Monday, June 2, 2014

How do I get into camping?


me and a friend want to start camping, and hiking. We are from Western New York, and would first like to start out in our area (or near us - alleghany, adirondacks, ect.). We have never really done this before and not sure where to start. Does anyone have any good websites or good hiking trails that they know of? We are looking for something which we can complete in a weekend, and have to spend a night or two in the wilderness. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks =)

Camping doesn't have to be a big deal, but you should plan it and be smart about it. Keep your wits about you.

the first thing to do is get/rent some basic camping gear and camp in a nearby campground to get an idea of what it's all about. Be sure not to skimp on the tent, sleeping bags, foam pads, and outerwear. If you do, you'll not be happy and be unlikely to do it again. The priority is to ensure your warmth and weather protection, as well as being well-fed and hydrated. The major drawback to campground camping is the noise. People come in with RVs, diesel trucks at all hours of the night, rowdy kids and inconsiderate people talking and laughing too loud for anyone to sleep. Get this book: "The best in tent camping, New England". This book helps you to avoid the noise and yahoos of the RV/Trailer/Family camping world.

Join and find a local group that likes to camp. They'll be the experts for your area. I don't know much about the Alleghenies, but the Adirondaks offer stellar camping/hiking locations. The Adirondaks is also one of the largest wilderness areas of the US, so you need to be prepared for weather and all else. Visit your local EMS or REI store for these locations. They'll steer you right for locations and the proper gear. They have guidebooks for these areas that help you to get there, find parking, find the trailhead and where and where not to camp.

What is the best family camping tent? Experienced campers are needed!


I would like to purchase a family camping tent for my husband and kids - only problem, I don't know ANYTHING about camping! I know I would like a 2 or 3 room tent, but I would like to be able to stand up in the side rooms. Some of the tents I have looked at it appears that you must "crawl" into the side tents. Is this a common thing? Also what do you suggest I purchase as necessities along with the tent? Sleeping bags, cots, stove? Any help is greatly appreciated, again I have never in my life camped so this is completely new to me.

What are some things that you find essential for camping? Things that you don't leave home without???



Camping Checklist (compliments of
Shelter and Bedding (essentials)
__ tent
__ tarp
__ sleeping bag
__ sleeping pad
__ headrest

Cooking and Dining (essentials)
__ water
__ food
__ cooler
__ camp stove
__ mess kit
__ can opener
__ charcoal

__ t-shirts
__ shorts
__ jeans/pants
__ socks
__ shoes/boots
__ camp shoes
__ hat/cap
__ sweater
__ rain poncho
__ underwear
__ swim suit
__ laundry bag
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________

Personal Hygiene
__ tooth brush
__ tooth paste
__ wash rag(s)
__ towel(s)
__ soap
__ comb/brush
__ nail clippers
__ razor
__ toilet paper
__ _____________
__ _____________ Shelter and Bedding (optionals)
__ book
__ cot
__ comforter
__ throw rug
__ pillow

Cooking and Dining (optionals)
__ charcoal chimney
__ smoker
__ Dutch oven
__ hot dog sticks
__ pie irons
__ chairs
__ folding table
__ table cloth
__ butane lighter
__ screen room

Cleaning Items
__ broom
__ dust pan
__ whisk broom
__ lawn rake
__ dish pan
__ detergent
__ dish rags
__ ppt scrubber

First Aid Kit
__ personal medication
__ bandages
__ aspirin, Tylenol
__ medical tape
__ sterile gauze
__ elastic wrap
__ antiseptic wipes
__ antibiotic cream
__ burn ointment
__ sunburn lotion
__ hydrogen peroxide
__ scissors
__ tweezers
__ eye wash
__ sanitary napkins
__ snake bite kit Chuck Box
__ salt and pepper
__ herbs and spices
__ cooking oil
__ pot holders
__ paper towels
__ napkins
__ plastic trash bags
__ tongs and spatula
__ aluminum foil
__ measuring cups
__ plastic silverware
__ paper plates/bowls
__ plastic cups
__ zip lock bags
__ knives
__ cutting board
__ cork screw

Miscellaneous Items
__ binoculars
__ bird guide
__ bug spray
__ bungi cords
__ camera
__ candles
__ cards, games
__ cell phone
__ clothes pins
__ compass
__ duct tape
__ fishing gear
__ flashlight
__ frisbee
__ GPS
__ kites
__ knife
__ lantern
__ matches
__ pen and paper
__ rope
__ shower bag
__ sun block
__ tools
__ water filters
__ whistle

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