Saturday, June 7, 2014

Design and make ideas for teaching primary science!?


I am studying to become a primary school teacher in NSW Australia i need some ideas for a design and make lesson.

I just suggested this in answer to another question. I've done this with a year 6 class. All you need is lots and lots of newspaper and sticky tape. I rolled up sheets of newspaper to make long thin tubes (the tighter you roll the stronger they are) then i joined up the tubes (like when you put a drinking straw into the end of another straw to make a long tube). I then challenged the kids to make something in groups that could stand up by itself and was as tall as the tallest teacher in the school. Everyone had heaps of fun making things. We got a newspaper person, a house and best of all a huge pyramid that the kids then made into a tent and played with for weeks. The group that made the pyramid were the winners and each got a chocolate and a newspaper crown.

Australian living. i have some questions.?

Love<3 \m

Ok, so i want to move to australia but i have a few concerns. Will the language be that much different from here in the US? Does it cost a lot to live near the cost? what is the average living cost? Economy, good or bad(in australia)? Is it difficult to drive on the other side of the car if you are used to driving on the right side of the road? People, nice or mean? Do you like living there? please go into some explanation on these question. i appreciate your help

No you wont have any problems with the language, everyone here in Australia, speaks English.

As for the cost of living, the wages here are almost four times more than you are paid in the USA. Women here get paid the same rate of pay/salary as men. Being there is no gender discrimination in employment, work conditions or employment opportunities.

All the major grocery stores are here like Safeway's, Aldi, Costco, New World, Woolworth's, K-Mart, Target, Westfield malls and shopping towns. Rents costs are different where you decide to move too, or for the kind of place you want to rent.

The economy here is good so we enjoy a very high standard of living, you'll discover this when you come here. The American dream is here, where you can buy a house and open a business. There is very low crime, no gangs or crack dealers, ghettos or people living in trailers or tent cities.

All children here play outside like we did when we were kids, the weather here is too good to be staying indoors.

No, it's not hard to learn to drive on the right hand side of the road, you'll pick it up very quickly.

People here are all friendly and very helpful, you will make a lot of friends in no time.

Yes, I love living in Australia, it's very easy to adjust to the laid back lifestyle and the culture. Believe me you'll never feel homesick or want to go back to the US once you come here.

There is just so much to do and you'll find TV here is just like in the states. Also Broadband speed here is the fastest in the world.

You'll notice a couple of differences when you come here like Rice Chrispies are call Rice Bubbles. Balony is called devon, weenies are called frankfurts or hot dogs etc. Also you will notice how healthy and tanned everyone is.

The metric system is easy to learn 250grams is aprox 1/4 of a pound 500grams is a half a pound, one kilo is a little over a pound. 2 litres of milk is the same as a quart of milk.

There are over 200,000 of us American expats who live, work and study here in Australia.

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