Saturday, September 21, 2013

What at home activities can I do with 6yr old with ADHD?

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kids tent building kits image


My son was just recently diagnosed with ADHD and put on Adderall...NO COMMENTS PLEASE!!! And I saw an amazing difference!!!! He still had his personality, but wasn't so AAHHH with everything he did. But I wanted to know what at home things should I do with him? Any activities, schedules, things like that!

Thanks so much!!!

I have ADHD and my kids have it too but they take medication while I've just learned to direct my energy. I know what you mean by not so "AHHHH!" We use Ritalin and Focalin and it has helped them so much in terms of focusing and also in helping their self confidence. I do not let them have coffee/caffeine as that just doesn't work for us.

For starters: I would recommend a schedule you stick to consistently (wake up at X time, lunch at X time, snack at X time, bed at X time). Because you're going to be tuning medication and dosings for the next few years (this is totally normal), a distinct and consistent bed time routine is important. Maybe it's bath followed by story or alone time and then tuck in by the parental units. But, always always always have it start and end at the same time.

Secondly, keep him busy to help him direct his energies. Find some physical activities in your community but be aware that not all activities are good for ADHD kids (baseball can be incredibly boring). You may bounce around between sports trying to find the right fit; let him be your guide. Maybe even little kid triathalons and kid 1K races (highly recommend these are they are so much fun for every participant). Stock up on lots of hands on creative or craft work that he's interested in - you'll have to let his preferences guide you but you. I have girls so I'm not going to suggest crafts! They love making friendship bracelets, weaving, and sewing; but it wasn't something they liked right off. My kids have science experiments all over the house as well as architecture kits and building sets. If you have the space, try to get a backyard playground. Try to supplement it with props - maybe tents?

Encourage high creative or imagination play. Stock up on thinking games (like Memory), strategy (Battleship), and other process of duplication or elimination (I think one is called Simon and another is an indoor tag game). Even card games like War; charades is a hoot.
Have a game night once or twice a week but be prepared to play lots of games. Be outside as much as possible doing active things (bikes, walks, runs) during the school nights just to wear him out.

A surprise thing we've found along our way are books on tape (or CD or iPod). They listen to these while they are doing their experiments/weaving and it also marks the official start of 'quiet time' every night. It helps busy minds to have something to latch on to. Highly recommend the entire Harry Potter series (Jim Dale, narrator, is fabulous), Percy Jackson and Olympians series, and The Adventures of the Immortal Nicholas Flammel series.

Kids with ADHD are wonders. You just have to have the energy to lead the way!

what is a good topic for demonstration speech?


i need to show a class a 5 to 9 minute presentation.

the web page (below) provides: Demonstration Speech Ideas

How To :

Clean your teeth.
Coordinate clothes for any occasion.
Sign for the deaf.
Apply decorative stencils.
Roll clothes to pack a suitcase.
Make stain-glass.
Read nutrition labels.
Defend yourself against an attacker.
Plan a home fire escape.
Stencil tile.
Set-up an e-mail account.
Change oil in your car.
Play the drums.
Change a baby's diaper.
Swing a golf club.
Putt a golf ball.
Pot flowers.
Prune roses.
Make a simple children's game.
Make peanut butter bars.
Splint a broken leg or ankle.
Keep a healthy puppy.
Succeed in an interview.
Hang wallpaper.
Shoot a free throw.
Pack a backpack.
Use a compass.
Hit a baseball.
Catch a fly ball.
Sell an athletic shoe.
Put on scuba gear.
Fillet a fish.
Install a car stereo.
Get a slim waistline.
Play the saxophone.
Apply makeup.
Apply Theater make-up.
Install a dimmer switch.
Make a pumpkin lantern.
Call a turkey.
Play a guitar.
Purchase a new car for the lowest price.
Serve a tennis ball.
Apply, care, and remove contact lenses.
Restore a piece of antique furniture.
Write a resume.
Find a rental home or apartment.
Set a formal dinner table.
Choose car insurance.
Build a bookcase.
Weave a basket.
Hang curtains.
Change a tire on a bike.
Budget your monthly income.
Wrap a gift professionally.
Tie-dye a shirt.
Wash your clothes properly.
Bathe a baby.
Arrange flowers.
Give a manicure.
Administer CPR.
Administer the Heimlich Maneuver.
Iron clothes.
Use a bow and arrow.
Water ski.
Do simple ballroom dancing.
Take a picture with a 35-mm camera.
Landscape your front yard on a shoestring budget.
Fold napkins for a formal dinner party.
Trim your thighs with exercise.
Build bigger biceps.
Care for your compact discs.
Bake cookies.
Improve your bowling score.
Sew a button on a blouse.
Carve a pumpkin.
Draw cartoon characters.
Make your own valentines.
Recycle in your home.
Frame a picture.
Buy toe shoes.
Play soccer.
Register for college.
Write a childrenâs story.
Mow the lawn.
Organize your closet.
Dye your hair.
Plan a little kid party.
Make Playdough.
Groom your pet.
Set up a tent.
Make a piñata.
Square dance.
Refinish a front door.
Play a video game.
Bunt, or hit a baseball.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Plan a wedding.
Milk a cow.
Stuff a turkey.
Write a poem.
Make deviled eggs.
Make and fly a kite.
Wash and detail a car.
Decorate a Christmas tree.
Tenderize meat.
Make fudge.
Ride a horse.
Program your vcr.
Make a cut up t-shirt look great.
Cross stitch.
Get a date.
Break dance.
Make Bar B Que sauce.
Create a power point presentation.
Make scrapbooks.
Install sprinklers.
Play football.
Clean carpets.
Make paper carnations.
Decorate a float.
Make Ice cream.
Balance your checkbook.
Program your cell phone.
Make a web page.
Apply fake fingernails.
Frost and decorate a cake.
Ride a skateboard.
Do the chicken dance.
Plan a baby shower.
Grow a herbal garden.
Wax your car.
Make a paper airplane.
Download or upload files on the computer.
Make an emer

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