Saturday, June 7, 2014

Design and make ideas for teaching primary science!?


I am studying to become a primary school teacher in NSW Australia i need some ideas for a design and make lesson.

I just suggested this in answer to another question. I've done this with a year 6 class. All you need is lots and lots of newspaper and sticky tape. I rolled up sheets of newspaper to make long thin tubes (the tighter you roll the stronger they are) then i joined up the tubes (like when you put a drinking straw into the end of another straw to make a long tube). I then challenged the kids to make something in groups that could stand up by itself and was as tall as the tallest teacher in the school. Everyone had heaps of fun making things. We got a newspaper person, a house and best of all a huge pyramid that the kids then made into a tent and played with for weeks. The group that made the pyramid were the winners and each got a chocolate and a newspaper crown.

Australian living. i have some questions.?

Love<3 \m

Ok, so i want to move to australia but i have a few concerns. Will the language be that much different from here in the US? Does it cost a lot to live near the cost? what is the average living cost? Economy, good or bad(in australia)? Is it difficult to drive on the other side of the car if you are used to driving on the right side of the road? People, nice or mean? Do you like living there? please go into some explanation on these question. i appreciate your help

No you wont have any problems with the language, everyone here in Australia, speaks English.

As for the cost of living, the wages here are almost four times more than you are paid in the USA. Women here get paid the same rate of pay/salary as men. Being there is no gender discrimination in employment, work conditions or employment opportunities.

All the major grocery stores are here like Safeway's, Aldi, Costco, New World, Woolworth's, K-Mart, Target, Westfield malls and shopping towns. Rents costs are different where you decide to move too, or for the kind of place you want to rent.

The economy here is good so we enjoy a very high standard of living, you'll discover this when you come here. The American dream is here, where you can buy a house and open a business. There is very low crime, no gangs or crack dealers, ghettos or people living in trailers or tent cities.

All children here play outside like we did when we were kids, the weather here is too good to be staying indoors.

No, it's not hard to learn to drive on the right hand side of the road, you'll pick it up very quickly.

People here are all friendly and very helpful, you will make a lot of friends in no time.

Yes, I love living in Australia, it's very easy to adjust to the laid back lifestyle and the culture. Believe me you'll never feel homesick or want to go back to the US once you come here.

There is just so much to do and you'll find TV here is just like in the states. Also Broadband speed here is the fastest in the world.

You'll notice a couple of differences when you come here like Rice Chrispies are call Rice Bubbles. Balony is called devon, weenies are called frankfurts or hot dogs etc. Also you will notice how healthy and tanned everyone is.

The metric system is easy to learn 250grams is aprox 1/4 of a pound 500grams is a half a pound, one kilo is a little over a pound. 2 litres of milk is the same as a quart of milk.

There are over 200,000 of us American expats who live, work and study here in Australia.

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A good gift for your kids inflatable bouncer?

Q. A good gift for your kids inflatable bouncer

We all know that exercise is a tiring task; it can be a common answer for most people. However, people have to exercise for health, so it is important for them to find one or two happy exercising ways. Exercise is not for adults alone, children also need to be input the notion about the benefits of exercise. Nowadays, the problem of children obesity has attracted many peopleâs attention. Parents should encourage their children to flex some muscles and not just spend hours in front of television.

Actually, a real happy child should have fun outside but sit in front of television or computer, while with the fast development of technology; a lot of children are spending too much time on television programs and computer games, which make children forget that the best way to have fun is to jump, run, stumble and get dirty under the sun. Fortunately, inflatable bouncer has come into being; these bouncers are a good way to induce your kids to exercise, as well as have fun. Their life size design can keep your kids healthy and away from baby fats.

Exercise is not for adults alone, inflatable bouncer is also not designed for kids as well. There are many inflatable bouncers available today that can accommodate four or more kids and adults at the same time. It could just be the best way you spend time with your kids, while you can burn some calories yourself by jumping around the inflatable toys . You will find that exercise is such a happy thing that everybody can enjoy. All you need is an inflatable product which can match with full of obstacles and maybe just a hoop. After owning an inflatable bouncer at your garage, patio, or backyard, you do not have to ask your children to go out for play. They will surely play outside and maybe ask their friends coming over to join the fun.

Inflatable bouncer can be the best gift when sending to your kids as an exercise set. You can also choose skateboards, tennis rackets or basketball. But there is no full guarantee that your kids would not feel tired about them. While inflatable bouncer is different, its color is bright, its design is cool, and its toy is attractive, few kids can escape from its great temptation. It is also a good way for kids to burn their baby fats

Inflatable Bouncer, Inflatable Castles, Inflatable Slides, Inflatable Water Games, Inflatable Tent, Inflatable Christmas

what to do with kids for free.?

Logan Sens

Ok so we have no money to go out and do anything. we currently have cars in the shop so we can't go anywhere. i am a stay at home mom of two young boys under school age. so their home all the time. we go to the park all the time, we have done everything out side , treasure hunts, picnics played sports , went on nature walks build tents. we have also done everything inside. I have no more ideas. I really want their father to do something with them because he is home all weekend but all he does is play black ops. and gets made or gives me excuses when i ask him to do something with them. I have no clue what to do with them, any ideas. I really wish either their biological father or any of their biological family would do something with them . I am just a step-mom and i do it all.
our town libary closes at 12 on saturday , and we are their all the time.
also trust me their have been fights over the xbox. and i have gotten to the pint that i leave just so he has to take care of the kids. and when i come back they are sitting watching him play xbox and they did that the whole time i was gone.

I don't think you really need idea's on what to do with the kids - from what you wrote it seems you have plenty of idea's on what to do to entertain them. It sounds more like you need a break. It's important to take time for yourself, and you can't "make" your husband do it. Find a trusted friend or family member that will understand and take the kids for awhile. Even just two hours. Then relax and take a hot bath, read a book, whatever it is you'd like to do but haven't had time for. If you don't have anyone to help you (I realize you can't pay a babysitter) - then start talking to other mothers that you see in the park. Develop friendships with them and perhaps you can help each other.

As for the immediate fix this weekend - lots of Independence Day activities going on everywhere. Check online or in the paper. Shouldn't be too hard.

Short of that - I'd say start looking at your relationship. Have you expressed your frustration adequately and he doesn't care? Why not? Is that okay with you?

Good luck hon - and God bless.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

How do I make the kids I babysit listen to me?


I babysit my cousins regularly. The girl is 8, and she's the biggest brat ever. She used to be a sweet heart, I don't know what happened haha. And the boy is 6 and he's hyper and loud. When it's their bedtime (10:00 since its a weekend) I tell them to brush their teeth, turn off the tv and get ready and the girl gives me the worst attitude an the boy just lays o the floor so I have to carry him upstairs.
I've thought about bribing them with candy, but they aren't allowed to have candy ahah. And I used to threaten calling Santa or their parents but they still give me attitude :(
Help? I'm 13 by the way

First off, I want to just say I love One direction, too. lol...I am geussing that's why your name is Mrs. Styles( : So hi! Then to your Question....
I babysit all the time! I'm 17 and babysit for like 5 different couples. I have this one girl who is six that never wants to go to bed and she is real hyper. She wants to sit up and watch TV all night. So, what I do is I make a game out of it like " Oh, I'll race you to the bed!" or " I bet I can run faster than you! I'll get to the bedroom first."
Attiude is the worst, sometimes nothing will work. Sometimes you have to actually text or call the parents and tell them how the kids are behaving. They won't blame you... They will scold the kids and I am sure next time the kids will be alittle more well behaved for you.
---Sometimes, I just turn the tv off and then, if she still won't go, I have to start turning the lights off and leaving the room( not totally dark but to show her, its time to go to bed) and then if you leave the room, they might follow you because they will be bored that the TV is off and the lights are off---Dont scare them though, because that is rude, haha. Remember they are kids lol--- And if they try to turn the tv back on, just stand infront of it.
---Lastly, see if they will want to have a story read to them or told to them. Or if they want to make a tent with the covers. ( Tell them to sit on the bed and blow the covers up and let them fall back down on their heads-- kind of like a slowly deflating mushroom lol) and tell them you will do it only acouple times then they HAVE to go to bed.
---Just make sure you make it clear that YOU are the boss and that their parents will be upset if they keep misbehaving.

Which children's book has a boy who has his own spaceship?


In the 1970s I read an illustrated children's science fiction book about a boy who has
his own spaceship in his back yard. He went off on adventures in his spaceship and
I'm pretty sure he met up with some friendly aliens. The one adventure that I can
remember was when they were camping out in tents like half domes, and during the
night there is a flood or maybe a volcanic eruption, and the piece of ground with their
tent breaks off and is swept away from some other tents or maybe from the parked

Can anybody please give me the name of this book?


I'm not sure if this is what you're thinking of, but it might have been one of the books by Eleanor Cameron. She did a series:

The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet
Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet
Mr. Bass's Planetoid
A Mystery for Mr. Bass
Time and Mr. Bass

I loved that series when I was a kid.

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Is this camping tent (description below) large enough for 2 people and 2 dogs?


My fiance and I want to take the dogs hiking this summer. He is 5'11" and 230-lbs, I am 5'3" and 155-lbs, we have a 34-lb adult Beagle, and a Bloodhound puppy who is currently 16-lbs BUT she could get as big as 100-lbs.

The tent is 9-feet wide X 4.3-feet High X 7-feet deep. It has pockets for side storage. It is only $44 on Ebay, which is a great deal.

Does anyone with camping experience think this will be a good size for us? Thank you.

Sorry, but any tent you can get on Ebay for $44 is NOT a "good deal". A tent at that price for that size is going to be substandard design and materials. It will most likely leak in rainy conditions and not be sturdy enough to withstand the rambunctious activity of a large puppy. In fact, some cheapo tents will collapse even in moderate use. If you are seriously planning to do this, spend a little more and get a good brand of tent. i would recommend getting a model that has a seperate vestibule at the entrance, kind of like a porch that has a rain fly over it but no floor and let the dogs stay out there. Dogs in a tent is a bad news situation. Their claws tend to damage the floor and they stink the place up with their breath and damp fur. They will be plenty cozy in a good vestibule and you can attach their leashes to ground pegs to keep them from wandering but still allow them to slip out and pee without having to get up and walk them. has a huge variety of quality tents at all budget levels. Look at what they have and spend at least closer to $100 for a tent that will keep you dry and hold up to use.

Where can i rent a very large camping tent in NJ ?


I am having a pool party with about 47 people coming so i need two very big tents and i need them for that night only any links would be great . if i can have a tent that fits about 25 7th graders in each is awesome but if not i may need four tents but not an odd number and i dont want more than 4. thx u alot

did you try a tent rental place that rents wedding tents and party tents? they usually rent big tents that have sides on them and some rental company's rent cots to. that's the only thing I can think of being that big there are some camping stores that rent camping gear but I don't think they rent tents bigger that 8 person.

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How big of a tent should I buy? I'll need room for a full size air mattress and a Pack 'N Play at a minimum


I am currently looking at a 6 person octagonal dome tent that measures 90 square feet floor area.So it's approximately 12x10.
I have a 20 month old kid whom we would rather sleep in the Pack 'N Play rather than on the floor. Any one have some experience/suggestions on this?
Helpful tips, but I am talking space for a pack 'n play was well, which uses up more space than a person. So I need to be able to judge how much that would use up in a tent... without having the tent.
Yah 90 square feet would be 10x9... well the tent I was looking at claimed 12x10'6" but also said it was 90 square feet... How I dunno.
I'd be camping with my wife and the kid. So it's be the three of us with the pack 'n play and the mattress
I'm still going with the idea that it's 90 square feet at this point so let's agree on 10x9
Here's a link to the "odd" math tent with 90.3 square feet and being 12x10
Hrm maybe because it's a hexagon it takes up a square area of 12x10 but because it's a hexagon and not a perfect square you loose footage.

Besides yourself and the baby in the Pack N Play, how many other people need to fit in this tent?? If it is just the two of you, a 6 person tent would be large enough. If there is another adult going along, get a 7 or 8 person tent.

I have a math question now! How does 90 sq feet equal an area of 12'x10'? It either equals 9'x10' or else you have 120 square feet of space.

Okay, so being an octagon shaped tent, it probably is only 90.3 square feet of space. (My geomentry skills elude me at the moment)

But, with 2 adults and a child, I stick with my suggestion of a 7 or 8 person tent so that you will have the room needed to stretch out.

Thumbs up on considering a tent from Eureka. Great quality for the price.

Instruction on how to put together a kids 4 piece elxplorer dome princess tent?

Mary Frazi

I Just bought this Disney 4-Piece Kids Explorer Kit - Princess tent set from walmart and it didn't come with instructions so i have no idea how to put it together please help.
Here is some info about it:

The Disney 4-Piece Kids Explorer Kit comes with a tent, backpack with multiple compartments, flashlight and compass.

* 5' x 3' tent
* Backpack with multiple compartments for storing items
* Coordinating flashlight
* Carabiner compass
* Requires two C batteries, not included
* Model D-EXP4PRN(A)

not much lol okay it came with 2 long poles with string in them and a little top piece.
We have tried 100 times but i am tired of fooling with it this is the 3rd tent we have bought ugggg
please help us:)
Thank you but that didn't work there was no maual or instruction thank you anyways :)

Locate the tag/information label as to what company manufactured it for Disney. Google that name to get to the web site. Once there, look for instruction manual. If it is listed, you can download it and print it out yourself. If not listed, there is usually a section to ask the company questions.
I had gotten a used 1999 Ford F-150 pickup truck that had no owner's manual. I did as I wrote above and was able to print out a complete owner's manual for it.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Is it normal to share a bed with your child in a camper or motel if there's not enough beds for everyone?

Ann Onimou

My husband thinks it's creepy to share a bed with your child or sibling (or to share food or drink with them for that matter - like sharing a yogurt and spoon with our 1 year old) if you are camping or in a hotel/motel even if there aren't enough beds for everyone to have their own.

I think this is because he was a single child of fairly staunch British parents who were (and still are) a bit prudish and having no siblings, never had to 'fight for a bed' (two doubles in a hotel with 4 people means siblings or parents sharing for example). He also has no other family (cousins, etc).

In my family (me, parents, younger brother), we even shared the bathroom (in fact, there was only a curtain as a door until I was 12) lol. Last month, when we went on vacation together (me, mom, brother, husband and our 1 year old daughter), there were only 2 double beds and a fold out couch. My husband and I are fat (well, we are) so we can't share a double without fighting (seriously) so my husband said he'd take the foldout. That left me, mom and brother and 2 double beds. Brother thought it was weird to sleep with mom and she was afraid to get whacked anyway (she'd just had surgery and was still very sore) so brother and I shared. Husband thought this was super gross but brother and I didn't.

Husband and I are talking about buying a used camper. I said 2 double beds would be enough and he said we wouldn't fit and when I suggested that either we each share with a child or the two children share (the children being any age from 0 to 20 potentially), he was horrified. 'You can't do that!', he insisted.

What do you think? I think you should have a bathroom door but sharing a bed with or eating the rest of your child's sandwich (that they've been eating) isn't that big of a deal.

In case it matters, my brother is 28 and I'm 32.
To cathrl69: Yes, I'm just as fat but my brother is fairly thin thus he takes less room and I have more room and there is no need for either of us to fight for space. As for the floor, the only one of us who could physically manage that would be my brother and he likes luxury too much for that.
To RedStar: My brother and I did not come into contact at all during the night (I was awake a lot due to our baby waking). Our personal space was not encroached at any time. I think he thought it was weird to sleep with our mom because he hasn't done that since he was a little boy and he and I have had to share a bed on occasion (at relatives who had limited space) over the last 10 years. You do have a point about it being ok for my brother to feel it was weird but not for my husband to feel that way. I guess it's just because my husband feels weird about every possibility. My husband and I bought a queen bed a few years ago because we were tired of fighting over bed space so it is different at home. My husband and I have tried sharing double hotel beds before and have discovered that it does not work. He may have thought it was weird but he was happy not to share with me lol.

In a pinch, it's normal. My dad was very much on the rule that every boy has his own bed (this didn't apply for girls though, and we had to share a hand-me-down Queen for a long time growing up.) I tend to believe every child has their own bed, but in a pinch (camping trip, hotel room, etc) then sharing isn't a big deal. There's some provisos though.

Like, my sister was fairly abusive towards me. So putting us in the same bed would result in me bruised and battered. It's not right to put two kids together who don't want to be in the same bed, one always ends up with nightmares from the other pinching, hitting, kicking, etc. After a while my parents would bring a sleeping bag and if she didn't want to share the bed with me she could sleep on the floor. This was much MUCH better on both of us. But it's something to keep in mind. If you have two who get along, that's great. But if you have two who don't, then you're putting one in an abusive situation even if you're keeping an eye on things, because they're going to be nervous. My mom still has nightmares of her sister making her stay on 'her side of the bed' and the danger she was in if she crossed the imaginary line even a mm.

And boy girl... yeah. I would have actually slept with my mom and let my brother sleep with my dad or alone. When possible I would separate genders. Not because anything sexual will happen but just because it does get a bit odd.

But like with a camper, shoot someone can always sleep in a tent outside if they don't want to share with mom/pop. And if they're the same gender then no big at all (I have nieces who had to share the same twin sized bed for years... that's a lot more closer quarters.) It's only temporary, so it's really not a biggie.

Add: Oh, the bathroom... what would he have done growing up like I did, one of 8, and 2 bathrooms and one was off limit because it was mom/dad's? :P 1 bathroom for 8 kids... what's the issue? We didn't all go in at once. You learned to go and get out really. I really don't understand a bathroom for every child... that seems very odd to me. But then again I don't understand a bedroom for every child either.

As for eating food... okay, if I'm eating something and my daughter wants some I will break off a piece that is not touching my mouth. I have cavities and I don't want to expose her to the bacteria that causes cavities. Same goes with straws and drinks. You can usually ask for a small cup and pour some in there, then you each got one, no extra cost. But if she wants to share something with me and she's eaten on it, I'll usually take a bite, but not much. Again, it's more concerns about cavities, disease, etc than anything else. Eating the rest of their sandwich wouldn't bother me though. My mom remembers taking us down for a hamburger and fries, cutting the burger in 4 pieces and giving my sister and I a quarter each while she ate the 1/2. I think that's a lot healthier than everyone gets their own, and eats more than they need, y'know?

What type of bed should I buy for my son?


He is 5 1/2 years old (tall and heavy for his age)
His room is 8ft x 10ft
He is afraid of heights, but has friends that could sleep over and use the top bunk if we decide on a bunk bed.

Any advice?

(his box spring just broke)


A bunk bed would be nice depending on how well it is constructed. If he is large for his age though changes are that he will always be a larger person. I would say no to the bunk bed as they don't support weight that well (he will likely be a larger person his whole life).

Another alternative is a bed with drawers underneath. I think the official name for this bed style is a "Captains Bed". They are usually pretty sturdy beds and it would be able to support a lot of weight. Before upgrading to a double when we were first starting out me and my fiance slept on a twin size captains bed me, him and my pregnant I know it can handle weight. Basically it would solve a lot of the storage issues (for example if it has 3 drawers in the bottom you'd likely be able to fit underwear/pj's, shirts and pants. If it all fits you don't need a dresser). I noticed the room dimensions are a bit small when you consider the added furniture.

My motto is keep is simple and uncluttered. The less things that have to go in his room the cleaner his room will stay, the nicer it will look...the more he will and you will enjoy the space. My kids rooms are on the main floor so it's important for me to make sure they stay reasonably clean, so if your place is anything like mine that will be an important factor for you as well.

If friends sleep over in the summer and you have any kind of a yard tents can be a very fun alternative. If you have a room in your home, like a den or even the living room the kids can camp out in there in the wintertime. I did that with friends and it was fun, yes we stayed up late but in our rooms we'd stay up too with our toys we as parents we need to 'bit the bullet' and accept the kids will be up late on a sleep over. If you let them use the living room during the colder months, let them make a fort and have an indoor camp maybe as a kid I just loved camping but I promise I'm not the only one.

Best of luck =)

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Target kids bedding (outdoors theme)?


I went to target about a month ago and fell in love with this outdoor - camping bedding set.

I found the quilt set and bear pillow on but was unable to find the lantern, decor pillow, or bed tent. I didn't know if anyone knew where I could find it online. People out of state want to know so they can ship it to us.

Here are links to the stuff I found.

I happen to own that. They have a ton of it at our Target, just keep looking around. I bought mine over a year ago, I thought they'd have discontinued it by now, but every time I go, I see more and more of it. Ask people you know from different areas to check their Target for you. I think you'll have much better luck if you can get it from an actual store, rather than ordering online. BTW, ebay is always an option.

Should i get the Greatland tent or Coleman Durango Tent?


here's the features for the Greatland tent:

Family Tent
Comfortably Holds 8 People
Includes Zip Carrying Bag
Tent Frame Made of Fiberglass Poles
Polyester Tent Shell
Comes in Blue
Features Shock-Corded Frame
Welded Floor Seam
3 Windows
Water Resistant
10-min. Approximate Set-up Time
Also Includes Mud Mats
Clean with Water and Mild Detergent
Ideal for Camping
14 x 15 Sq. Feet (Fully Assembled)
30"x12.75"x12.75" " (In Storage Sack)
Weighs 44 lbs. When Folded

The features for the Coleman Durango Tent are:

Tent has 2 rooms and sleeps 8 adults
Removable hanging divider to separate rooms
126 sq. ft. of floor space
11mm and 9.5mm shock-corded fiberglass poles

I am making a tent into a clubhouse type of thing and there are 6 kids. A 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 5 year olds are going to be in the tent. Obviously I am getting more than 1 tent and I might connect them some how. Both these tents are 2 rooms. Also, Greatland tent is $159.99 and the Coleman Durango Tent is $99.99. Both the tents are from target and you can look them up to see what they look like.
Thank you.

Well, it's really not going to matter in the long run. Neither of these tents will last very long as they're not known for making the best tents. After a few uses you'll most likely discover leaks and tears. Besides, 6 kids + tent is going to be rough on the tent. So you'll probably want to spend the least amount of money this time around.

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Tent camping in cold weather w/ kids?

Amy Clark

This weekend we are attending a festival and going to camp. We live in Michigan- and it's fall.. so during the night the temp has been getting down around in the low 40's. I have a very nice 8 person tent and there are 5 of us in it. (Me, my husband and our 3 kids ages 10, 3 and 1). There is no electric hook-ups and I'm not comfortable with a heater inside anyways- only the kids have sleeping bags- is there anything else we can do to make sure its warm in there so the kids don't freeze? (Like laying extra blankets down on the floor etc...)

Fuel powered heaters in tents can be deadly so don't even use them.

The tricks to staying warm at night is insulation and staying dry. Start by setting your tent over a good vapor barrier like a plastic tarp, this keeps water vapor from the ground from rising through your tent floor. Next is a good layer of insulation under the sleeping bags, the best form is a closed cell foam pad the thicker the better, Walmart has a folding foam sleeping mat they sell in the store for about $45 that is 4inches thick. A backpacking model called Thermarest is lightweight sells for about the same price is only 1-2 inches thick. Inflated air mattresses are not any good for trapping heat and get as cold as the air around you. I also sometimes use a folded furniture pad about $10 bucks at the hardware. Next is using sleeping bags rated for the weather sleeping bags rated to 15* will be good enough but the colder the rating the warmer the bag. Adding a fleece liner will add more insulation. Throw a comforter over the kids for a bit more and your done. Now before you hit the sack eat a good meal with plenty of carbs and drink plenty of fluids, this is what your bodies need to burn fuel with to make heat and keep you warm at night. Of course that may give rise to the call of nature and definitely get up and go because it takes heat away from the body to heat a full bladder and you can't sleep any way. Do all these things and I guarantee you will be toasty warm all night. Here is a link with more winter camping info,

Have you ever pushed a kid out of a tent?

Q. Cough, cough tresk.

well their is a common misconception with this it may have been a tent but what it was supposed to be was a Dunkin Donuts drive through and she crawled through the window that is illegal so i had to push her out. your just jealous because i pushed her out before you could. And i gave her a pretend Coffee and a pretend donut on the house so how can that be considered mean. I have a question for you have you ever spilled hot cocoa on a kid before oh i see now the tables are turned. Just kidding but yeah you so did that then you said owned and you told her that just happened.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Did the female animals look forward to getting off the Ark or did they mostly have headaches?

Q. I'm guessing the female dinosaurs did not want to get busy.

I think the female dinosaurs ticked off Noah and he shoved them overboard. LOL It was dark, he was drunk..... they had a headache........ I mean, Noah was sort of prone to drunkenness.... As soon as they got off the ark, he was found naked in a tent drunk by his kids.

Christmas presents for my kids? Suggestions?

Q. Allison age 8: IPod suffle, camera, Clothes for her American girl, 4 foot tall dollhouse, Nintendo DS and game, Bendaroo package, littlest pet shop package game, New scooter
Rosalie age 8: same as her twin sister, Allison
For the twins, i am going to get them an easy bake oven.
Alexis and Leah age 4: American girls, barbies, dollhouse, kitchen and table play set thing with food, Barbie ATV, New bikes, Pink lego, dress up
Jacob and Riley age 4: little boy ATV, superman tent, lego, blocks, new bikes, dress up for boys(policeman) toy tains set, motor car
For the quads im getting a bouncy house, and a tent city
For all of them im getting, a swing set and jungle gym, a trampoline and my husband is building them a tree house. Oh and we are getting a puppy.
So do you think they are good christmas oresents? any suggestions? I would love to hear!

For Any girl The most awesome gifts:
1) Butterscotch FurReal Pony ( THE BEST )
2) Calico Critters Deluxe Villa House + Calico Critters ( because those are not included in the house )
3) KidKraft Savannah Dollhouse
4) Fisher-Price Loving Family Grand Dollhouse with Bonus Pack
5) Girl Gourmet Sweets Candy Jewel Factory
6) WowWee Alive Cubs Value Bundle - Bonus Mini Cub

For Any Boy :
1) Fisher-Price Power Wheels Jeep ( any )
2) Airflow Fire Truck Pedal Car
3) Lionel Polar Express Battery-Powered G-Gauge Train Set
4) Fisher-Price Smart Cycle
5) Fisher-Price Spike the Ultra Dinosaur

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What kinds of food should I bring camping with me?

SuFi ChIcK

going camping for the first time alone with my bf and this is our first time going with out our parents or family.

Assuming TENT CAMPING! If you are taking a Trailer/RV you can take just about anything you desire!

Short trip car> Bread, Peanut butter and jelly, canned stew and vegetables, tea/instant coffee, at least 2 gallons of drinking water, grate/grill for cooking over fire, Kitchen matches with the striker from the box in a plastic bag to protect from moisture, Instant potatoes, box Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Baked Beans. Instant Oatmeal in whatever flavors you desire. Salt and pepper in sealed plastic containers, Sugar and /or any other seasonings likewise in sealed containers. A coffee pot, for heating water for coffee or tea. Anything else you like, which does not absolutely require refrigeration. Ice chest and camp stove are optional but highly recommended! Cold Soda or beer is definitely a plus!

Longer trip car> Ice chest and camp stove become mandatory! But that also allows more flexibility in meal plans, with ice chest and stove you can take eggs, butter and milk to prepare a more traditional breakfast including if you desire Bacon! You can also take steak and other meats to grill ( do not forget to take suitable seasonings!) and if space permits a large cast griddle or fry pan you can take pancake mix (requires egg and milk, and do not forget the spatula!) Take along 2, 10 quart metal buckets to be your wash basins and I recommend Dawn brand dish soap and Scotch Bright Pads to clean up those greasy pots and pans. At least 2 flat hot pads and an oven glove. Durable plastic plates and glasses, and plastic insulated mugs and a set of flatware including a sharp (steak) knife for each person and serving spoons and forks.

Other important items: You will need a multi-purpose pocket knife ( Swiss Army style - not necessarily brand - and make sure it is SHARP and well lubricated ) Trash Bags. A 6 way screwdriver, a small hatchet with sheath, Take lots of 5/32" nylon line and a couple of pocket lighters when you cut a length of the line seal the end with the lighter so it will not fray. A pack of thumb size candles for fire starting. Pocket Flashlights.

A table lantern - Colman White Gas AKA "Camp Fuel" lantern or battery - Coleman Lanterns last forever and produce vast amounts of bright white light, but they require a steady supply of fuel, Mantels and the occasional replacement Generator and Globe, if you choose the Coleman Lantern be sure to practice lighting it several times during daylight in an outdoor location well away from anything flammable and NEVER EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT LIGHTING IT INSIDE OF YOUR TENT OR ANY OTHER STRUCTURE!!!!!)

Take about twice as many towels as you might want at first thought, 1 wash cloth per person plus 1 dish cloth are sufficient. Pack large zip-lock bags to carry wet clothing / swimwear in.
Collapsible Chairs and camp stools are great but don't break the bank to buy them for your first trip.

Take Clothing suitable for Winter and Rainy Conditions in the area where you will be camping! (Ponchos! And heavy coats! ) Nothing worse than getting frozen stiff because the weatherman blew it! This includes a Knit Cap which covers your ears if the temperature could possibly fall below 50 Degrees F!

Take good warm sleeping bags (rated ZERO Degrees F ) which can be joined together and AIR MATTRESSES! One for each person and a SPARE! Do not even think about camping without air mattresses!

Please plan on purchasing your firewood where you camp to avoid moving around BAD Insects! Take newspaper in a plastic bag for fire starting too.

If Space and Funds permit a set of poles and a camp Fly (10'X10' Tarp) are very desirable to keep the table area dry in the event of rain ( minimum 6 poles and a dozen 14' long lines, stakes, S-Hooks and O-rings - the O-ring prevents sharp edges on the Stake from damaging the line and the S-Hook makes it real easy to attach to the tarp eyes.

Proper equipment and preparation make all the difference between comfortably riding out the storm when camping and being cold wet and miserable when the unexpected .

Have Fun!

Info on Large Camping Tent (pic provided)?


So i was just browsing 9gag and came across this post The tent in it looks amazing and i would love to get it at some point, but i have no other information about other then that picture. If anyone could provide info on the maker or where to purchase this exact tent please let me know!

That's not a tent. It's a zero-atmosphere personnel habitat for non-terrestrial planet exploration and colonization. The vehicles you see are actually carefully disguised near-light-speed shuttle units. The hub unit contains a small cold-fusion reactor, vapor to distilled water condensator and oxygen regeneration unit. The materials are top-secret high-insulation and radiation shielding materias, weighs under 25 pounds and consumes 10 cu. ft. cargo space. The cost is $21,596.

And yes, you must be a rocket scientist to figure out how to put it together.

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Need a summer camp for kids in San Diego, CA?

Desiree M

Looking for a summer camp for kids where they stay over in a cabin or tent, and do activites. Looking for traditional type weekend or week long camps, not day camps. Any info and contact info very helpful. Can go to san dieog, north county san dieog, and orange county, CA areas. We live in N.Co. San Diego. Child is 6 1/2. Would prefer child camp, but would consider a camp where the whole family could attend as well.

A 6 yr old is pretty young to send off to camp, (it can get surprisingly scary in the dark with people they don't know) but they would enjoy camping with you.

Try regional parks where you take your family

also is a fun place to go (the closest one is in Chula Vista--camp out for the night then spend the day at Soak City which is nearby!)

heck out camp supply stores like Big 5, it's the end of the season and they may be trying to get rid of their tents, sleeping bags and stuff.

Tent Camping - Ohio - West Branch - NorthEast Ohio?


Looking for a place ot go tent camping with my family. Kids are young, So looking for a playground and anything that can keep them happy. Looking for flush toliets. Also a nice private less busy with the RV area. Ive heard West Branch State Park is nice. Any suggestions Id like. THANK YOU

West Branch is a great park. Clean facilities and plenty for kids to do. I've camped in state parks all over Ohio and it as to be one of the nicest.

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Have your kids taken over your yard?


Sandbox, swings, bike, scooters, playhouse, cars, trucks, diggers, balls of every size and sort, holes from mud puddles that needed toes squished in, dead grass circles from swimming pools, soccer/lax goals...the hammock has become a pirate ship and the gazebo a fort.

seems to me most people without kids don't really use their yards at all. so i'm okay with ours getting lots of use. swingset; ride-on toys; one bush has been converted to a fort and it's amazing it's even still alive; all the trees used as climbing structures; moss dug up for "habitats" for animals; and a giant tent out there at the moment, killing the grass.

my husband does occasionally freak out when his grass gets dug up to make holes. but oh, well.

How could i build a cheap playhouse out of something other than wood?


See i really want a playhouse sooo bad!!! And its too much to buy one or to build on out of wood. See i was wondering if you knew what i could build i playhouse out of other than any kind of wood? If you have an idea please help me!!!

When I was a kid, I used to set my little tent up outside or play under our deck. You can build a tent in your room with chairs and blankets too.

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How do I get into camping?


me and a friend want to start camping, and hiking. We are from Western New York, and would first like to start out in our area (or near us - alleghany, adirondacks, ect.). We have never really done this before and not sure where to start. Does anyone have any good websites or good hiking trails that they know of? We are looking for something which we can complete in a weekend, and have to spend a night or two in the wilderness. Any info or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks =)

Camping doesn't have to be a big deal, but you should plan it and be smart about it. Keep your wits about you.

the first thing to do is get/rent some basic camping gear and camp in a nearby campground to get an idea of what it's all about. Be sure not to skimp on the tent, sleeping bags, foam pads, and outerwear. If you do, you'll not be happy and be unlikely to do it again. The priority is to ensure your warmth and weather protection, as well as being well-fed and hydrated. The major drawback to campground camping is the noise. People come in with RVs, diesel trucks at all hours of the night, rowdy kids and inconsiderate people talking and laughing too loud for anyone to sleep. Get this book: "The best in tent camping, New England". This book helps you to avoid the noise and yahoos of the RV/Trailer/Family camping world.

Join and find a local group that likes to camp. They'll be the experts for your area. I don't know much about the Alleghenies, but the Adirondaks offer stellar camping/hiking locations. The Adirondaks is also one of the largest wilderness areas of the US, so you need to be prepared for weather and all else. Visit your local EMS or REI store for these locations. They'll steer you right for locations and the proper gear. They have guidebooks for these areas that help you to get there, find parking, find the trailhead and where and where not to camp.

What is the best family camping tent? Experienced campers are needed!


I would like to purchase a family camping tent for my husband and kids - only problem, I don't know ANYTHING about camping! I know I would like a 2 or 3 room tent, but I would like to be able to stand up in the side rooms. Some of the tents I have looked at it appears that you must "crawl" into the side tents. Is this a common thing? Also what do you suggest I purchase as necessities along with the tent? Sleeping bags, cots, stove? Any help is greatly appreciated, again I have never in my life camped so this is completely new to me.

What are some things that you find essential for camping? Things that you don't leave home without???



Camping Checklist (compliments of
Shelter and Bedding (essentials)
__ tent
__ tarp
__ sleeping bag
__ sleeping pad
__ headrest

Cooking and Dining (essentials)
__ water
__ food
__ cooler
__ camp stove
__ mess kit
__ can opener
__ charcoal

__ t-shirts
__ shorts
__ jeans/pants
__ socks
__ shoes/boots
__ camp shoes
__ hat/cap
__ sweater
__ rain poncho
__ underwear
__ swim suit
__ laundry bag
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________
__ _____________

Personal Hygiene
__ tooth brush
__ tooth paste
__ wash rag(s)
__ towel(s)
__ soap
__ comb/brush
__ nail clippers
__ razor
__ toilet paper
__ _____________
__ _____________ Shelter and Bedding (optionals)
__ book
__ cot
__ comforter
__ throw rug
__ pillow

Cooking and Dining (optionals)
__ charcoal chimney
__ smoker
__ Dutch oven
__ hot dog sticks
__ pie irons
__ chairs
__ folding table
__ table cloth
__ butane lighter
__ screen room

Cleaning Items
__ broom
__ dust pan
__ whisk broom
__ lawn rake
__ dish pan
__ detergent
__ dish rags
__ ppt scrubber

First Aid Kit
__ personal medication
__ bandages
__ aspirin, Tylenol
__ medical tape
__ sterile gauze
__ elastic wrap
__ antiseptic wipes
__ antibiotic cream
__ burn ointment
__ sunburn lotion
__ hydrogen peroxide
__ scissors
__ tweezers
__ eye wash
__ sanitary napkins
__ snake bite kit Chuck Box
__ salt and pepper
__ herbs and spices
__ cooking oil
__ pot holders
__ paper towels
__ napkins
__ plastic trash bags
__ tongs and spatula
__ aluminum foil
__ measuring cups
__ plastic silverware
__ paper plates/bowls
__ plastic cups
__ zip lock bags
__ knives
__ cutting board
__ cork screw

Miscellaneous Items
__ binoculars
__ bird guide
__ bug spray
__ bungi cords
__ camera
__ candles
__ cards, games
__ cell phone
__ clothes pins
__ compass
__ duct tape
__ fishing gear
__ flashlight
__ frisbee
__ GPS
__ kites
__ knife
__ lantern
__ matches
__ pen and paper
__ rope
__ shower bag
__ sun block
__ tools
__ water filters
__ whistle

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what are the easiest camping tents to build?

Q. i want to buy a tent.

First are pop ups. But these don't stand against the wind well

Next are free standing domes. In the smaller size getting the poles arched can be difficult but these are well suited for expedition use the larger sizes in the low price range are like the pop up and don't handle the wind well.

last are frame tents with complicated assemblies and and staking. However in the toughest of winter camping these can handle snow and cold temps better then any other. However weight makes them suitable only for car camping or packed in by horse.

Does anyone have any tips for simple camping?


What I mean is, my family really likes to camp, but I do find the whole process exhausting. There is so much to pack and haul with us in order to cook, etc. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing something wrong. Does anyone have any ideas about how to simplify the process so that we can enjoy it that much more?

WE like to try and camp 1-2 nights a week in the winter, but it really cuts into time.
Here are some things I do at home:

I have an action packer that is our 'camp kitchen' a trip to the local second hand store for some pots, pans and utensils, and such. I keep them packed together with the camp coffee pot, fire starting gear, tool kit for the camp stove (which is packed separate) small sewing / repair kit, candle lantern, and first aid kit. I can replace items like TP as it gets low. You will know what your family regularly uses, but basically the idea is if I grab that one box I have everything I need to set up a camp for the night. Plus if you store your camping gear in the cases you travel with them then you just cut out one whole step of packing.

When I make big dinners I try to seal-a-meal some leftovers to use for our camping trips later. We camp in winter and can take frozen food, but the idea here is to see how you can streamline foods for camping. If your making baked goods you could make an extra batch and freeze half to take on a a trip, it doesn't matter if things like that freeze.

You can pre-package tin foil bundles to just throw on a campfire, potato slices with online and cheese are my favorite. make... wrap... pack... and when you get there throw on the fire. the kids could even each make there own.

And in general simpler menus mean less effort and gear. Heck your camping it is supposed to be different, so don;t worry about big traditional meals. Skip lunch (sandwiches are a total pain to make when camping, and require you to pack way to much junk) and spend the whole day munching on dried fruits, trail mix, jerky, and other healthy snacks. Pick foods people can cook themselves around a camp fire, tin foil packets and things you can cook on a stick are all good. Plus jiffy-pop, I love that stuff on camping trips.

Regular gear that doesn't fit in the 'camp kitchen' like sleeping bags, BBQ, tent, all get stored together. And when we get home from one trip I take a minute and go through our gear putting things back, fixing / washing what needs it, then we are ready to go for next time.
You can use larger action packers or big hockey duffles to store these things. And again the idea is the same. If you know you have what you need packed and ready to go then you can grab it and go.

I don;' have kids. But my girlfriend who camps with hers made all her kids little pre-camping checklists, so each kid can get their own gear together.

Also whenever I feel overwhelmed by anything in life, I know it is a cue to cut something....
SO the next few times your camping be really aware of your gear, are you packing things you don't end up using? dump it (except for first aid and survival gear just be glad you don't use it) Are you choosing complicated options over simple ones? If you need more then one pot to make dinner, its complicated. Find easier choices.

In with these articles are some great ones with ideas for easy food:

Meals without pots of pans

One pot meals

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Does anyone know of a large backpack that can be apart to a smaller size?


I'm in the military and I'm looking for a backpack that can pack 3 days worth of stuff, but can still be taken apart into a smaller size for like patrol and school use. I would prefer ACU, Black, Tan, or OD Green

For military use - forget it. You can only used what is issued.

For civilian use, I have seen such backpacks at Bass Pro Shop and Big 5 here in California. You should be able to find them online as well at Cabellas and other outfitting/outdoors companies. I do recommend that whatever you get you touch and feel it first to make sure it is what you really want. Often times the frames are weak aluminum and bend quite easily making the pack useless where you have to abondon the items or treat the pack as a hand-carry sack.

Interesting that you mention "3 days". A basic WWII, Korea, Vietnam (up to about 1986) combat pack provides plenty of room for someone who knows what they are doing for a 3 day hike/camping trip. I packed on for over 20 years and speak from experience. My pack had a mess kit, extra socks (2 pair), C rats and later MREs, poncho, extra skivvies and trousers, blanket, shelter half with pegs and tent pole, entrenching tool, 1st aid kit (in addition to the one on my cartridge belt), plus a few other items like bug juice. You just need to know who to properly pack your pack so that every cubic inch is used. The blanket and shelter half are carried on top of the pack and strapped on.

Water and another 1st aid pouch is on a cartridge belt that has pack suspenders to balance the load. If you want to add more, pick up a cargo pack that is strapped to the bottom of the marching pack. I have carried a can of 7.62 ammo in it plus extra gear. That was no fun because the ammo is mostly lead! : )

By the way, the color is OD Green. You can stil get these packs at most Army/Navy surplus stores around the country. I still have mine that I have used for over 40 years. Works great, been through hell, and still excellent condition. There are sprays for water repellenancy - have to use them on current nylon packs also but more often.

Lieutenant Colonel, U S Marine Corps-Retired (27 years active and had both my canvas and ALICE pack. preferred the canvas since it never broke).

A little help with a camping swag please...?


So I friend and I are going to go bushwalking for a bit out on a nature reserve behind his house. I recently bought a swag so that it would be easier than lugging around a tent and easier to pitch, but I came to problem, how do I carry it while walking? Is there some kind of bag I can buy for it or something? Please help.
I live in Australia by the way. Western Australia to be exact. If that helps.

In Oz, a "swag" is what we here States-side would call a "bedroll" or "bivy sack".

A "swag man" is a wanderer who travels with such a bedroll.

Clearly you need a backpack to haul it in. You could just buy a bare frame pack with shoulder straps and hip belt (we can buy them in military surplus stores here) and then strap it on with webbing buckles or bungee cords. But it would probably be better to get a large single compartment internal frame backpack, maybe 40 or 50 liters. Won't you be needing to carry something for hauling water bags, food and other kit anyway? If your swag is small enough you could roll it up and lash it to the bottom of a smaller pack -- most have buckles or tabs on the bottom to attach a packed sleeping bag or tent to,

I did a Google search for "military surplus camping Australia" and saw page after page of dealers so I am sure there are some handy to you.

As far as "lugging" a tent, a good quality nylon backpacking tent would be under 2 kilos and pack down the size of a large bread loaf, so I doubt the swag saved you much weight, especially if it is canvas. In fact the single swags on that link I posted weigh a whopping 4.9 kilos!! My entire backpacking kit including 2-man bugproof tent, sleeping bag, pad and stove doesn't weigh that much altogether. But I suppose carrying all that weight builds character, eh mate?

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

What are the different types of tents?


There is something to consider before deciding to buy a tent for there are large variety of tents. Can any experienced one intro. the styles and your favorite style or creative style ones?

ââDome Tent
The dome tent: These tents owing to their shape are most spacious and can be divided into rooms as well. Can fit a single person or a family as they come in both individual and family sizes. Easy to carry by backpackers, it is very popular in camping. Its shape makes it more heat efficient. The tents have a ârainflyâ which is water proof and helps in keeping the interior dry. So depending on what type of group you have Dome tents have various options. Even the windows come in clear or mesh options. Dividers are available if you need more privacy in the family dome tents. The family tents also have the option of tafetta walls to make it more sturdy. Dome tents are very easy to move if you decide to shift to any other location close by. The most important thing is it is very stable in windy conditions.
ââcabin tent
The cabin tent: Well, if you plan to go car camping and need room to stand then the cabin tent is your best bet. The cabin tents are big enough that you can actually park your car inside it. It is a huge tent that was designed for camping with your car. Some of them stand as tall as 8 ft giving it the room to have a party as well. . These tents are made with heavy material which helps for long durable. These are also exclusively used for hosting backyard parties, or for bigger family groups that go on camping.
ââgeodesic tents
The geodesic tent: These tents were introduced by the Buckminster Fuller. He was an engineer, author, inventor. Mr. Fuller was the one who introduced the geodesic dome in buildings. The geodesic dome is based on âtensegrityâ structures such as tetrahedron, octahedron which are a net of continuous structures that do not touch each other but form closely bound spheres which is just enough to not make them touch each other but also have enough tension in them to make them separate spatially to form a sphere.
The geodesic tents have become popular because of its design as it requires minimum material and provides a large space. This concept is specially useful in tents as there is a central pole which gives it additional strength in high wind conditions as there are no weak points and is easy for one person to set it up. Geodesic tents are heat efficient and spacious like the other tents but their main selling point is the high strength and stability they provide.
ââTunnel tents
Tunnel tents: Tunnel tents or Mutli-hoop tents as they are also called are tents used both in camping, as a kids play area, even as tents for pets. Due to the ring structure in these tents they can give a good height. These are similar to A-frame tents but slightly heavier. A good tunnel tents must be at least 3 lbs in weight including the poles, guy lines and canopy panels This type of camping tent is a large standing free room tent. The tent is waterproof and is very easy to assemble. Another benefit of this tent is it has the capable of shedding heavy snow.
ââFolding tents
Folding tents: Folding tents are also known as popup canopies or instant gazebos are incredibly handy for events, festivals, promotions. Being a lightweight spacious and easy to setup as well as fold up is an ideal choice for moving around and quick set up. These tends usually do not need to be staked down but can sometimes require skylines attached to tress or stakes. Folding tent is easy to move to other places when it needs to be shifted within a short frame of time. It is ideal for hunting or camping.
ââ Umbrella Style tents
Umbrella style tents: They are like umbrella because they have only one supporting pole in the Centre of the tent. They are simple and light, but not the type of tent you want to be in during camping or hunting. Mostly ideal for sitting under on a beach or in the backyard for a party to have shade while you are in the sun.

do u think a camping tent could be used as a cheap playhouse for kids?


i was thinking of getting a playhouse but dont want to spend alot of money,a gazebo i dont think would be strong enough for windy rainy weather conditions so i have been wondering if a large tent would be suitable? thanx

An inexpensive tent would make a good play house for your kids when the weather is decent. If the weather is windy and raining, your children belong *indoors* in the house where it is safe. I once set up a tent in my back yard after a camping trip, to clean it and let it air out for a few days. My children loved playing in it while it was set up in the yard.

One evening a thunderstorm swept through the area very quickly. Of course the children were inside our home during the storm. The tent was still standing after the storm, the wind or rain did not budge the tent......but lightning had shattered one of the poles of the tent. If my kids had been in that tent during that storm, they would most likely have died.

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Other than "Tots in Mind," is there any other company that makes a crib tent?

Beth G

The "Tots in Mind" crib tent doesn't have great reviews and I can't find a competitor. Any suggestions are great!

We used the crib tent, the Tots in Mind one, and I'm surprised that it got low reviews. It was great. At first, we just wanted to keep the cat out of the crib before my first child was born then to protect him from the cat if it happened to sneak in during a night feeding etc. Later, we used it to keep my son from climbing out of the crib (he started at 14 months, a little too young for us to really want to move him to a toddler bed).

I loved it. The only down sides were that the zipper was noisy and after awhile the netting started to separate from the sides because it was so tight and we used our lift up/down cribside a lot.

I was going to use it again for my second child but realized we didn't need to -- the cat would run miles before jumping in the crib with the kids as they scare him to death. But, once my daughter was a little older, I quickly found out that my daughter's pacifiers were constantly falling to the ground and it would wake her up. So, I was constantly feeling around on the floor in her dark room in the middle of the night with a screaming child. This was never a problem with the crib tent as it kept them inside.

I debated putting up the old one but decided it was too "used," there were a couple holes along the zipper, so I'd have to buy another one to be safe. But, spending all that money just for dropped pacis seemed ridiculous, so I settled on the crib shield -- no tent part, just netting around the sides. It's four pieces instead of one, holes on each corner, and she kept pulling apart the velcro. I can't tell you how many times I wondered why it wasn't made like the crib tent, which goes around everything (under the mattress, up the sides, attaches to the rails VERY securely, and then the tent part). I even debated making one exactly the same just minus the tent part and becoming a millionaire. ;)

Anyway, depending on what you need it for, I think the crib tent is a good choice. Keeps cats out, climbing kids in, pacifiers within reach of the child etc. The zipper part was a bit of a pain, but at some point, the child does become used to the noise. I haven't ever seen any other brands of crib tent type things. The closest I was able to find was the crib shield by breathable baby.

ETA: Just realized I should add...we used Cloud and Stars QuickZip sheets (link below) not regular crib sheets. This probably added a lot of benefit to the tent as I can see how using regular crib sheets would be really frustrating with the crib tent as it's very hard to take the mattress out. But, with the QuickZip sheets, if you have an accident, you just zip off the top part and zip on a fresh one. You still need to change the whole set, which is a pain, but not as often as you would have to if you use regular sheets.

Advise on buying a tent?


I know theres not too much of Summer left, We're in Northeast Ohio. We did out first family camping trip the other week, and cant wait for more. We used my sisters tent and supplies basicly. Should we continue useing hers, which isnt a problem. Tent could be bigger but we manage. Our should we buy on now, or next year. I like the tents with a screen patio and found on in the Kmart flyer. What do you all think?
Is that a good tent, brand?
We have two kids so the large tent that can have a wall like this is perfect I thought.

I checked out this tent through your link. I would purchase this tent at that price. Looks to be a good starter tent. Even if you decide you don't like it you have not invested to much. Also note that for summer camping you can piece together a great set in relatively short time buying a cooler, propane or kerosene style lanterns, stove, chairs and sleeping bags say every other payday. I would not trust this tent to sleep more than 4 though. After years of camping through 3 seasons I have found that an air mattresses gives me much better sleep at nights and it uses more space as well. You can pay a fortune for a great tent, but to get started this looks fine. Have fun with it.

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