The YMCA, Boys/girls club, Boy Scouts of America are all active family outdoor organizations at 4-5 that's on the young side for camping related activities with these groups but they do have family camps where the whole family can attend camp together. Calvary Chapel Costa mesa also has a family camping group and also has a family summer camp where they cater to young families such as yours as well. here is the info for that

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so we are planning a big camping trip next summer ,?


and we are taking my nephews that never been b4,should we camp in tents or rent trailer or rent cabin,which one do you think they would have most fun...btw their ages are 9,12.

I would go tent camping. There is nothing like it. Im 14 and i love tent camping the most. also what we did with my neighbors and children is go to a lake where you use your boat to get to your camp site & we always stay on the island.

Who makes the largest camping tent?


looking for a Huge camping tent...TALL/BIG FAMILY

Coleman makes some big ones and they have good quality. Here is a link to their home page.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

coleman kids dome tent?

Q. can you close the netting so that no air gets out?
im painting my room and i need a cheap one and i can fit in that one. and i can make it cool if it zips.
so where it has the mesh material does it zip up so no air gets out?
or is there any other one like under 20$ that can zip?
at academy, walmart, target?
can you put a double bed in it?

Get a pup tent. They don't have mesh vents. You know, the small triangular type that look like army tents or old boy scout tents. I think academy carries them, and they are usually cheap.

Tent Camping on the Beach?


Has anyone ever camped on the beach?
I am considering taking the kids up to Lake Erie to camp on the beach there.
I don't have a "special" beach tent. I want to use my smaller nylon dome tent.
Will I have trouble with this?

Do not need any "special tent". We are using a 2 man pop up camping tent(link below) and it work well for beach camping.Wind can and will be a problem. We actuall had one of those canopies get away from us in some high winds at the beach , but that was just a daytime setup. I imagine the wind gets pretty rough there, unless you can get back and out of it somehow. if there{s a lot of night wind the tarps can get pretty noisy. Try to find a sheltered are if there is any. But beach camping is great fun and pretty comfortable. You might need to empty the tent and shake out excess sand every day or two though. Night time may not be so bad though.

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What are the better quality family camping tents?


We would like to purchase a camping tent for the family. I am not too keen on dome tents as I am 6' tall and do not want to crawl around inside the tent. There are three of us but a fourth, mother in-law, may join us from time to time. We are not hard core backpackers so will be mostly staying in campsites for now. I want something easy to assemble. We are on somewhat of a budget so nothing over $500. However, we do not want to buy a cheap piece of junk either. Your help would be greatly appreciated

Big Agnes, Marmot, Kelty, Sierra Designs and Eureka are great brands that make excellent family tents for under $500. You can do so much better with that kind of money than a Coleman. Coleman is OK if you have a smaller budget, but if you can afford quality by having aluminum poles, better material and water proofing, vestibules, and all that, go for it. You'll have it a long time as long as it is cared for and stored properly.

camping tents?

rosemary j

what are some good quality camping tents

The best are made by a company called The North Face, but can be quite expensive. We camp all the time, and have a Coleman family tent, an Ozark Trail tent (from Wal-mart, I think made by Coleman), and an REI back-packer's 2-man tent. If you have any sporting goods store nearby (Bass Pro Shop has an excellent assortment), go in and talk to a sales person. Keep in mind that the size of the tent (how many people it sleeps) is a very crowded fit. For 4 people to be comfy, with duffelbags inside, you really need an 8-person tent. Keep in mind, too, seasonality, the type of material the floor is made of (you don't want it to tear if you have to put it up on a gravel or rocky area), and weight.

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coleman kids dome tent?

Q. can you close the netting so that no air gets out?
im painting my room and i need a cheap one and i can fit in that one. and i can make it cool if it zips.
so where it has the mesh material does it zip up so no air gets out?
or is there any other one like under 20$ that can zip?
at academy, walmart, target?
can you put a double bed in it?

Get a pup tent. They don't have mesh vents. You know, the small triangular type that look like army tents or old boy scout tents. I think academy carries them, and they are usually cheap.

Camping this weekend - with kids?


tent camping 5yr old and 3 yr old. Going with another family also. We've been before but love to refresh my mind about the little things Im gonna foget.
easy foods, snacks, games...ect..??

Make sure the kids have a way to get to their own snacks and drinks while you are walking. Little bags of trail mix can be customized - cheerios and pretzels for one, cheetos and peanuts for the get the idea.

Make sure they have something to do other than just walk - a game like 'find the squirrel' or "who can find the most different leaves" is fun and educational - so long as you aren't in a rush.

When mine get tired I use my walking stick and play "little engine" - have them grab one end of the stick and move it in a circle like a train's wheels "I think I can, I think I can" will get the tiredest kids moving and get their minds off being tired - for a minute anyway.

Have a plan for rain! Gear up and take some imagination toys - dolls, action figures whatever the kids like.

Around the campsite the kids might like to make "fairy houses". Use sticks, acorns, bark, leaves and other found items to make little homes that can just decorate the might be surprised how creative the kids can be.

Take a small "boo-boo" kit - neosporin, Dora bandaids, etc.

Give the kids jobs at dinner time or set-up time - carry water, hand you tent stakes, gather wood, etc. They'll be under your feet otherwise.

Make sure the kids have a whistle around their neck just in case they wander off - they can blow a whistle louder and longer than they can yell.

Let the kids each have a flashlight at bedtime - it's fun and makes them feel safer. Show them how it works and take extra batteries - they'll probably leave it on all night.

I'm leaving out all the regular stuff - food, sunscreen, bug spray, toothbrush/toothpaste, stuffed animal to sleep with, tent, clean undies, etc. I'm assuming that bit is covered. Just sharing some things we do when we camp.

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

I need some advice for tent/beach camping, with a dog and a child in Northern Oregon.?


Going to the Oregon Coast this weekend for some camping. Anyone recommend some good camp spots - beach accessible? Will be camping with boyfriend, dog and child. Thanks!

There are some great campsites in Seaside. That is a great place to go camping, as there is a boardwalk there with games and rides. We went camping there about 3 years ago and had the time of our lives. Unfortunately, I do not recall the name of the campground, but I found it on It was within a mile or two of the ocean. Definitely the place to go in the Northern coast area. Skip Lincoln City-it's over hyped and the only thing that is there is the outlets malls.

Newport would be another great place to go but I have only stayed in a hotel there. It's my favorite place to go on the coast, but is about 3 hrs south of Seaside. You can access the beach, there's the Oregon Coast Aquarium, The Hatfield Marine Science Aquarium, Nye Beach, The Bay front area that has the Wax Works Museum, The Undersea Gardens, and Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

I have never been there, but there is a OHV riding area by Tillamook, known as Sand Lake. This is probably your best bet for beach camping. Very few campgrounds are located right on the beach in Oregon, but the ones that are, are usually private, members only places or at the Dunes Recreation Area in Lane and Douglas County.

Good Luck and have fun.

10 day camping trip?!?

Q. I am planning out a 10 day camping trip for Christmas Break or summer vacation. I live in Maryland (Severn to be exact). I am going with my friends, and it is going to be all gals. I'm 15, and the other girls are 15, 15, and 18. I know you might think we are young, and we will probably have an adult with us, but if we WERE to go, where would be a good camping spot and when would be a good time?
Oh and one more friend i forgot to add. She's 15 also.

Well child, december is not an ideal time for camping in a tent, maybe an rv but still not wise. Now perhaps you can get a cabin rental and that would be a nice winter retreat. Also most campgrounds shut down for the winter season reducing your options further. Here is a link to making campground reservations, you will want a site that offers electric hook ups so you can use a heater.

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