Friday, June 6, 2014

How do I make the kids I babysit listen to me?


I babysit my cousins regularly. The girl is 8, and she's the biggest brat ever. She used to be a sweet heart, I don't know what happened haha. And the boy is 6 and he's hyper and loud. When it's their bedtime (10:00 since its a weekend) I tell them to brush their teeth, turn off the tv and get ready and the girl gives me the worst attitude an the boy just lays o the floor so I have to carry him upstairs.
I've thought about bribing them with candy, but they aren't allowed to have candy ahah. And I used to threaten calling Santa or their parents but they still give me attitude :(
Help? I'm 13 by the way

First off, I want to just say I love One direction, too. lol...I am geussing that's why your name is Mrs. Styles( : So hi! Then to your Question....
I babysit all the time! I'm 17 and babysit for like 5 different couples. I have this one girl who is six that never wants to go to bed and she is real hyper. She wants to sit up and watch TV all night. So, what I do is I make a game out of it like " Oh, I'll race you to the bed!" or " I bet I can run faster than you! I'll get to the bedroom first."
Attiude is the worst, sometimes nothing will work. Sometimes you have to actually text or call the parents and tell them how the kids are behaving. They won't blame you... They will scold the kids and I am sure next time the kids will be alittle more well behaved for you.
---Sometimes, I just turn the tv off and then, if she still won't go, I have to start turning the lights off and leaving the room( not totally dark but to show her, its time to go to bed) and then if you leave the room, they might follow you because they will be bored that the TV is off and the lights are off---Dont scare them though, because that is rude, haha. Remember they are kids lol--- And if they try to turn the tv back on, just stand infront of it.
---Lastly, see if they will want to have a story read to them or told to them. Or if they want to make a tent with the covers. ( Tell them to sit on the bed and blow the covers up and let them fall back down on their heads-- kind of like a slowly deflating mushroom lol) and tell them you will do it only acouple times then they HAVE to go to bed.
---Just make sure you make it clear that YOU are the boss and that their parents will be upset if they keep misbehaving.

Which children's book has a boy who has his own spaceship?


In the 1970s I read an illustrated children's science fiction book about a boy who has
his own spaceship in his back yard. He went off on adventures in his spaceship and
I'm pretty sure he met up with some friendly aliens. The one adventure that I can
remember was when they were camping out in tents like half domes, and during the
night there is a flood or maybe a volcanic eruption, and the piece of ground with their
tent breaks off and is swept away from some other tents or maybe from the parked

Can anybody please give me the name of this book?


I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but it might have been one of the books by Eleanor Cameron. She did a series:

The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet
Mr. Bass's Planetoid
A Mystery for Mr. Bass
Time and Mr. Bass

I loved that series when I was a kid.

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