Thursday, May 8, 2014

I need some advice for tent/beach camping, with a dog and a child in Northern Oregon.?


Going to the Oregon Coast this weekend for some camping. Anyone recommend some good camp spots - beach accessible? Will be camping with boyfriend, dog and child. Thanks!

There are some great campsites in Seaside. That is a great place to go camping, as there is a boardwalk there with games and rides. We went camping there about 3 years ago and had the time of our lives. Unfortunately, I do not recall the name of the campground, but I found it on It was within a mile or two of the ocean. Definitely the place to go in the Northern coast area. Skip Lincoln City-it's over hyped and the only thing that is there is the outlets malls.

Newport would be another great place to go but I have only stayed in a hotel there. It's my favorite place to go on the coast, but is about 3 hrs south of Seaside. You can access the beach, there's the Oregon Coast Aquarium, The Hatfield Marine Science Aquarium, Nye Beach, The Bay front area that has the Wax Works Museum, The Undersea Gardens, and Ripley's Believe It Or Not.

I have never been there, but there is a OHV riding area by Tillamook, known as Sand Lake. This is probably your best bet for beach camping. Very few campgrounds are located right on the beach in Oregon, but the ones that are, are usually private, members only places or at the Dunes Recreation Area in Lane and Douglas County.

Good Luck and have fun.

10 day camping trip?!?

Q. I am planning out a 10 day camping trip for Christmas Break or summer vacation. I live in Maryland (Severn to be exact). I am going with my friends, and it is going to be all gals. I'm 15, and the other girls are 15, 15, and 18. I know you might think we are young, and we will probably have an adult with us, but if we WERE to go, where would be a good camping spot and when would be a good time?
Oh and one more friend i forgot to add. She's 15 also.

Well child, december is not an ideal time for camping in a tent, maybe an rv but still not wise. Now perhaps you can get a cabin rental and that would be a nice winter retreat. Also most campgrounds shut down for the winter season reducing your options further. Here is a link to making campground reservations, you will want a site that offers electric hook ups so you can use a heater.

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