Saturday, September 21, 2013

What at home activities can I do with 6yr old with ADHD?

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kids tent building kits image


My son was just recently diagnosed with ADHD and put on Adderall...NO COMMENTS PLEASE!!! And I saw an amazing difference!!!! He still had his personality, but wasn't so AAHHH with everything he did. But I wanted to know what at home things should I do with him? Any activities, schedules, things like that!

Thanks so much!!!

I have ADHD and my kids have it too but they take medication while I've just learned to direct my energy. I know what you mean by not so "AHHHH!" We use Ritalin and Focalin and it has helped them so much in terms of focusing and also in helping their self confidence. I do not let them have coffee/caffeine as that just doesn't work for us.

For starters: I would recommend a schedule you stick to consistently (wake up at X time, lunch at X time, snack at X time, bed at X time). Because you're going to be tuning medication and dosings for the next few years (this is totally normal), a distinct and consistent bed time routine is important. Maybe it's bath followed by story or alone time and then tuck in by the parental units. But, always always always have it start and end at the same time.

Secondly, keep him busy to help him direct his energies. Find some physical activities in your community but be aware that not all activities are good for ADHD kids (baseball can be incredibly boring). You may bounce around between sports trying to find the right fit; let him be your guide. Maybe even little kid triathalons and kid 1K races (highly recommend these are they are so much fun for every participant). Stock up on lots of hands on creative or craft work that he's interested in - you'll have to let his preferences guide you but you. I have girls so I'm not going to suggest crafts! They love making friendship bracelets, weaving, and sewing; but it wasn't something they liked right off. My kids have science experiments all over the house as well as architecture kits and building sets. If you have the space, try to get a backyard playground. Try to supplement it with props - maybe tents?

Encourage high creative or imagination play. Stock up on thinking games (like Memory), strategy (Battleship), and other process of duplication or elimination (I think one is called Simon and another is an indoor tag game). Even card games like War; charades is a hoot.
Have a game night once or twice a week but be prepared to play lots of games. Be outside as much as possible doing active things (bikes, walks, runs) during the school nights just to wear him out.

A surprise thing we've found along our way are books on tape (or CD or iPod). They listen to these while they are doing their experiments/weaving and it also marks the official start of 'quiet time' every night. It helps busy minds to have something to latch on to. Highly recommend the entire Harry Potter series (Jim Dale, narrator, is fabulous), Percy Jackson and Olympians series, and The Adventures of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel series.

Kids with ADHD are wonders. You just have to have the energy to lead the way!

what is a good topic for demonstration speech?


i need to show a class a 5 to 9 minute presentation.

the web page (below) provides: Demonstration Speech Ideas

How To :

Clean your teeth.
Coordinate clothes for any occasion.
Sign for the deaf.
Apply decorative stencils.
Roll clothes to pack a suitcase.
Make stain-glass.
Read nutrition labels.
Defend yourself against an attacker.
Plan a home fire escape.
Stencil tile.
Set-up an e-mail account.
Change oil in your car.
Play the drums.
Change a baby's diaper.
Swing a golf club.
Putt a golf ball.
Pot flowers.
Prune roses.
Make a simple children's game.
Make peanut butter bars.
Splint a broken leg or ankle.
Keep a healthy puppy.
Succeed in an interview.
Hang wallpaper.
Shoot a free throw.
Pack a backpack.
Use a compass.
Hit a baseball.
Catch a fly ball.
Sell an athletic shoe.
Put on scuba gear.
Fillet a fish.
Install a car stereo.
Get a slim waistline.
Play the saxophone.
Apply makeup.
Apply Theater make-up.
Install a dimmer switch.
Make a pumpkin lantern.
Call a turkey.
Play a guitar.
Purchase a new car for the lowest price.
Serve a tennis ball.
Apply, care, and remove contact lenses.
Restore a piece of antique furniture.
Write a resume.
Find a rental home or apartment.
Set a formal dinner table.
Choose car insurance.
Build a bookcase.
Weave a basket.
Hang curtains.
Change a tire on a bike.
Budget your monthly income.
Wrap a gift professionally.
Tie-dye a shirt.
Wash your clothes properly.
Bathe a baby.
Arrange flowers.
Give a manicure.
Administer CPR.
Administer the Heimlich Maneuver.
Iron clothes.
Use a bow and arrow.
Water ski.
Do simple ballroom dancing.
Take a picture with a 35-mm camera.
Landscape your front yard on a shoestring budget.
Fold napkins for a formal dinner party.
Trim your thighs with exercise.
Build bigger biceps.
Care for your compact discs.
Bake cookies.
Improve your bowling score.
Sew a button on a blouse.
Carve a pumpkin.
Draw cartoon characters.
Make your own valentines.
Recycle in your home.
Frame a picture.
Buy toe shoes.
Play soccer.
Register for college.
Write a childrenâs story.
Mow the lawn.
Organize your closet.
Dye your hair.
Plan a little kid party.
Make Playdough.
Groom your pet.
Set up a tent.
Make a piñata.
Square dance.
Refinish a front door.
Play a video game.
Bunt, or hit a baseball.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Plan a wedding.
Milk a cow.
Stuff a turkey.
Write a poem.
Make deviled eggs.
Make and fly a kite.
Wash and detail a car.
Decorate a Christmas tree.
Tenderize meat.
Make fudge.
Ride a horse.
Program your vcr.
Make a cut up t-shirt look great.
Cross stitch.
Get a date.
Break dance.
Make Bar B Que sauce.
Create a power point presentation.
Make scrapbooks.
Install sprinklers.
Play football.
Clean carpets.
Make paper carnations.
Decorate a float.
Make Ice cream.
Balance your checkbook.
Program your cell phone.
Make a web page.
Apply fake fingernails.
Frost and decorate a cake.
Ride a skateboard.
Do the chicken dance.
Plan a baby shower.
Grow a herbal garden.
Wax your car.
Make a paper airplane.
Download or upload files on the computer.
Make an emer

Camping help?? 10 points!!?

kids bed tents queen on Toddler Bed Mattress Vs Crib Mattress
kids bed tents queen image


Do you think a 12' by 12' tent is big Enough for 6 peaple (3 kids, 1 teen,2 adults)? Will two queens air mattresses fit with room to spare? Also anything else I need to know about camping or tents??? Thanks!!! :) oh there's also a porch but I don't know if that matters... Lol

I have a 9x12 tent that has been used to sleep 8 adults. use a good bedding but forget the air mattress.

Should I say something to my sister in law?


Recently my sister in law bought new sheets for her bed.
I hear her telling her kid to "stay off the bed" (which is think is fine. Don't play on the bed, simple rule.)

but last night I was looking for her kid and I couldn't find her on the bed or in her 'tent' so I asked my boyfriend where she was and he told me she was sleeping on the FLOOR in the room.

I am a little shocked! Just because my sister in law got new sheets does NOT mean the kid cant sleep on the bed!

Its a small room they stay in and the bed is queen size (so they could both fit) but she has the kid sleeping on the floor between the bed and dresser. (not much space there)

Should I say something to her - or just let it go?

Stay off the bed to me sounds like... no horsing around or jumping on the bed. But "stay off the bed" as in.. sleep on the floor..No.

If she is afraid the child might wet the bed, there are mattress protectors even other products available to keep the sheets cleaner longer.

But no child deserves to sleep on the floor especially if there is more than enough room for the both of them.

Ask her why you found ________ (insert name) sleeping on the floor in a non chalant way. See what her excuse is..

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What you need to start a party rental business?

kids tents on sale on Lord Palmerston's Foreign Policy in and Out of Europe, by a Late ...
kids tents on sale image

David Wall


Purchase enough equipment to be able to comfortably plan for several parties at once. Create an inventory for each type of party and the equipment you need for it. Paper tablecloths, napkins and plastic utensils are appropriate for some gatherings. Others require cloth tablecloths, flatware and real glassware.


Provide catering services or maintain a list of preferred caterers to recommend. Catering options would include everything from birthday cake and soft drinks to pizza and beer for a bachelor party, so make sure you have kitchen facilities capable of handling every request.


Have a variety of entertainment options. Clowns and magicians are in demand at children's parties while a string quartet would be more appropriate for an elegant dinner party. Ponies used to be the entertainment of choice at children's parties, but today kids expect a moon bounce.


Consider offering a banquet room on your premises for individuals and businesses who don't want to host their parties on their premises.


Negotiate with vendors for the best prices on food, supplies and equipment. Learn where the farmer's markets are, talk to wholesalers about bulk discounts and be aware of sales or special offers on items you use frequently.


Take all of your costs into account when figuring out the rates you'll charge. Overhead includes rent, utilities, labor costs, supplies, vehicles, fuel and insurance.


Purchase at least one large van. Buy a truck if you are providing tables and chairs or inflatables. Approach commercial laundries if you anticipate having to wash high volumes of tablecloths and napkins.


Hire waitstaff, laborers to set up and take down tables and tents, kitchen help and office staff like a bookkeeper and someone to keep track of orders and inventory. Work out details like how tips will be distributed.


Market your party rental business. Create a website. Run an ad in your local paper every week. Generate business by offering discounts to repeat customers. Word of mouth is important in party rentals, so create incentives for customers to spread the word like special offers.

What is the craziest/funnest thing you've ever done in your life?


And did this happen when you were young, High School/college, or as an adult? (I just have all kinds of weird questions brewing in my noggin haha)

The craziest thing I have ever done was a wet t-shirt contest in Daytona on spring break my senior year of high school. I had sex in a bathroom at Disenyworld when I was 20. My boyfriend had his shoes off, and this little kid asked his dad why the man in the stall had his shoes off, and the dad said never mind that

The funniest thing was when I was on a class trip to a school for the mentally handicapped, I slipped on the wet floor by the pool, and all the mentally handicapped kids pointed and yelled RETARD RETARD, and they were laughing at me. It was so funny. Also one time at the beach me and my friends would run down the beach and then when we got close to people we would fall down and act like it was accident. Also, one time we put dog poop in a couple purses and we took the purses to Walmart and burger king and gave them to employees and told them we had found someone's purse. When they opened it up to look for the person's ID they would get all grossed out. It was soooo funny at the time. Now I'm old and think it's gross, but it was funny when I was young.

I just remembered another thing. When I first got married my husband and I went camping. We bought a tent, that was on sale. When we set it up it was just this little tiny tent. So my husband and I had had to sleep with our feet and legs sticking out of the tent. The camp ground was crowded with people, so the next morning when we woke up this little kid was just standing by our feet. He said my tent is bigger then your tent, and then he just ran away.

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What made up game did you like to play as a kid?

kids tents princess on Kids Play Tent - Buy Cheap Kids Play Tent from Best Kids Play Tent ...
kids tents princess image
Q. Corncob fights ,dirt clod fights,tackle the guy with the ball any stuff like that?

Well I used to go to this after school clubhouse and we had lots of land to play on that had regular jungle jim stuff, but it also had picnic tents (made of brick without doors) and creeks, and lots of trees. So us girls would pretend to be princesses in this huge castle and the boys would be evil dragons and brave knights and the knights would have to save us from the dragons. lol. We thought the whole thing was SO real!!! Thinking back now, I can still remember how the "castle" would look and how the boys "swords" (made of sticks) would sound against the "dragon's"

Oh and us girls LOVED to play Barbie's! We had some of the most elaborate "plays" you ever wanted to see! And we had TONS of clothes for the Barbies and Kens! We had the little cars, and jewelry accessories and we each had a favorite doll (it was usually the same one! lol) I remember many a day we would each race over to the bin to get the Barbie out that we wanted. lol. And if more than one of us made it there at the same time, we would do "Eeny, meeny, miney mo. Catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go! Eeny, meeny, miney mo. My mom told me to pick the very best one and you are not it!!" lol. We'd do that until there was only one person left and they would get the doll!

Yeap...those were some REALLY fun times! Hey, thanks for reminding me of childhood! I love reminiscing about good times...

Do you know that other game...I think it's called "black out"?Anyway I don't remember how to play it...I think I used to like it though...hmmmm...

What does every three year old girl want?


Im writing an English piece on a 3 year old girl, a selfish one.
But the question is what does every selfish, growing up three year old want.
I was thinking attention or?

My 3 yr old neice is very spoiled, but HAPPY!
we got her a play kitchen and a SPARKLY sequin girl's purse for Christmas.
a tea set,
$20 cash to buy whatever else her heart desired.
a musical potty seat that lights up and talks "good job!" yaaayy!

Dora & Spongebob squarepants stuff
toy ponies.
Toy food for her play kitchen. Scented plastic toy food.
Beautiful princess dresses and sparkly shoes.

to pet friendly animals.. cats and dogs.

Plentiful naptime.

bouncy balls!!!

SWEETS. candy canes, chocolate, hot chocolate, skittles, M&Ms, cookies, cake, gumdrops, gummy worms, pudding, lollipops etc., etc,

some 3 year olds dont want to wear clothes. or socks!! my niece hates socks...

PlayDoh, slime and goo for playing.

Coloring book and crayons. the BIG box of crayons with 200 colors!!
a Unicorn flashlight with sound effects.

balloons!!!! Lots of helium balloons!!

cute pink boots.

scented kid's shampoo. Bubble bath.

an abundance of LOVE

a play tent. either a real tent or putting a blanket over a table and hide out under there with stuffed animals and a flashlight and PRETEND.

sparkly pretty little girl necklaces.

a toy set of Keys, a toy cellphone,
a toy grocery shopping basket,

Animated plushies. those stuffed animals that light up, sing/play music and dance and cost too much! haha. 3 yr olds WANT THOSE!!!

maybe beanie babies?

a backrest/armrest pillow for on the bed or in living room.

Beanbag chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they flop all over it and have FUN!

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What is a good "big" gift to get for 2 young children to share?

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I've started budgeting for Christmas and I need to decide what kind of toy to get both my kids for them to share. (They will each get their own toys, and one expensive one to share.) They end up sharing most of each other's toys anyways, so I don't see the point of buying them each an expensive toy when they have fun together. My son is 4, and my daughter is 2. Anyone have any good suggestions for toys that kids can play with at the same time?

Train table
Play kitchen
Kid size table/chairs
Board games
Backyard swingset
Play house/tent

Can you help me create a carnival themed birthday cake?

Abby M

I am looking to create a birthday cake for my daughter's 3rd birthday. We're going all out and doing a carnival themed birthday party with a tent, petting zoo, games, etc. I'm not really interested in buying a cake, I'd rather make it myself. The only problem I'm having is that I can't seem to really find any good ideas. I did see one for a popcorn box but it looked "sloppy". Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Carnival Party

A carnival themed party can be lots of fun for both the parents planning the party and the kids who are lucky enough to attend. With carnival style games as the entertainment and the prizes as the favors this party is sure to be a hit. A little imagination and some store bought supplies makes it easier than it sounds.

On your computer you can print out a large ticket for "admission" into the birthday bash or if you can find popcorn bags at a restaurant supply store print the information on a card and place in the bag. There are also really cute store bought clown invitations you can purchase at party supply stores that will fit with the theme.

Balloons in primary colors tied everywhere. If you have a good artist in the family have them draw up some carnival type posters onto poster board and hang throughout the back yard. A large canopy tent for the presents, cake, eating area can be set up to look like a big top and decorated with streamers.

Serve all of your food at once or have a booth set up as a concession stand. The age of the children might be a deciding factor on this one, younger children might not take time out to eat unless they are instructed. Some suggestions for carnival style food are popcorn, hot dogs, corn dogs, ice cream bars, cotton candy (you can buy it already made), and for the cake you may want to decide to do cupcakes on this one (it will save serving time, you'll be busy with so many other areas of the party).

Set up carnival style booths by using card tables, large boxes, plywood, sheets or any prop you may have to set up your games. Three or four games will be good you will need to have an adult or teenage child to work each booth. You can either make up tickets to play each game once or buy a roll of tickets to hand out a bunch of tickets and let them play for a certain time limit. If you've ever been to a carnival you probably already have some ideas in your head about the types of games you can play. In case you need some help here are a few to get you going. You can give small prizes at the booths such as stickers, candy, rings, etc. or have them win tickets to redeem prizes.

Ring Toss: Buy some plastic rings at a toy store and place some plastic soda bottles filled with water or you can have them unopened and drink them later.
Set them up in your "booth" and let the game begin.
Go Fish: You can buy a toy fishing set or make your own with a stick and some string. Tie a magnet to the string, make paper fish out of construction paper and clip a paper clip on the end. Using color-coded fish the player wins the prize that corresponds with the color of fish they caught.

Ball Throw: Use a TV tray or some other small surface to make a small pyramid out of aluminum cans, for older kids you can use something a little heavier. Use a lightweight ball to have the players knock the cans off of the surface.

Bean Bag Toss: Use a piece of cardboard and cut holes large enough for a beanbag to go through, larger for younger children. You can draw a funny face and use the mouth as a hole or have several holes on the board. The object of the game is to get the beanbag through the hole. You can use a chair or stepladder to support the cardboard.

Pick a Pop: Get a half of a Styrofoam sphere and a bag of lollipops. Color with a marker a few of the bottoms of the lollipops. Stick the lollipops into the sphere so you can?t see the colored marking, the guests pick a pop and if it has a color they win a special prize if it?s just plain they win the lollipop.

Along with the game booths you can also set up some other fun activity booths such as face painting, a tattoo booth (with removable tattoos of course), a finger painting table, and a photo booth (cut a hole for the face on plywood or thick cardboard and draw a funny body, take a Polaroid to give as a party favor). If you have a larger budget you can actually hire some entertainment like a clown or magician.

Party Favors
The prizes for the games become your party favors, make sure everyone gets to take home a prize by giving out something at each both (redemption ticket or small token prize). You can also give out pre-packaged cotton candy or animal crackers as part of their favor. A great place to find carnival favors and supplies is Oriental Trading Company, Inc.

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What should someone take in a small camping trip?

kids camping gear tent on ... | Used Camping Gear for Sale, Cheap Camping Equipment and Tents
kids camping gear tent image


My Son and I are going on our 1st camping trip. Other than a tent, food what other things should I take on a campping trip. There will be other kids at the camp site. Does anyone know of any games that we can play?

Well yes of course you will need essentials, camping stove, lantern, flashlights, sleeping bags, bug spray, sun block, cooler, tent, maybe an air mattress, comfy out doors clothes, good sturdy comfy shoes, plates, forks, cups, jugs of water.

For games? You can find a horse shoes set at a local store and bring it along. If there will be a swimming site bring some swimming gear (life jacket, swim suite etc etc), if there is a beach maybe you can set up a volley ball area. Is there a basketball area there?? You might be able to bring a basketball. Bring a ball and glove, atleast you could play catch. Bring a set of walkie talkies, those could be useful and fun, and they are fairly unexpensive. Have a familiy dog? See if it's ok to bring it along, and bring a frisbee and other pet toys.

Usually when you go camping there is a lake not too far away (of course good for swimming) but also good for fishing, so bring along fishing poles just incase (but make sure you have a fishing license). If there is a lake you might be able to rent a paddle boat and take it out on the lake for a spin.

What are some good camping areas close to San Francisco?


We are flying into San Francisco in the middle of May to go camping. We would like either beach access, or redwoods, or both would be great. Something within 3 hours of San Fran where we could rent a cabin (we will consider tent camping but flying with all the gear would be difficult). We will have a 3 year old with us so something kid friendly with rangers/security of some kind is needed. Right now we are mostly looking at Big Basin, but we are searching for other options as well. Any suggestions?

You might want to look into a KOA Cabin. They have several locations throughout the state.
Since you were thinking about Big Basin here is a link to the one in Santa Cruz County.

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How to choose a family base camping tent?

best tent for camping with family on developed by sunset faktory
best tent for camping with family image


I am planning to buy a family camping tent, what things should I consider?

1. Consider how many people will be sleeping in the tent and if you'll be requiring one or two tents to house everyone. Make sure you have enough room for everyone to be comfortable. Every tent has its dimensions specified on the package, listing how many people it will house and how big it is. If you're looking for roomy comfort, subtract the number of people the tent says it will hold by one or two.

2. Figure out what style of tent will best suit your needs. There are two basic types of tents: dome and cabin. While there are a variety of styles of both, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. A dome tent is easier to assemble, having only two poles for the tent and one for the top cover. Since it's shaped like a dome, you'll give up some space in its height. A cabin tent offers more room since it is built in a square shape, but because it has more poles, it can take longer to assemble and be heavier to carry. If you're looking to house more than four people comfortably and have only one tent, a cabin tent is probably the best option.

3. Consider what extra requirements you need in your tent to properly accommodate you and your group. Do you want an extra attached screen room or a tent with several rooms? Do you have a tall person in the pack that will want to stand up straight while inside the tent? Will you be spending large amounts of time inside the tent? All of these things need to be thought out before you buy a tent. There are many varieties of tents on the market that come at a variety of prices.

4. Think about the area where you will be setting up your base camp tent and what the weather will be like. If you'll be camping in a cold region, you don't want a tent that has a screened top with a liner that allows more air inside. You also don't want a tent that allows little ventilation if you're staying in a hot area.

5. Consider the camping experience of the people you're camping with. If you're a novice camper, you might want a tent that's easy to set up. Generally, the fewer poles you have to deal with, the easier it is to set up and take down and the lighter weight. has quality family tents, you can have a look.

Best Camping Place in middle and east Tennessee ?


Where is the best camping place in Tennessee in your opinion?I am planning to take my two boys (tent) camping for a week during spring break March 16-21. So I want to take them to a nice campground.
I have been looking in middle and east Tennessee.
Also do you know any good free primitive camping sites in middle or east Tennessee.

the great smoky mountains national park is an amazing place to go camping; 800 miles of trails, fishing, horseback riding, amazing waterfalls, tons of wildlife, camping there is $14-$23 a night; this is a great place to go camping, i have been there many times with my family and we can't wait to go back this summer

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Friday, September 20, 2013

What are some ideas of things to do at nine year old girl's birthday party?

camping tent crafts for kids on Kids Play Tent Green Chile Canopy Caste Play House Hut Indoor Outdoor ...
camping tent crafts for kids image


My sister turned nine during the summer and is having her party this week. It was supposed to be a pool party, but because it's so cold out side, there will probably not be much swimming, although we would like to keep it outside. It is 2 hours long, though, and we need ideas to keep all the girls (15) together and excited and having fun. We need ideas from crafts and games. Already, we are doing sparklers and marshmallow roasting, and other ideas like those that can be done in the dark/late afternoon would be great!!

Have your guest bring sleeping bags, flashlights, pajamas, fuzzy slippers, etc.

1. Tie a balloon with string around your guest's ankles. On "go" everyone tries to stomp on everyone else's balloon.

2. Give all guests a toothpick to put in between their teeth. They form a line and try to pass a lifesaver or any candy with a hole in it to everyone with using only your toothpick.

3. Put truth and dare cards in a balloon and have guests pick a balloon pop it and answer the truth or do the dare.

4. Play hide and go seek at night

5. Have a silly string war

6. Put a cookie on your forehead and get it to your mouth by using facial expressions only

7. Have one girl be the pointer. She points at one girl to start off a random story then she points to another girl to continue it, and so on

8. Have a girl leave the room while everyone hides in their sleeping bags. The girl comes in and feels the bodies to guess who it is.

9. Have an equal pile of m&ms for every girl. One teen starts off by saying I have never... (I have never gone to Hawaii) If it is true for you, eat an m&m. Whoever has the most left wins!

10. Have a bowl of small multicolored candy (like skittles) Have everyone grab 2 candies. If they have the same color you get to eat them. If not you must keep this in your mouth. Round after round you stuff sweets into your mouth until you have 2 of the same color.

11. Play a classic game of truth or dare

12. Watch a movie.

13. Freeze dance

14. Put on mosquito spray if your going to be outside! Mosquito bites suck!

15. Play "Do You Like Your neighbor?".

16. Play hide and go seek in the dark!

17. Treasure hunt in the dark. (have people bring a flashlight to use)

18. Have a dance off... with bubble wrap. Try to pop the most bubbles.

19. Tea party! Pull out your finest doll china (if the kids can be trusted with it) and serve hot cider, finger sandwiches, and fancy cookies. As you play you can even teach your guests proper manners for a formal occasion (ediquete).

20.Camp out! Pitch a tent, pull out your sleeping bags, and let the kids sleep inside.

22. Do a huge puzzle all together! Put your smarts together to figure it out!

23. Dance! Teach the kids your favorite dance.

24. Test Your Taste Buds! Have one person make something from ingredients in the kitchen and then other person has to put on a blindfold and eats the food. The person with the blindfold on then makes a guess at what the food is or what ingredients are in it.

25. Drama Bag Game - Fill shopping bags with 5 different items in each bag. A shoe, hat, party favor etc. - but fill each bag with different things. Divide into teams and give each team one bag. Go to different rooms and create a skit which includes all items in the bag. After 15 minutes come back and perform. Variation: Create a song or commercial.

26. Play Mafia. It's really creepy in the dark!

27. Have friends bring over board games to play

28. Talk! Parties are a good time for friends to just get together and talk too!

29. HAVE FUN!!!!!!

For dinner have a "Mystery Meal". Give each guest a menu, but have the items coded like Dr.Pepper is Physicians spice. It is funny to see your friends so confused! Here are some more ideas:
âNeptune's Tridentâ (fork)
âPucker Upâ (lemonade)
"Shovel" (spoon)
"Finger Puppets" (olives)
"Early Morning Alarm" (chicken)
"Gold nuggets" Clue- Pocahontace (corn)

Party Menu

Pizza - take out or have more fun making your own with fun toppings.
Chips and dip
Veggie tray with dip
Fruit tray with dip
Make Rice Krispie Treats, Brownies or Cookies at midnight
Hot Chocolate
Sleepover Smores

Make a Tutu! Instrunctions here:

What's your favorite activity to do with your children?


I'm looking for new ideas for family time. When giving your answer, please give the ages of your kids. THANKS!

I can't speak to my favorite activity to do with my kids as I don't have any yet, but I can tell you what my favorite activites were with my parents when I was growing up.

The zoo was a perennial favorite for me and my siblings, throughout our entire lives (we currently range in age from 16 to 26). I loved going on hikes with my mom in our local parks and forest reserves, as we took bird and flower books and learned to identifiy the different species. One of the reserves we went to also had an interactive area where we could hold snakes, lizards, turtles, watch bees in their colony, etc. I grew up with a deep respect for nature and a knowledge of all things natural that few of my peers have. Along those same lines, we loved going to the Natural History Museum and seeing the stuffed animals and skeletons. We also took this love of the outdoors and nature to our annual vactations, where we visited almost every state within driving distance and went camping - not RV camping, but tent camping. We camped at the headwaters of the Missouri river in Minnesota, in the badlands of South Dakota, in the forests of Arkansas....camping is still a favorite activity as an adult, and it teaches a lot of life lessons too - I'm proud that I'm not a "girly" girl and can sustain myself by building a fire, knowing what is okay to eat in the wild, building a shelter, etc. I can tie knots, set up a tent in minutes, chop firewood, etc.

We also went on many picnics, where we'd pick up KFC and take a kite and a frisbee and toss it around while enjoying the sun and outdoor family time.

Building something together was always memorable, whether it was a simple birdhouse or a more elaborate fort outside.

My mother and father were both artistic, so we had many craft times. We painted and glued our own ornaments when it was Christmas time, made paper turkeys at Thanksgiving, etc.

As we got old, family game night became the highlight of the week. It started with a few games geared toward the youngest of the kids, like Chutes and Ladders or Hi Ho Cherry-O, then when they went to bed it would continue with more advanced games like Clue, Scrabble, Sequence, Scattergories and Pictionary, and card games like Poker and UNO and May I. Right now our favorite games are Settlers of Cataan and Apples to Apples. It's a tradition I hope to continue with my children when the time comes.

When we were very small, like three and four, I remember our dad making us into pizza and we'd always clamor for him to do it again. He'd lay us out in his lap, spread us out (pretending that he was rolling out the dough), toss us in the air, then spread sauce on us, put pepporonis (or whatever kind of pizza we decided to be) on us, then sprinkle us with cheese (light tickling). Then into the "oven" where we'd cook for a few seconds and out we'd come, where we'd be gobbled up. It sounds cheesy but younger kids absolutely delight in it.

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where can I get pit balls (like the ones in kids jump tents) in the Los Angeles area?

kids jumping tents on huge slide and a inflatable jumping tent were popular events with ...
kids jumping tents image


where can I get pit balls (like the ones in kids jump tents) in the Los Angeles area? 3 inch plastic ones
should of included I need bulk (400+)

Toys R Us sells them, but the best place to get them is Amazon.

What are some toys that kids of all ages can play with?


What are some toys that kids ages 6-12 can play with together? There is also a 1 1/2 year old. Preferably something that can be played with outside and at least 4 or 5 kids can play with at a time or take turns playing. Something the 1 1/2 year old would enjoy too if you can possibly think of anything to fit with that age. We are already buying a slipping slide and sand toys. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Something that isn't very expensive either. Thanks.

these are things my kids play with and they are a girl 6 and boy 3.

soccer ball

jr football or foam one might be better


a rubber ball for playing kick ball with bases. you can make ur own bases and the dollar tree did carry them

jump ropes

kid size rakes

plastic t ball

paint, lots of paint and boxes or posters are 2 for a dollar at $ tree
Spray paint a big huge box, let them i mean, and make a play house outta it.

How bout a tent? If not that, they could make a fort using kit chairs and blankets and sheets and stuff

if you have a table, uno and other games without tiny pieces might be good. My daughter loves uno!

horse shoes is fun too, they make them mobile kinds so you can bring them in when your done with them

kites are a $ at the $ tree too

who doesnt like bubbles or bubble blowers? You can get an awesome bubble blower at wal mart for not too much like 10 or 15 dollars and its GREAT LOADS OF FUN

potting soil and seeds is fun too

dont forget the boom box, gotta have tunes outside right?

I hope this helps it was just off the top of my head!

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How do you make a homemade teepee for the living room?

kids tents online on Easy French Dishes for English Cooks: Mrs Alfred Praga ...
kids tents online image


I'm having difficulty finding info online on how to make a teepee for the living room, like you would a tent using sheets and chairs. I'm sure there is a way to make is quickly and simply using objects around the house, and I finally found something in a search online, but then it said "page not found". I have a few days to do this. Thanks.


The major problem with your request is that chairs are not conducive to tipi shapes -- you need some poles.

But generally speaking, kids are well entertained with sheets or blankets draped over anything into a tent shape. Many an afternoon has been spent under a sheet-draped card table...

How to put away the discovery kids princess castle?


This is what it is

but I removed the rods from the tent but cant figure out how to put it away in its little pouch. I googled everywhere for instructions but nothing! Help!

I haven't seen instructions anywhere online, but there is a great video on Home Shopping Network (HSN) that will show you how to fold and unfold it. It's a little on the long side, but you should get the hang of it after only one watching:

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What at home activities can I do with 6yr old with ADHD?

kids tent building kits on Minecraft apple several apple-themed items, make an online in bushel ...
kids tent building kits image


My son was just recently diagnosed with ADHD and put on Adderall...NO COMMENTS PLEASE!!! And I saw an amazing difference!!!! He still had his personality, but wasn't so AAHHH with everything he did. But I wanted to know what at home things should I do with him? Any activities, schedules, things like that!

Thanks so much!!!

I have ADHD and my kids have it too but they take medication while I've just learned to direct my energy. I know what you mean by not so "AHHHH!" We use Ritalin and Focalin and it has helped them so much in terms of focusing and also in helping their self confidence. I do not let them have coffee/caffeine as that just doesn't work for us.

For starters: I would recommend a schedule you stick to consistently (wake up at X time, lunch at X time, snack at X time, bed at X time). Because you're going to be tuning medication and dosings for the next few years (this is totally normal), a distinct and consistent bed time routine is important. Maybe it's bath followed by story or alone time and then tuck in by the parental units. But, always always always have it start and end at the same time.

Secondly, keep him busy to help him direct his energies. Find some physical activities in your community but be aware that not all activities are good for ADHD kids (baseball can be incredibly boring). You may bounce around between sports trying to find the right fit; let him be your guide. Maybe even little kid triathalons and kid 1K races (highly recommend these are they are so much fun for every participant). Stock up on lots of hands on creative or craft work that he's interested in - you'll have to let his preferences guide you but you. I have girls so I'm not going to suggest crafts! They love making friendship bracelets, weaving, and sewing; but it wasn't something they liked right off. My kids have science experiments all over the house as well as architecture kits and building sets. If you have the space, try to get a backyard playground. Try to supplement it with props - maybe tents?

Encourage high creative or imagination play. Stock up on thinking games (like Memory), strategy (Battleship), and other process of duplication or elimination (I think one is called Simon and another is an indoor tag game). Even card games like War; charades is a hoot.
Have a game night once or twice a week but be prepared to play lots of games. Be outside as much as possible doing active things (bikes, walks, runs) during the school nights just to wear him out.

A surprise thing we've found along our way are books on tape (or CD or iPod). They listen to these while they are doing their experiments/weaving and it also marks the official start of 'quiet time' every night. It helps busy minds to have something to latch on to. Highly recommend the entire Harry Potter series (Jim Dale, narrator, is fabulous), Percy Jackson and Olympians series, and The Adventures of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel series.

Kids with ADHD are wonders. You just have to have the energy to lead the way!

what is a good topic for demonstration speech?


i need to show a class a 5 to 9 minute presentation.

the web page (below) provides: Demonstration Speech Ideas

How To :

Clean your teeth.
Coordinate clothes for any occasion.
Sign for the deaf.
Apply decorative stencils.
Roll clothes to pack a suitcase.
Make stain-glass.
Read nutrition labels.
Defend yourself against an attacker.
Plan a home fire escape.
Stencil tile.
Set-up an e-mail account.
Change oil in your car.
Play the drums.
Change a baby's diaper.
Swing a golf club.
Putt a golf ball.
Pot flowers.
Prune roses.
Make a simple children's game.
Make peanut butter bars.
Splint a broken leg or ankle.
Keep a healthy puppy.
Succeed in an interview.
Hang wallpaper.
Shoot a free throw.
Pack a backpack.
Use a compass.
Hit a baseball.
Catch a fly ball.
Sell an athletic shoe.
Put on scuba gear.
Fillet a fish.
Install a car stereo.
Get a slim waistline.
Play the saxophone.
Apply makeup.
Apply Theater make-up.
Install a dimmer switch.
Make a pumpkin lantern.
Call a turkey.
Play a guitar.
Purchase a new car for the lowest price.
Serve a tennis ball.
Apply, care, and remove contact lenses.
Restore a piece of antique furniture.
Write a resume.
Find a rental home or apartment.
Set a formal dinner table.
Choose car insurance.
Build a bookcase.
Weave a basket.
Hang curtains.
Change a tire on a bike.
Budget your monthly income.
Wrap a gift professionally.
Tie-dye a shirt.
Wash your clothes properly.
Bathe a baby.
Arrange flowers.
Give a manicure.
Administer CPR.
Administer the Heimlich Maneuver.
Iron clothes.
Use a bow and arrow.
Water ski.
Do simple ballroom dancing.
Take a picture with a 35-mm camera.
Landscape your front yard on a shoestring budget.
Fold napkins for a formal dinner party.
Trim your thighs with exercise.
Build bigger biceps.
Care for your compact discs.
Bake cookies.
Improve your bowling score.
Sew a button on a blouse.
Carve a pumpkin.
Draw cartoon characters.
Make your own valentines.
Recycle in your home.
Frame a picture.
Buy toe shoes.
Play soccer.
Register for college.
Write a childrenâs story.
Mow the lawn.
Organize your closet.
Dye your hair.
Plan a little kid party.
Make Playdough.
Groom your pet.
Set up a tent.
Make a piñata.
Square dance.
Refinish a front door.
Play a video game.
Bunt, or hit a baseball.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Plan a wedding.
Milk a cow.
Stuff a turkey.
Write a poem.
Make deviled eggs.
Make and fly a kite.
Wash and detail a car.
Decorate a Christmas tree.
Tenderize meat.
Make fudge.
Ride a horse.
Program your vcr.
Make a cut up t-shirt look great.
Cross stitch.
Get a date.
Break dance.
Make Bar B Que sauce.
Create a power point presentation.
Make scrapbooks.
Install sprinklers.
Play football.
Clean carpets.
Make paper carnations.
Decorate a float.
Make Ice cream.
Balance your checkbook.
Program your cell phone.
Make a web page.
Apply fake fingernails.
Frost and decorate a cake.
Ride a skateboard.
Do the chicken dance.
Plan a baby shower.
Grow a herbal garden.
Wax your car.
Make a paper airplane.
Download or upload files on the computer.
Make an emergency kit for your car.
Make an earthquake kit for your house.
Change a flat tire.
Do yoga.
Fit a child on a bicycle.
Choose a bottle of wine for dinner.
Save money clipping coupons.
Polish or shine shoes.
Start a fire in the fireplace.
Plan a romantic date.
Play the games in Las Vegas.
See Disneyland in one day.
Make a swan out of origami.
Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Make wedding favors.
Ride a bike.
Design a sprinkler system.
Run a garage sale.
Plan a vegetarian meal.
Groom your dog.
Train your dog.
Backpack through Europe.
Remove acoustic ceilings.
Lay bricks.
Create a water garden.
Build a gazebo.
Make your own jelly.
Plan a picnic.
Make a subway sandwich.
Plant seasonal flowers.
Grow and prune a bonsai tree.
Safely view the eclipse.
Make finger paints.
Make a Halloween costume.
Make a rug.
Do needlepoint.
Can peaches.
Clean sparkplugs.
Prune bushes in the shape of animals.
Build a sandcastle.
Make pancakes.
Make a root beer float.
Perm your hair.
Braid hair.
Create a work out schedule.
Accessorize your outfits.
Line dance.
Twirl a baton.
Play the cello.
Fold the American flag.
Make a card house.
Shave your legs.
Trim and wax your mustache.
Clean your silk plants.
Drop kick a soccer ball or a football.
Eat with chopsticks.
Plan an eight course meal.
Play piano.
Read music.
Straighten your hair.
Groom a pig.
Make an omelet.
Build a castle with Legos.

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What are some great family vacation destinations?

tent camping with kids tips on Tips and Ideas for Camping with Kids
tent camping with kids tips image


This is what we are looking for:

Beach (either right there or nearby)
Warm weather in February
Cool things to see and do for kids
Reasonable price

Thank you!

I few years ago I did some camping on St. John in the US Virgin Islands.

This would be one exciting camping experience for a family. The "tents" are built into the hillside on the southern tip of the island, These solar-powered loft tents combine sustainable technology with some of the most spectacular views on the island.

There is much to do on the island, such as hiking, snorkleing, sitting on remote beaches.

$95 to $175/night

packing tips for 3 weeks with one suitcase?

anime eyes

So, I am going to a camp where we stay in college dormatories, and I want to bring a different outfit for every day, but I can only have 1 suitcase. Not to mention having my bedspread and toiletries in there too. Any tips?

In different one gallon zip lock bags, individually roll the kids
T-shirts, shorts and underwear.

Squeeze the air out.

Place the bags in their suitcase.

If you do this, then dirty clothes never touch clean clothes. Come laundry time, you wonât have to sort laundry and youâll probably have less to wash
Here are a few ideas on how to pack for a 7-day vacation to California in July.

Each person should only pack what they need. Most children over the age of 4 should be able to easily carry or pull on rollers, their personal stuff from the car to the hotel room, cabin or tent in 1 trip from the car. If you canât, then youâve packed too much!
1.Each person (kids over 4 included) gets their own toiletry bag. Donât make mom responsible for everyone.

2.Pack enough summer clothes for 3 days plus a pair of long pants and nice shirt.

3.While at the pool, do the laundry

4.Toiletries - pack a tooth brush, tooth paste, comb or hair brush, soap etc for each person. Blow dryers etc... maybe.

5.Pajamas: No girlie or tacky sleepwear - bring something that can substitute for a pair of shorts or a shirt just in case of a clothing disaster.

6.Bring 2-pairs of shoes: walking shoes and sandals

7.Bring a Windbreaker of some sort.

8.Sweatshirts or Polar fleece jackets â If you are going to buy souvenirs, buy a sweatshirt or jacket. Itâs a useful souvenir and the memory will last until itâs worn out or out grown.

9.Pack the swimsuits and towels separately. Youâll probably want to use them as soon as you get to the destination.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Is it bad to keep an air mattress constantly inflated?

kids tent bedroom on ... for kids bedroom style kids bedroom with decorative play tents gallery
kids tent bedroom image

Lauren CA

We have big air mattress that we use in our spare bedroom (we're still broke post-college kids). Is it bad for the bed to keep it always inflated like a permanent bed? Does it wear it out or stretch it out? Should we deflate it when we're not using it?

It doesn't hurt it a bit.Eventually it will start leaking from age,as plastic gets brittle and cracks.We've used one when visiting my parents; with three kids for years, as they have a small house.We've still got the Coleman ones we've used for camping since 2000.The first time we used them,Ohio was in a flash flood watch and I told my wife we could use them like boats as the tent got rained on.She didn't believe me,and stayed up all night after the rain stopped.Try goodwill and Salvation Army stores for used furniture.They have couches for $100-200 dollars,including sofa beds.Be very picky as it is sold "AS IS".

Where can I buy bedroom furniture for my loft conversion with slanted ceilings / awkward walls?

Paul S

I'm ideally looking for a specific company that can supply kids bedroom furniture as IKEA and HABITAT etc don't fit the strange angles. I could get bespoke cupboards and drawers etc, but that would be so expensive. Just some links would be great...

Check this

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what is a creative idea for a research paper on camping?

quality kids camping tents on The Conduct Of Admiral Knowles On The Late Expedition Set In A True ...
quality kids camping tents image

Ashley W

the paper includes why camping is a good summer get a way and then the con's about camping. all the 101 for camping basically for my english class
i need a title, an interesting and eye catching title.

Why I LOVE to Camp (Ok that's your title for your con's on camping) Here are your reasons in no particular order:

*Bugs- Kids can take butterfly nets, chase lightning bugs and learn about the environment

*No indoor plumbing= The wonderful feeling of washing your hair in a clear running stream with biodegradable soap. Soaking in a natural hotspring, and lying in the hot sun until you're dry.

*sleeping on the ground on top of your Thermarest pad, cozy in a warm sleeping bag with the crisp night air, cicadas and coyotes singing off in the distance , and gazing at shooting stars until you drift off to sleep. What could be better?

*Bears or racoons getting in your food - Knowing that your food needs to be put away at night, because you keep your campsite clean just like you do your home kitchen. Animal proofing your kitchen supplies is a simple thing, and it protects future campers by preventing animals from associating campers with a food source. It's our responsibility.

*Big hairy wolf spiders - gazing at the amazing dew-covered architecture of spiderwebs in the crook of a tree, or between blades of tall grass as you take an early morning walk with a cup of hot cocoa.

* Rain creates mud and puts out camp fires - Listening to the rain pitter patter on the roof of your tent or tarp, as it sets the rhythm to your day: the rhythm of nature. All while you are dry and comfortable, relaxing to the sound and noticing the fresh smell of the rain on the ground. Best aromatherapy there is!

* No place to plug in a curling iron/Hard to apply makeup - What freedom! There is no expectation of false beauty. Only true beauty of clean, anadorned skin and hair. And you can treat your hair and pores to a much needed relief -- time free of harsh chemicals and laboratory created scents from makeup and hairspray! Great way to detox your body!

*Cooking over a fire (ever try that?) - Once you try it, you'll love it! There's something so right about cooking this way - the way our ancestors cooked. The beautiful flavor of oak absorbing into the citrus marinaded salmon filet, the popcorn you cook over the open fire, eggs & bacon sizzling in an old cast iron pan, the hot water you heat to make a cup of coffee. The best food comes off a campfire!

*Setting up/putting a way a tent - Setting up the tent is a joy. Putting it away is a struggle, only because it signifies the end of your time away, and your return to a civilization that is overrun with unhappy people who rush towards the graveyard without ever experiencing the real world they ought to live in. They only experience the concrete one we've created and imposed upon each other. Most of those people would greatly benefit from a camping trip like you just had!

*Lugging all your gear way into the woods & hauling it all back is a small price to pay for an amazing experience!

*Cleaning/sanitizing dishes and utensils (especially those with egg on them). Prompt cleaning/ washing dishes while camping is no different from doing the dishes at home. Oh wait, yeah, no dishwashers in the woods. Gee, I wonder how the pioneers in the westward expansion tackled this one?? (scratchng head). lol

*Too much work to "live" with nature. Watch Animal planet instead and you will be just as satisfied. MMM... Animal planet is a great channel, as are Discovery and PBS. It's painful to watch most mainstream TV channels. Stick to Survivorman, Nature and Meerkat Manor for quality TV. But any amount of "work" to get outside beats TV any day of the week.

are knives made in china bad?


I just noticed a buck knife i was looking at, its called that mantis, is made in china. Also the kershaw vapor 2 i noticed is made in china. Does that mean those knives aren't good quality because i heard most Chinese made knives are crappy
so what im asking is are the knives i was looking at any good even though they were made in china?

Generally their steel and their quality of workmanship is considerably less than most US-made knives, and they certainly won't take the abuse, especially getting put away wet, avoiding rust, abusive treatment, etc.

However, both Buck & Kershaw are good names in the industry, so you're probably getting better quality than some of the no-name Asian knives, or the not-very-good-name knives, like Frost Cutlery.

As in most things, my advice is to spend as much money as you can afford -- or more -- to make sure you get as far away from the Junk category as possible. A good-quality knife is a pleasure to own and use, and you'll never be sorry for spending the money if you actually use the knife rather than having it decorating a drawer somewhere.

I paid 35 bucks for my Case Shark Tooth, about 25 years ago, and cringed as I spent that much money for a one-blade pocket knife. If it hadn't been so damned beautiful I wouldn't have done it.

However, I've carried that thing in six different countries, hiking and camping all over the world, and it's still a fabulous tool that I can always trust to hold an edge and do the job -- cleaning fish, cutting kindling sticks, clearing a campsite, or even hammering in nails to tie my tent flaps to a tree (yeah, it's an awful abuse, but it'll take it).

Best money I ever spent on a knife, and it'll probably still serve my kid well years from now when I'm worm food. Which is a lot more than can be said about some shiny Chinese knockoff.

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Keeping Christmas trees out of the weather when on tree lot and ideas on other kids attractons for the lot?

kids tent rentals on Cute Valentines Day Pictures For Kids
kids tent rentals image

Benjamin S

we have 3 lots in NC and need to shade them while on display. Canopy? where can we get one? how much? sizes? other ideas on how to build a shade area over the tress. ALSO.... any ideas or companies that have kids "things" ie merry go rounds, petting zoos?

Keep your trees stored in a warehouse, or the back of the trailer until they are ready for display. Then cut the binding and keep them watered. Try not to cut the sap from the base of the tree stump to keep it moist. I would not worry about a canopy, unless the weather is cold enough to warrant a tent. Check out tent rental companies in your local yellow pages.

I also would not worry about kiddie rides as the family is there to buy a tree, not to go to an amusement park.

That is not to say you could not give away snowcones, popcorn, coffee, hot chocolate or other stuff to keep your customers happy.

NYC Merchandise will rent you that kind of stuff. They may also be able to rent you inflatables that will get you attention to grab your customers.

Good Luck

How to make a canopy tent?

Kortney Ba

I'm going to be having a haunt fest in my front yard for halloween this year and i want to make a tent canopy for the kids to walk through. I know i could buy one but they are 400 plus and i don't have that kind of money to waste on one thing. So i need to know what is another alternative i can do to build one. Could i use wood and a large black tarp? something along the lines of that.

look under tent rental or party supply store , see if you rent one cheap.

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what to bring on a camping trip?

large screen tents for camping on Screen Tent | Low Prices Amazon Discount Product
large screen tents for camping image


I am a police explorer and we are having a camping trip (4 days 3 nights). They are bringing the food and shelter, I have never gone camping before so i know very little of what to bring.
Oh I live in Arizona and there is going to be showers in walking distance.
1 more thing we are allowed to bring knifes and all that good stuff!

You have to ask, WHERE are you camping. Near a beach, deep in the forest trail, mountain, well managed accessible park?

WHAT are you doing? Is it a family event with children? Just adults but relaxed, or "real" camping?

CONDITIONS: Will you have water and electricity? Shower and toilet facilities? Check weather forecast.

Go to the state park website whichever state you are camping and read the reviews and research the details.

But for generalization: cover the essentials.
1. Lighting - Gas/propane/battery lantern, LED headlamps.
2. Sleeping pad/bag and pillow - $5 foam at wal-mart or self inflating pad for about $20-25. or an airbed for about $80. You need to protect your spine if you are not used to sleeping on the ground.
3. First Aid kit, insect repellent, sun screen, citronella candles.
4. Tools - knife, ax, mallet/hammer, small shovel, matches/lighter, multi-tool.
5. Shelter - Ropes, Nylon, bungees. Tarps - In case it rains, most tents are not water proof.
6. Clothing - Minimal essential clothing, they take up space quickly, but don't run out. Or just keep them in the car.
7. Water - Plenty of drinking water, you might have to run to a store after 2 days. More if you plan to do physical activities like sports. And get some Ice while you're at the store. Extra Ice is always good.
8. Coolers - Keep raw meats cold and separate from ready to eat food.
9. Cooking - Propane stoves or coal and fire wood. utensils. Don't forget the propane.
10. Hygiene - Your personal kit, Dish soap/sponges, trash bags.
11. Cash - You never know.
12. Toys - whatever constitute to you as a toy. Board games, cards, musical instruments, boom box, bike, hammock.

I gave you a list not of items but conditions and what to fill them with.
Basically, whatever you do inside, you're just doing it outside.
Coordinate with others and try to help each other.
Camping is about functioning as a community.

If food and cooking are covered, it should even be easier.
You will end up with:
1 large camping backpack - Basic essentials
1 medium cooler - Food/water
1 handheld lamp.

Be safe and Have Fun!

How can I make camping fun?


My boyfriend has never been camping, but I have and I love it. This summer I'm taking him up to one of the nicest camping spots around where we live. We're car camping so we can take whatever we want since we have a large truck. The campground is at an ocean side, so no swimming (much too cold). It has bathrooms and showers so he'll be a bit more comfortable. I also have an air mattress we can bring so he doesn't have to sleep on the ground. How else can I make it more comfortable an most importantly fun for him? He's kind of an indoor person, and he's never been exposed to outdoor activities. My dad was a single parent so whenever he was actually around camping, fishing, and any other outdoor sport was petty much all we did together. Help me out please :)

If I was your boyfriend I think I'd be more than happy to spend time alone with the girl I loved in a scenic location. But if your boyfriend isn't an outdoors person he might be put-off by the lack of convenience and entertainment options.

The first thing I'd worry about is helping your boyfriend pick the clothing and gear he's going to bring so he is warm and comfortable throughout the trip. Make sure to bring extra blankets. Many people have trouble sleeping the first few times camping because they're not used to the sounds of nature, so ear plugs are a good idea.

Next I'd focus on is creating a campground environment that is comfy and safe. Have a lantern that can run overnight on low setting so he won't be concerned about getting lost if he has to go to the bathroom during the night. A table and chairs to relax outside, protected by a tarp and bug candles or a screen room so you both can relax outside and enjoy the view without risk of rain or insect bites. Remember it will be windy near the beach so make sure your tent, tarp and/or screen room are well-secured. Have your meals planned out and involve him in preparation so he gets to experience cooking outdoors. A nice campfire to snuggle in front of as you watch for shooting stars and tell each other stories. Maybe some wine or beer to help him relax, but not enough to get drunk.

Pack a picnic basket and blanket and go out on a hike, stopping along the way to point-out and explain the wildlife, nature and scenery. Just holding hands and walking the beach looking for seashells is a good time if you're with someone you enjoy. Maybe do some surf fishing or crabbing, or go out on a dolphin/whale watching boat trip, but be prepared in case he gets seasick. If there's someplace nearby where you can hire horses or mountain bikes for a short ride that's always a good time. Many beach areas also have tethered hot air balloon rides, or go to a nearby small airport and take a discovery flight in a small plane. Bring a camera and a tripod so you can take pictures of the both of you as a couple enjoying the sights.

Depending on where you are you might buy some fireworks and put on your own little show on the beach, making sure to keep it safe and clean-up afterwards. Some beaches have ATV or motorcycle rentals so you can ride on the beach. A nearby amusement pier would be fun. Or racing remote controlled cars on the beach.

But mostly I say just be yourself and do the things you like to do. He will either like it or he won't. If he doesn't then you need to decide whether a relationship can work with a person who doesn't share your interests. Sometimes they do, but mostly they don't.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To those who live in a Small house/Space, how do you make room for babies and kids things?

kids play tent large on The History and Antiquities of Dartford: With Topographical Notices of ...
kids play tent large image

Sophia's M

My husband and I live in a 1200 square foot bungalow which has two bedrooms down stairs and 1 full bath. Upstairs has 1 large Bedroom and Half Bath...We want more children in the future but we don't see ourself moving anytime soon. I am trying to find a good way to make more space for my child and her toys and things. Any tips

I am also in a small space - 900 sf 2 bed / 1 bath apt - and we have a toddler and twins on the way.

Our lease is up at the same time I am due. It would be really bad timing to move, so we plan to stick it out here for a year and get into a larger place next year.

We've adapted by making our space very child centered. We have a train table instead of a coffee table. The kitchen is too small for a full-size dining room table, so we sit Japanese style at a toddler-size table. The living room is the play room (as well as my daughter's room). The living room also houses our computers and office stuff which we have compactly on one wall. The futon couch doubles as a guest bed when we have company.

My daughter's closet now has two rods for clothing (one high and one low) to accommodate the twins' wardrobe. Her bedroom has enough room to have 2 beds - a full size bed for co-sleeping/nursing and a smaller toddler bed. Her BIG tent will have to be packed up once we set up the toddler bed, but we plan to replace it with a smaller collapsible version. The train table may also temporarily go into storage to make space for some baby gear.

In your situation, I would make the large upstairs bedroom into a play room and let the rest of your house be relatively clutter-free.

What are some fun things to do with a 4 year old and an 8 year old within a 4 hour period?


I am only 14 1/2 years old and it has to be alot of things because they can't concentrate on one thing for a long time.

play do with lots of "tools" - find recipe on internet
water table - with lots of measuring cups, etc
lots of blocks - open up preschool book and tell 8 yo to recreate pic
make theme collage for mom on computer using computer images from google
make up relay race with neighborhood kids
take on nature walk to find cool bugs
let them nail tons of nails into large scrap wood (yes 4yo is old enough with appropriate size hammer)
bake cookies (ones scoop from tub, slice from roll or even from scratch)
any paint project (make sure you protect everything)
let them sand something (woodworking)
get birdseed from feed store or pet store and spread it out and watch the birds come ( try and match to book on local birds)
reinact scenes from favorite movies
do some improv
write up a story about something stupid - how the inchworm saved the world with its loud burps
let them take silly pics of each other with digital camera
make potatoe chip sandwiches and have picnic on floor
make tent/fort under dining table and read stories with flashlight
have them do a chore as a favor to mom... clean windows with baby wipes, vacuum (kids are great at vacuuming)
write postcard to grandma/grandpa
help them research craft sites
help them research a local museum and take them

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