Wednesday, September 18, 2013

To those who live in a Small house/Space, how do you make room for babies and kids things?

kids play tent large on The History and Antiquities of Dartford: With Topographical Notices of ...
kids play tent large image

Sophia's M

My husband and I live in a 1200 square foot bungalow which has two bedrooms down stairs and 1 full bath. Upstairs has 1 large Bedroom and Half Bath...We want more children in the future but we don't see ourself moving anytime soon. I am trying to find a good way to make more space for my child and her toys and things. Any tips

I am also in a small space - 900 sf 2 bed / 1 bath apt - and we have a toddler and twins on the way.

Our lease is up at the same time I am due. It would be really bad timing to move, so we plan to stick it out here for a year and get into a larger place next year.

We've adapted by making our space very child centered. We have a train table instead of a coffee table. The kitchen is too small for a full-size dining room table, so we sit Japanese style at a toddler-size table. The living room is the play room (as well as my daughter's room). The living room also houses our computers and office stuff which we have compactly on one wall. The futon couch doubles as a guest bed when we have company.

My daughter's closet now has two rods for clothing (one high and one low) to accommodate the twins' wardrobe. Her bedroom has enough room to have 2 beds - a full size bed for co-sleeping/nursing and a smaller toddler bed. Her BIG tent will have to be packed up once we set up the toddler bed, but we plan to replace it with a smaller collapsible version. The train table may also temporarily go into storage to make space for some baby gear.

In your situation, I would make the large upstairs bedroom into a play room and let the rest of your house be relatively clutter-free.

What are some fun things to do with a 4 year old and an 8 year old within a 4 hour period?


I am only 14 1/2 years old and it has to be alot of things because they can't concentrate on one thing for a long time.

play do with lots of "tools" - find recipe on internet
water table - with lots of measuring cups, etc
lots of blocks - open up preschool book and tell 8 yo to recreate pic
make theme collage for mom on computer using computer images from google
make up relay race with neighborhood kids
take on nature walk to find cool bugs
let them nail tons of nails into large scrap wood (yes 4yo is old enough with appropriate size hammer)
bake cookies (ones scoop from tub, slice from roll or even from scratch)
any paint project (make sure you protect everything)
let them sand something (woodworking)
get birdseed from feed store or pet store and spread it out and watch the birds come ( try and match to book on local birds)
reinact scenes from favorite movies
do some improv
write up a story about something stupid - how the inchworm saved the world with its loud burps
let them take silly pics of each other with digital camera
make potatoe chip sandwiches and have picnic on floor
make tent/fort under dining table and read stories with flashlight
have them do a chore as a favor to mom... clean windows with baby wipes, vacuum (kids are great at vacuuming)
write postcard to grandma/grandpa
help them research craft sites
help them research a local museum and take them

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