Saturday, November 2, 2013

What fun things can my friend and I do?

super large camping tents on Awesome collection of tents available - Super stylish prints for fun ...
super large camping tents image


My friend is coming over tomorrow. We want to stay up late, and we have to be doing fun,exciting things to be able to do that. We were planning on watching some movies too, but cld we do other stuff at the same time??and what?? We are both 13...and there are 2 of us, so nothing like hide and seek. Thanks
a good answer recieves a lot of points...

You could............

Play truth or dare!
Eat a lot of junk food!
Ding dong ditch!
Prank call!
Make overs!
Make something tasty and eat it!
Gossip! ;)
It's kinda silly, but me and my friends play hide and seek/tag in the dark. It's really fun, but can be dangerous. Make sure there are no objects in the way!
DANCE to music!
Play video games!
Go places ( if your parents let you!) if you can go to like a super market that wuld still be fun:Go to wal-mart and do this
Sixty-Eight Fun Things to do in Walmart
1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

2. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

3.Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day.

4. Start playing Football; see how many people you can get to join in.

5. Run up to an employee (preferrebly a male) while squeezing your legs together and practically yell at him " I need some tampons!!"

6. Try on bras in the sewing/fabric department.

7. Try on bras over top of your clothes.

8. Make a trail of orange juice on the ground, leading to the restrooms

9. While walking around the store, sing in your loudest voice possible "sex and candy"

10. Walk up to an employee and tell him in an official tone, "I think we've got a Code 3 in Housewares," and see what happens.

11. Tune all the radios to a polka station; then turn them all off and turn the volumes to "10".

12. Play with the automatic doors.

13. Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen you in so long!..." etc. See if they play along to avoid embarrassment.

14. While walking through the clothing department, ask yourself loud enough for all to hear, "Who BUYS this ****, anyway?"

15. Repeat Number 14 in the jewelry department.

16. Try putting different pairs of women's panties on your head and walk around the store casually.

17. Leave small sacrifices or gifts in the hands of the mannequins. 18. Play soccer with a group of friends, using the entire store as your playing field.

19. As the cashier runs your purchases over the scanner, look mesmerized and say, "Wow. Magic!"

20. Put M&M's on layaway.

21. Move "Caution: Wet Floor" signs to carpeted areas.

22. Set up a tent in the camping department; tell others you'll only invite them in if they bring pillows from Bed and Bath.

23. Contaminate the entire auto department by sampling all the spray air fresheners.

24. Nonchalantly "test" the brushes and combs in Cosmetics.

25. Drape a blanket around your shoulders and run around saying, "...I'm Batman. Come, Robin--to the Batcave!"

26. TP as much of the store as possible.

27. Randomly throw things over into neighboring aisles.

28. Play with the calculators so that they all spell "hello" upside down.

29. When someone asks if you need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just leave me alone?"

30. When two or three people are walking ahead of you, run between them, yelling, "Red Rover!"

31. Look right into the security camera, and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose.

32. Take up an entire aisle in Toys by setting up a full scale battlefield with G.I. Joes vs. the X-Men.

33. Take bets on the battle described above.

34. Set up another battlefield with G.I. Joes vs. G.I. Janes. (Red lipstick might give an interesting effect!!!)

35. While handling guns in the hunting department, suddenly ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are. Act as spastic as possible.

36. While no one's watching quickly switch the men's and women's signs on the doors of the rest room.

37. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from "Mission:Impossible."

38. Attempt to fit into very large gym bags.

39. Attempt to fit others into very large gym bags.

40. Fill your cart with boxes of condoms, and watch everyone's jaws drop when you attempt to buy them.

41. Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.

42. Two words: "Marco Polo."

43. Leave Cheerios in Lawn and Garden, pillows in the pet food aisle,etc.

44. "Re-alphabetize" the CD's in Electronics.

45. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna" look with various funnels.

46. Hide in the clothing racks and when people browse through, say things like "the fat man walks alone," and scare them into believing that the clothes are talking to them

47. While walking around alone, pretend someone is with you and get into a very serious conversation. Exp: The person is breaking up with you and you begin crying "How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me! I knew there was another girl, but I thought I had won. You kissed ME darling." Then act as though you are being beaten and fall onto the ground screaming and having convulsions.

48. When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream, "No, no! It's those voices again!"

49. Go to an empty checkout stand and try to check people out.

50. Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax. If the store has a food court, buy a soft drink; explain that you don't get out much, and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.

51. Get a stuffed animal and go to the front of the store and begin stroking it lovingly, saying "Good girl, good bessie."

52. Go over to the shoe department and try on every pair of shoes, not putiing one pair back. Take the paper from the boxes and throw it in various aisles.

53. When someone steps away from their cart to look at something,quickly make off with it without saying a word.

54. Follow people through the aisles, always staying about five feet away. Continue to do this until they leave the department.

55. Ask other customers if they have any Grey Poupon.

56. Test the fishing rods and see what you can "catch" from the other aisles.

57. In the makeup department, spray yourself with every perfume there is, then walk up to a boy who is with another girl and start flirting with him in that annoying, ditsy way. "hi!!!! (giggle) What's your sign?(giggle)." When the boy shows no interest, start hitting on the girl the exact same way. "hi!!!! (giggle) What's your sign?(giggle)."

58. Hold indoor shopping cart races.

59. Re-dress the mannequins as you see fit.

60.When there are people behind you, walk REALLY SLOW, especially thin narrow aisles.

61.Relax in the patio furniture until you get kicked out.

62.Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

63.Pay off layaways fifty cents at a time.

64. Say things like, "Would you be so kind as to direct me to your Twinkies?"

65. Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there are any in stock, i.e., "Do you have any Shnerples here?"

66. Ride a display bicycle through the store; claim you're taking it for a "test drive."

67. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

68. Get boxes of Condoms and randomly put them in peoples carts when they don't realize it! :)

Just Have Fun and Go Crazy!

Are High Rise Air Beds any more comfortable than low rise? Looking for the perfect camping option?


The advantage of the high-rise bed is ease of getting into and out of the bed. If you already have a large, car-camping cabin-style or high-dome-style tent, then you have the space to go ahead with a high-rise. When I am backpacking, I use an insulated sleeping pad that is 2.5 or 3.5 inches deep and 20 inches wide because I only have about 40 inches of head clearance in my Fly Creek ultralight tent. Presently, I use the Big Agnes Q-Core Super Light, $175, when I am backpacking.

However, if I am sleeping in a larger car tent, I use a queen-sized air mattress without feeling any heat loss or discomfort. You can use a layer of insulation between the ground and the mattress or between the mattress and your body if you are camping in extremely cold conditions. You should be able to get a queen-sized air mattress for $35-$65.

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what r some activites to do with a 6-7 year old boy?

kids tent house online on ... Tent for Kids by Comparing Price from China Online Princess Tent for
kids tent house online image

Gabby Hoen

I might be able to get a job as a babysitter its my first time and i would like to know what r some activity's an 6-7 year old boy would like to do. Theres also a 5 year old girl i would be babysitting but since im i girl i have an idea for that. But any way what r some activity's to do?

Ask them what they want to do first. There's no need forcing an activity on a child that already has their mind set on something.

Build A Fort- Do you remember how much fun it was when you were a kid, to build a fort out of blankets and chairs? Well even if you don't, building a fort is loads of fun for kids and really develops their imaginations. The ideas are limitless: You can pretend you're in a tent camping in the wilderness, a prince or princess in their castle, or even a bear in your cave.

Coloring and Drawing- Babysitting activities for children don't have to be complicated. In fact some of the simple ideas like coloring or drawing pictures can keep kids entertained for hours. If they don't have coloring books, you could even print some free coloring book pages online before you arrive at the house.

Playing House- Another idea that's popular with little girls is playing house. "You be the mommy and I'll be the daddy." This one can really get kid's imaginations going as they simply love role playing. Of course, this activity might get a little tiring to you if it goes on for an extending period of time! :)

Hide and Go Seek- Another good old fashioned classic is hide and seek. Just make sure you outline the boundaries of where kids can and cannot hide within the house. You want to make sure safety is first and foremost in mind.

I Spy Clean Up- play "i spy"with the toy in a messy room and when they spy it, they get to put it away. They won't even notice they're putting toys away.

Simon Says- Simon Says is a fun game that even helps the kids with their listening skills.

Sing Songs with them. Kids love to sing...sometimes the same songs over and over. These don't need to be new songs. In fact, the kid standards might be the best because there's no teaching required. Examples: London Bridge is Falling Down, Ring Around the Rosie, and Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round are all great starters.

Color with big fat crayons. :)

Pop-up books- Pop-up books or other books that are interactive such as those with textures are a good choice. These are more unusual so that kids will be more interested in them. For babysitting at night when the sitter is there, books can calm a child down, helping them to fall asleep. Always bring books with you to read to them at night.

Orchestra-This game is great for both tiny tots and older kids. If actual kid-sized instruments are not available, use pots and pans, buckets, lids, and brooms and put together a living room orchestra. You can make this even more fun by bringing your own instrument and showing the kids, maybe even letting them try!

Water Paint -This is another great hot-day activity. Grab a bucket of water and some old paintbrushes and have the kids âpaintâ with water on the patio or driveway. Talk about easy clean up!

Balloon Kites-Tie a balloon on some string and make a kite!

Bring some of your old toys and videos--kids LOVE when they have new stuff to play with.

Tatse Guesses-give them a food blindfolded, then have them guess what they ate.

Laundry Basket Basketball- Set out a laundry basket or tow. Give the kids socks that have been rolled up into ball shapes. Let them throw the socks in the baskets.

Play Freeze Dance! Take turns being the person in charge of the music, and turn it on and off. When it's off, stop. When it comes back on, dance! You can also play this just moving, if you don't want to dance.

Them- Activities are great, but sometimes just play with their toy and do what they want.

Bake cookies.

Bring her some magazines. A lot of girls love magazines. And it will make her feel big and important!

Volleyball- lay a string on the floor to use as the center dividing line and blow up a balloon to use as the volleyball. You can play too or be the reff.

Scrapbooking- Older girls will love to scrap book. Collect some stuff that you can do to scrap book with the girs. Probably best ages 8+

Reading â weâve just curled up and read a bit, our own books that is!

Things to do outside will keep them busy and get them tired. Other things like bubbles, board games, make braclets if some are girls, play doh, and coloring, are great too.

Always bring activities for them to play. It's fun to have new toys! Now that I've babysat for most of my clients at least 3 or 4 times, the kids recognize the tigerstriped backpack I bring babysitting and saunter over to it and check out what games I brought while I'm talking to the parents!

Hope I help!!!

What types of things do 9 year olds like to do?


I'm babysitting 9 year old girl twins, i need to know what types of things would keep them interested
their parents don't like them watching tv and one likes to draw and read and the other likes to sing and dance

You could bring board games and play with them. A good one is Cranium Conga, it involves all sorts of things from acting to drawing to using clay, so it appeals to both of their interests. More board games are Pretty Pretty Princess, Sorry, Connect 4, Monopoly Jr., etc. Obviously nothing too involved, advanced, or with too many rules.

Have coloring books and crayons on hand for them to color, or go online and print out a few coloring pictures. Bring chalk and color the sidewalk or street - that's fun for all ages! I sometimes make a maze out of chalk for the kids I babysit, and they love walking through it. You could have a talent show for the one who likes to sing and dance. Put on some music and let her just do her thing. If you have a camera you can make a music video with them that their parents will probably treasure!

Little girls like to use their imagination. Let them play house or school or tell them to go outside and collect pretty flowers and they'll be busy for a while. Just let them explore and play how they want. You can set up a tent using chairs and sheets or blankets and go in there with them and tell stories (scary or not), pretend you're camping outside, or you're in a cave or something. Just let their imaginations take them wherever, and play along.

If you have access to a stove or oven and food, you can cook with them. You can make some instant cookies or brownies, or sandwiches that you cut out into different shapes. You can pretend you have a cooking show and they're the stars. You can make milkshakes or smoothies or ice cream sundaes. Just have fun with it. And supervise them in the kitchen, of course.

I hope I could help! Good luck and have fun!

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Ideas for gift baskets at a preschool auction event?

kids tent habitat on Leisure Pup Tent Habitat Inflatable Kids Swimming Pool Float - Reviews ...
kids tent habitat image

Lisa K

I need some ideas for suggestions for the following types of gift baskets.
1) "Manicure and Pedicure" themed gift basket.
2) "Children's Outdoor Fun" themed gift basket.
3) "Children's Favorite Books" themed gift basket.
4) "Campers Backpack" themed gift basket.
5) "Movie Night" themed gift basket.
6) "Bath Time" themed gift basket.
7) "Children's Art Supplies" themed gift basket.
8) "Bug Collecting and Gardening" themed gift basket.

These themed baskets are for a preschools auction and we are giving parents a few suggestions for their donations. Each class has it's own themed basket. The ages of our schoolers are from 18 months to 4 years. I have come up with quite a bit on my own but feel I may be missing something. I am looking for some unique ideas.
Thanks for every-ones help
I need ideas for items to GO INTO these baskets that I have listed, not more basket ideas. But thank you anyway. Sorry for any confusion

1) Bath and Body Works foot cream
cuticle cream, emery boards, feet files, mani/pedi gloves and socks, buffer boards, clippers, orange sticks, polish, foot soak, foot mask

2) bubbles, sidewalk chalk, water ballons, kid suntan lotion, bug spray, bug collection jars, bug vacuums, nets, binoculars, magnifying glasses, bug books, bird books(kids versions) kites, sand set, stepping stone making kit,

3) Character puppets/stuffed animals that go along with the books
Books by Eric Carle, Bill Martin, etc.

4) Flashlights, kiddie bug spray, walkie/talkies, smores candies, comfy pillows

5) Popcorn, Disney/Pixar movies, comfy socks (those chenille ones..we love those for movie night) candy/ trail mix. Soda/flavored water, comfy pillow

6) Bubble bath, bath fizzies, bath crayons, bath paint, bath toys- Discovery toys are great, Barbie mermaid that can go in the water, hoodie bath towels or character towels.

7) Anything color wonder; watercolors, paint by numbers, crayons, colored pencils, markers, play dough, clay, paint, sidewalk chalk, sidewalk paint, glitter markers, glitter glue, finger paints, scissors, shape scissors, punches,

8) Bug vacuum, little gloves, kiddie gardening supplies, floppy hat, clogs, kneeling pade, jiffy pots, seed/starter sets, butterfly tents/habitats, lady bug homes

I'm sure you've thoughtt of all this before, but this is what I could come up with.

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What do you think about President Obama?

kids jail tent on tent has been erected on the ground floor of a condominium for the ...
kids jail tent image


Do you think he will make a good President.

If anyone else could be president and you could make that decision and no one could change that who would it be.

i think hes a dangerous say he did good on the pirate situation but yet its still happening (failure).you say hes dealing with north korea but yet he still shot off a rocket (failure).he talks of tax cuts i havent seen no tax cuts anywhere but i did see a cut in my hours from 40 down to less than 20(failure.) 660,000 lost their jobs (failure).12%unemployment by end of year(failure). wheres the hope and change ? wheres the everyone should come togeather ?people is suffering and hungry and hes having parties every wednsday night at the white house?every ones he is put in office has cheated on his taxes but want you to pay more and they wont go to jail but you would .!!! you people are basically worshiping that man who is failing ,and something else i say too even i know you people on here wont do this ,tell the family who lost their home and have families living in cars and tent cities panhandeling on the street for food to feed that child who is hollering cause its hungry that obama is helping you and you will get a different reaction..he needs to go and that democrat congress too and those fake republicians who fall for democrat ways like the governator of california. i have lived as a kid under jimmy carter back in the 70s and its a repeat with obama.!!! if you dont know you better learn your history and compare notes you will find that its the same line we went through this before

Why is my dad going to jail for not paying CS?


i live in Arizona (he wont go to jail he will go to tent city) but he lives in Michigan.. he has or has not (im only 14) payed child support over the last 4 years.. (but one day i was cleaning and i saw his paycheck and it says -350$ to some company... the same amount of child support he was supposed to pay)
1: will they go out to Michigan to arrest him? or will it be like a warrant in AZ?
2: will i get to see him? because if it is up to my mom then its a no...
3: how long will he be in prison? and he was given a month to come up with 20,000... which is not easy for someone who does not have a job...

please help me... i cant talk to my mom about it, because then her fiance will but in yelling "YOUR DAD IS A SHITTY DAD!" sooooooooooooooo please help?

ALSO... why would he even go to jail, it accomplishes nothing besides making me sad, my mom wont get her money (which she wouldent even spend on me and my brother) im just confused...

The idea behind CS is that you and your brother are entitled to live as if your parents were together and the household had both their incomes coming in. Imagine how that additional $350 a month would help in housing, food, transportation, etc. If you have received government assistance, the State of AZ wants its money back.

Your father will be able to go in front of judge and try to have the amount reduced. The judge should factor in your Dad is unemployed. He can also enforce the custody and visitation rights your father has.

Arresting him. It is not a high priority for alot of policy forces. However, if he gets traffic stopped or arrested, he will be sent to jail until MIch & AZ work out which one is going to pay to get him to AZ.

You are correct. You can not bleed a turnip or someone who doesn't have the money. However, he should have gone back to court and said that. Reduce my payments. I will work at McDonalds or send 1/5 of my unemployment in CS rather than nothing. You guys deserve him to pay something. That is why your mom's fiance calls him a sh... father.

Your Mom most likely will not be told this stuff. Most of the time it out of the mother's hands. Plus it will be negotiated down. She might not be able to tell AZ to stop trying to make him pay.

You and Mom need to take it somewhere where her fiance is not there. Tell her your concerns. I think you also need to talk about her fiance calling your Dad a shiitty father. He is irresponsible not shitty.
You love your Dad, and she & her fiance need to respect that.

If you want to keep in contact with him, make sure you to communicate to relatives ( his parents, brothers and/or sisters) so they can get stuff to him. You can send them your letters to give to him. I am sure you can come up with 50 cents for a stamp. I say use them as a middle man so you have their addresses in case he gets relocated.

Unfortunately, custodial parents gets the money not the kids. She is suppose to spend it on your upkeep. She won't be seeing 20K.

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What affordable two-man tent and sleeping bag is the best buy!?

kids dome tents on Disney Princess Complete Kids Camping Kit review at Kaboodle
kids dome tents image


I need to buy a compact, lightweight tent for a cycling holiday in France. Can anyone recommend something relatively cheap (under £75) and a decent sleeping bag? Thanks

I highly recommend this ...
Coleman 2008 SunDome 7-Foot by 7-Foot 3-Person Dome Tent

This past weekend was my first experience with this tent - a simply awesome performer for under [...] bucks. I sealed the seams on the rainfly the day before and upgraded the tent stakes all for an additional $[...]. Set-up was a breeze and took under 10 minutes (I placed a tarp down below). Good thing, because the rain came 5 minutes later in buckets and lasted all night. The tent held up like a champ with no leakage what so ever. The size was just perfect for two adults and a few gear bags (or a kid). Highly recommended!

Coleman Ash Canyon 25-Degree Rectangular Oversize Sleeping Bag

This a nice and comfortable sleeping bag. The zipper works nicely and it is a very nice and roomy sleeping bag. It rolls up nice and fairly compact compared to my old one. I am very happy with it and would recommend it to anyone interested in buying a sleeping bag.

What should my 19 month old son sleep in, he outgrew his crib?


My son has skillfully learned how to climb out of his crib, its actually quit impressive. But it is obviously dangerous, so we are putting the crib away. He is currently sleep on his matress on the floor, but it is now almost impossible to get him to go to sleep. He just wants to wander around his room. We are looking for a bed for him. Any suggestions. Do they make little kids bed that will encourage him to stay in it? Not necessarily cage him in, but something?

You can buy a crib tent which attaches to the rails of his cribs and has a dome over the top which zips open and closed to put him in and take him out of. Then, he's not climbing. That'd be the best option for the moment and will buy you time before moving him to a big boy bed.

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Friday, November 1, 2013

How to choose a family base camping tent?

the best tent for camping with a family on How to Choose the Best Tent for your Camping Needs
the best tent for camping with a family image
Q. I am planning to buy a family camping tent, what things should I consider?

1. Consider how many people will be sleeping in the tent and if you'll be requiring one or two tents to house everyone. Make sure you have enough room for everyone to be comfortable. Every tent has its dimensions specified on the package, listing how many people it will house and how big it is. If you're looking for roomy comfort, subtract the number of people the tent says it will hold by one or two.

2. Figure out what style of tent will best suit your needs. There are two basic types of tents: dome and cabin. While there are a variety of styles of both, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. A dome tent is easier to assemble, having only two poles for the tent and one for the top cover. Since it's shaped like a dome, you'll give up some space in its height. A cabin tent offers more room since it is built in a square shape, but because it has more poles, it can take longer to assemble and be heavier to carry. If you're looking to house more than four people comfortably and have only one tent, a cabin tent is probably the best option.

3. Consider what extra requirements you need in your tent to properly accommodate you and your group. Do you want an extra attached screen room or a tent with several rooms? Do you have a tall person in the pack that will want to stand up straight while inside the tent? Will you be spending large amounts of time inside the tent? All of these things need to be thought out before you buy a tent. There are many varieties of tents on the market that come at a variety of prices.

4. Think about the area where you will be setting up your base camp tent and what the weather will be like. If you'll be camping in a cold region, you don't want a tent that has a screened top with a liner that allows more air inside. You also don't want a tent that allows little ventilation if you're staying in a hot area.

5. Consider the camping experience of the people you're camping with. If you're a novice camper, you might want a tent that's easy to set up. Generally, the fewer poles you have to deal with, the easier it is to set up and take down and the lighter weight. has quality family tents, you can have a look.

Best Camping Place in middle and east Tennessee ?


Where is the best camping place in Tennessee in your opinion?I am planning to take my two boys (tent) camping for a week during spring break March 16-21. So I want to take them to a nice campground.
I have been looking in middle and east Tennessee.
Also do you know any good free primitive camping sites in middle or east Tennessee.

the great smoky mountains national park is an amazing place to go camping; 800 miles of trails, fishing, horseback riding, amazing waterfalls, tons of wildlife, camping there is $14-$23 a night; this is a great place to go camping, i have been there many times with my family and we can't wait to go back this summer

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Campers: What type of camp meals do you have when tent camping for about a week?

kids restaurant tent on Playskool Peek 'n Play Tent - $45 (Monroe/West Chester) for Sale in ...
kids restaurant tent image

Woodland H

Weâre a family of 3 & weâre going on a longer trip this time, & restaurants are far & few between. How do you manage meals & what type of food do you bring? Do you precook foods at home, bring them raw & cook them at camp, or frequent local grocery stores? Do you tend to eat a lot of canned food? Peanut butter sandwiches? Just looking for easy ideas & non-complicated recipes as space is at a premium w/ all the junk we have!!!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches work fine for lunch, but if you're gone for a week, don't make them part of the dinner routine.

I would recommend that you pre-measure and prep before the trip as much as possible. Segregate stuff into zip-lock baggies and then just dump and mix once you are at the camp site. It makes life so much easier when you are trying to prepare the meal if you don't have to spend time cutting vegetables, measuring flour, spices, etc. Some recipes that work well include stews and cobblers. Don't be afraid to have a night roasting hot dogs. Do some searches for "Boy Scout Meals" to get some ideas.

Bring powdered drink mix like Tang, Lemonade, or Kool-Aid (leave the sugar free and low-calorie stuff like Crystal Lite at home as you and the kids will need the extra calories) to have with breakfast and lunch. Hot Cocoa works well for dinner.

How can I travel for cheap or next to nothing?


I am taking my wife and two kids (14-17) on vacation this year. We are going to make this a "scenic" vacation and mostly drive, as opposed to the normal vacation of driving to a single destination. Since each night will be in a different place, it takes "house swapping' out of the equation. And staying in hotels every night can eat up over half your vacation expenditures. Any suggestions just short of sleeping in KOA's and such?

I was going to suggest buying a tent and staying at a KOA, but perhaps you don't like camping? Some Campground also offer "cabins" for a discounted rate compared to hotels. Calling ahead you could locate which ones offer this.

Also, Purchasing sandwich goods and keeping them in a cooler and having "picnic lunches" saves a ton of money.

When you do stay at a hotel, find one that offers a real "free breakfast" Like embassy suites, or country inn and suites. Most of these offer a huge unlimited breakfast buffet. They also have bread to make toast and peanut butter and jelly.. so you can also make a sandwich and save it for lunch!

When going to a restaurant, make sure everyone drinks water instead of soda. SOme restaurants charge up to 2.50 per soda, and a family of 4 eating two meals out can save 20 dollars a day. That adds up over a long trip.

Have fun.

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What do you think about President Obama?

kids jail tent on ... peeks out of a mail slot in a pop-up play tent. Savannah Morning News
kids jail tent image


Do you think he will make a good President.

If anyone else could be president and you could make that decision and no one could change that who would it be.

i think hes a dangerous say he did good on the pirate situation but yet its still happening (failure).you say hes dealing with north korea but yet he still shot off a rocket (failure).he talks of tax cuts i havent seen no tax cuts anywhere but i did see a cut in my hours from 40 down to less than 20(failure.) 660,000 lost their jobs (failure).12%unemployment by end of year(failure). wheres the hope and change ? wheres the everyone should come togeather ?people is suffering and hungry and hes having parties every wednsday night at the white house?every ones he is put in office has cheated on his taxes but want you to pay more and they wont go to jail but you would .!!! you people are basically worshiping that man who is failing ,and something else i say too even i know you people on here wont do this ,tell the family who lost their home and have families living in cars and tent cities panhandeling on the street for food to feed that child who is hollering cause its hungry that obama is helping you and you will get a different reaction..he needs to go and that democrat congress too and those fake republicians who fall for democrat ways like the governator of california. i have lived as a kid under jimmy carter back in the 70s and its a repeat with obama.!!! if you dont know you better learn your history and compare notes you will find that its the same line we went through this before

Why is my dad going to jail for not paying CS?


i live in Arizona (he wont go to jail he will go to tent city) but he lives in Michigan.. he has or has not (im only 14) payed child support over the last 4 years.. (but one day i was cleaning and i saw his paycheck and it says -350$ to some company... the same amount of child support he was supposed to pay)
1: will they go out to Michigan to arrest him? or will it be like a warrant in AZ?
2: will i get to see him? because if it is up to my mom then its a no...
3: how long will he be in prison? and he was given a month to come up with 20,000... which is not easy for someone who does not have a job...

please help me... i cant talk to my mom about it, because then her fiance will but in yelling "YOUR DAD IS A SHITTY DAD!" sooooooooooooooo please help?

ALSO... why would he even go to jail, it accomplishes nothing besides making me sad, my mom wont get her money (which she wouldent even spend on me and my brother) im just confused...

The idea behind CS is that you and your brother are entitled to live as if your parents were together and the household had both their incomes coming in. Imagine how that additional $350 a month would help in housing, food, transportation, etc. If you have received government assistance, the State of AZ wants its money back.

Your father will be able to go in front of judge and try to have the amount reduced. The judge should factor in your Dad is unemployed. He can also enforce the custody and visitation rights your father has.

Arresting him. It is not a high priority for alot of policy forces. However, if he gets traffic stopped or arrested, he will be sent to jail until MIch & AZ work out which one is going to pay to get him to AZ.

You are correct. You can not bleed a turnip or someone who doesn't have the money. However, he should have gone back to court and said that. Reduce my payments. I will work at McDonalds or send 1/5 of my unemployment in CS rather than nothing. You guys deserve him to pay something. That is why your mom's fiance calls him a sh... father.

Your Mom most likely will not be told this stuff. Most of the time it out of the mother's hands. Plus it will be negotiated down. She might not be able to tell AZ to stop trying to make him pay.

You and Mom need to take it somewhere where her fiance is not there. Tell her your concerns. I think you also need to talk about her fiance calling your Dad a shiitty father. He is irresponsible not shitty.
You love your Dad, and she & her fiance need to respect that.

If you want to keep in contact with him, make sure you to communicate to relatives ( his parents, brothers and/or sisters) so they can get stuff to him. You can send them your letters to give to him. I am sure you can come up with 50 cents for a stamp. I say use them as a middle man so you have their addresses in case he gets relocated.

Unfortunately, custodial parents gets the money not the kids. She is suppose to spend it on your upkeep. She won't be seeing 20K.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Does anyone know of a large backpack that can be apart to a smaller size?

large canvas camping tents on Canvas Camping Tents | Camping Equipment and Supplies
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I'm in the military and I'm looking for a backpack that can pack 3 days worth of stuff, but can still be taken apart into a smaller size for like patrol and school use. I would prefer ACU, Black, Tan, or OD Green

For military use - forget it. You can only used what is issued.

For civilian use, I have seen such backpacks at Bass Pro Shop and Big 5 here in California. You should be able to find them online as well at Cabellas and other outfitting/outdoors companies. I do recommend that whatever you get you touch and feel it first to make sure it is what you really want. Often times the frames are weak aluminum and bend quite easily making the pack useless where you have to abondon the items or treat the pack as a hand-carry sack.

Interesting that you mention "3 days". A basic WWII, Korea, Vietnam (up to about 1986) combat pack provides plenty of room for someone who knows what they are doing for a 3 day hike/camping trip. I packed on for over 20 years and speak from experience. My pack had a mess kit, extra socks (2 pair), C rats and later MREs, poncho, extra skivvies and trousers, blanket, shelter half with pegs and tent pole, entrenching tool, 1st aid kit (in addition to the one on my cartridge belt), plus a few other items like bug juice. You just need to know who to properly pack your pack so that every cubic inch is used. The blanket and shelter half are carried on top of the pack and strapped on.

Water and another 1st aid pouch is on a cartridge belt that has pack suspenders to balance the load. If you want to add more, pick up a cargo pack that is strapped to the bottom of the marching pack. I have carried a can of 7.62 ammo in it plus extra gear. That was no fun because the ammo is mostly lead! : )

By the way, the color is OD Green. You can stil get these packs at most Army/Navy surplus stores around the country. I still have mine that I have used for over 40 years. Works great, been through hell, and still excellent condition. There are sprays for water repellenancy - have to use them on current nylon packs also but more often.

Lieutenant Colonel, U S Marine Corps-Retired (27 years active and had both my canvas and ALICE pack. preferred the canvas since it never broke).

What did women do during the gold rush?

MaRiLYn <3

For example, what did they cook?
also, what did the women who were bartenders wear?

Women were still mostly expected to not get involved and many of the earliest Gold Camps were all male domains. When women did get involved they did the grudge work: washing clothes and cooking and cooking during that era was labor intensive. In the crudest of camps one pot meals were the norm that meant one big pot, lots of water and the women or men would chop up meat and limited veggies (mostly potato and parsnips and turnips) into a cast iron pot and boil it all. I am tiored and weary so see link beow for Pioneer Cooking.
The other use for the few women in camp was for sex an activity out of fashion in 2010 but back then it was recognized as a normal human function.
""Food historians confirm average '49ers did not cook. These male-dominated make-shift communities were served by a variety of inexpensive public eateries.

"Neither Kenoffel's Spokane Cafe nor Truax's English Kitchen claimed, as so many miners' restaurants did, to be the "one and only," the old original "Delmonico's of the West," "only beter." Like the large majority of mining camp eating houses, they unpretentiously provided ordinary everyday all-American meals fo bacons and eggs, soups, stews, steaks, roast beef, chops, potatoes, --and almost always oysters, of course--and the like for reasonable prices. There never was a day on which an argonaut could not get a substantial fill in San Francisco for a dollar. A full meal in Virginia City could run as little as fifty cents, one dollar for both breakfast and dinner if paid in advance. In rawer camps like Telluride, one-dollar to two-fifty-a-plate was the list price...Saddle Rock Restaurant advertised a dinner for a quarter. The mining towns teemed with cheap eateries. In fact, San Francisco and the rawest camps of the Sierra slope teammed with homey eating houses (or tents). They were "numerious, plentious, inviting and even cheap." Restaurants were among the very first businesses at the scene of every strike. Keeping a public tables was one of the first nonmining occupations to be found in a hundred "No Name cities." A "restaurant rush" followed closely on--when it did not lead in!-- the provisions rush. There are more than a few examples of "starving" forty-niners and Pike's Peakers who allayed their famine not by grubbing on wild plants, snaring beasts, seeking charity, or by fortuitiously buying a sack of flour, but by throwing their weary legs under a table at a not-too-distant restaurant. The reason for this is not obscure. In a society in which domestic cooking remaied woman's work, the first flood of population in every mining region was overwhelmingly male...'There was no such thing as a home to be found. Scarcely even a proper house could be seen. Both dwellings and places fo busines were tiher common canvas tents, or small rough board shanties, for frame buildings of one story...Meals were taken at eating houses, of which there was an immense number in every protion of the town. They were of every descrption, good, bad, and indifferent, and kept by every variety of people...'"
---Bacon, Beans, and Galantines: Food and Foodways on the Western Mining Frontier, (p. 152-153)


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Should we let child molesters out of jail?

kids jail tent on DMX Threatens to Beat Up His Jailers |
kids jail tent image

The Random

I know a lady with a son who molested a 5 year old child and left the kid to die. He did his time and was released. Now he can't get a job and is precluded from living close to children. He is going to have to get a tent and live in the woods. Would it be more humane to just leave people like him in jail?

Chocolate eggs, breath stinks. Thanks can't thank ya any other way.

OK now to be way serious.

The average cost in many prisons to house a prisoner is $63 K a year.
In general population he woulda maybe been killed, given that no matter some crimes others committed, child molesters are in big danger
I get the economics maybe or paroled, BUT
9 MM bullets are like $1.50 each. That would be my solution to ease the stress of keepin them prisoners.

2nd time I had to repost please help declaring mother incompetent?


I'm 18 I'm trying to get gaurdianship of my mother however, she has not paid any child support for me and my siblings. My mother has schizophrenia she lives in a mother has schizophrenia she lives in a tent she is in no shape to pay child support. So what I'm asking here is if I obtain custody of her will she immediately be put in jail for back child support? My be put in jail for back child support? My siblings and I are all adults and I'm the only one who wants to help her. Is there anyway they can terminate her having to pay it back? Thanks so much

You really should ask an attorney. Most likely she would be placed in an institution or something. When trying to get guardianship of her (or anyone), they look at your age, where you live (is it safe or not), your job income, etc. She would have to be decared by the courts unable to care for herself, her kids, etc. Just because your mom us schizophrenic and lives in a tent doesnt mean they will grant you custody of her (especially since you are only 18, usually they place people like that, if needed, with much older people). There would have to be other factors involved. One more thing, if you are able to get custody, you will also be getting her debts. Courts dont let people off the hook for not paying child support that easily, regardless of her condition. If she wasnt capable of taking care of herself financially (homeless, starving to death, etc) they most likely wouldnt have ordered her to pay. They may stop her from having to pay future payments, but all pevious payments not paid, you would be liable for.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How do you feel about parents that allow their children to smoke weed?

kids tent house on Buy Disney Princess Wendy House at Pink Sumo, Cool Kids Gifts
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What about parents that smoke with their kids? What age (if any) do you think smoking is appropriate? If you are one of these parents an answer would be delightful. Please remain as unbiased as possible, be empathetic, and ask what you would do.

It's disgusting, irresponsible and people that do allow their children to risk ending up in a psych ward or become addicts for the rest of their lives, blowing away their happiness and money shouldn't have kids.

Whether they are children or adults, parents should always discourage it.

I wish people could take a look at people like my brother-in-law, who is 34. Smoked pot at 15, schizophrenic now. He doesn't leave the house, has about 3 fans on at all times to block out the "noises," he lives in the middle of nowhere, no noises around. He lived with his parents until about 6 months ago, before that he lived in a caravan inside the shed. Now he's taken over the house, he's kicked his parents out (who he has come close to stabbing a few times) who are poor pensioners, they now live IN A TENT.

My ex, smoked pot, schizophrenic now. My sisters good friend, got on the pot, schizophrenic too.

I first tried it at 14 (without my parents knowledge) , dabbled in it til I was about 17, became an addict at 18, i'm now almost 21 and have just managed to overcome my addiction. It almost ruined my relationship, it changed my personality, my memory is terrible now, at first when I couldn't get it i'd feel suicidal, but eventually even when I did have it I still wanted to die. I'm just not quite the same person anymore.

All my friends that do it, all addicted to it, are different people now. They are shadows of their former selves. They are all lost and are just missing something.

It's all fun and games, gettin' high, having a big fat joint, til you become addicted, it ruins your life or you end up in a psych ward.

Please, don't give it to your kids, no matter what their age is. It's so unpredictable, you never know what could happen, and nothing good will ever come out of it. You will just set them up for a life of failure and pain. Don't set such a bad example, they look up to you.

What color or exactly to decorate my kids bedroom?

Proud mom

I am moving to a house and will needed painted. I wanted to paint and decorate my kids room. Both of them are boys. Three and a five year old. They both will be sleeping in the same room together. I am trying to figure out want to do for them to be happy in our new place and they like cars and balls. I really want it to be special.

Do you have a bed? If not-here is a link for a loft bed w/a tent. Its so cute. Too bad its not a bunk bed, though. Then you could get the sports bean bags, basketball clothes hamper.. etc

sports bed:

sports bean bag chairs:

I wish my 4 year old wanted sports, I have found many more ideas and things to go with sports. but he wants monster trucks! I may get a tire and dip it in brown paint and make muddy tire tracks over his blue walls. Then hang posters up and maybe even get a wall murial. Also hang or paint road signs. if you do a search on wall murials and/or road signs you will find lots of ideas. the murials are really too expensive for me so I may try to do it myself! (MAYBE) they also have the wall "stick ups" for sports or cars. they are removable stickers. do a search if your interested.
anyway. good luck and have fun!

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Can anyone give me a equipment list for 3 days camping?

packing list for tent camping with kids on Car Camping with Kids: The Essential Packing List - ParentMap
packing list for tent camping with kids image


my family and i camp quite often we are a group of 6 and this is what we bring


shower stuff (shampoo soap wash cloth toothbrush and paste)
toilet paper
its best to put that stuff in its own small bag to easily carry to the bathroom

coolers we bring a few one for meat, one for drinks and ice, the other for things like ketchup mustard lunch meat
food you do not want to buy when you get there
paper plates
plastic silverware
paper towels
camping stove
a pot
a pan
anything you want to season your food with
we have a flat skillet (fabulous you can cook almost anything on it $20.00 at walmart)
stirring spoon
CAN OPENER (we forgot this the first time we went)
if you will be cooking over the fire s grate from the grill
or small portable grill ($10.00 at walmart)
dish soap
if you pack these things in a plastic tub you can wash your dishes in it after you eat

extra batteries
extension cord
small fan (incase it gets to hot)
small heater (incase it gets to cold)
2 strands of x-mas lights where we camp there is a picninc table with a roof and we put the x-mas lights up so at night we have an even amount of light at the table (also fabulous)
hammer and nails (just a few to hang up things on a tree or picnic table ike the x-mas lights bags with snacks or bread)

deck of cards
maybe a board game if you like to play them
chairs to sit on one for each person
we bring glow sticks for the kids
portable dvd player
if you are bringing kids try some finger paints playdough or coloring books to keep them busy
and if you are going to have a fire get some fire wood from the store or a chainsaw (incase the only wood you find is large and needs to be cut)

other important thigs are handsanitzer and depending on the place you are camping maybe some 409 or clorox (the bathrooms are sometimes yucky)
bugf spray and sun block

i know it looks like alot but when you get it packed it really is not the much and we use all of it and have a blast each time we camp
if you are primitive camping then perhaps you will not need half of this but some of the comforts of home are nice we really enjoy being out and away from things like the T.V and work and some of the animals you see are amazing

i hope you have fun

What's camping like?


I don't mean camps that parents ship kids off to in the summer; but rather going to the woods, away from technology and media. I always wanted to go camping, to experience nature around me and exploring the landscapes, roughing it so to speak.
I also am interested in learning if anyone who had been camping if they had trouble finding food and such.

I could be wrong but I assume that most people in the US could come up with some sort of plan to go camping, just from things they've heard or seen on TV and life. So maybe you're from a different country, and you can still go camping, but finding places and buying gear may be more difficult.

You pack your luggage just like you'd go on a vacation to stay at a hotel, except maybe you pack it in a duffel bag instead of a suitcase. Depending where you're going you'd bring the proper warm clothes, shoes, socks, rain gear, etc. Along with personal hygiene products.

Then you'd have to consider you're bringing your room and bed with you, so you'd bring a tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bags, pillows, ground sheet, plastic bags.

Then you'd want to cook and eat, so you'd bring a camp stove, pots, pans, knives, forks, and food in an ice chest/cooler, with ice. Also your own water, juice, etc. Almost no one goes camping expecting to catch their own food. Not even backpackers who hike alone for months catch their own food, they hike into town to pick up food they've had prepared and had someone mail to them just in time for their visit to the post office.

Most people are introduced to the outdoors as children through short hikes, visits to national parks, and camping, including summer camps. Many people combine their love for the outdoors and camping with boating, fishing, hunting, kayaking, and some people who really like roughing it become backpackers, who carry everything they will need to survive and live comfortably in the deep deep wilderness on their backs.

I suggest you read a book or two from your library about camping, pick up a gear list from the Internet or a store like REI, and collect some gear either from home or by purchasing it in various stores from Wal-Mart to specialty stores like REI. You can find lists of camp grounds online, with prices, amenities, &c. The higher you go the colder it will be, but the more beautiful it will be as well. National Parks are your best bet, but state parks, monuments, and other campgrounds near wilderness areas are just as beautiful and less crowded.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My mom is adopting toddlers from the Philippines. Where can I find traditional Filipino toys, games, anything?

kids tent modern on VW Kids Camper Tent - Pink - Milan Direct
kids tent modern image


I'd like to make her a gift basket for Christmas and so far I've found children's books, cook books, and books to learn Tagalog. Is there anything I can get her that's not a book?

modern day filipinos have the same toys as any normal kid have but long ago, traditional filipino games use indigenous materials that can be found on their environment such as coconut shells, wood, abaca, bamboo, rattan, and clay. for example, miniature clay pots for "play-cooking", abaca for dolls, and any toy that can be made out of these materials. most of them don't have toys yet at this age and use their imagination and resourcefulness to substitute things like blanket for tents as playhouses, leaves as food(a little dangerous tho) and stones to assemble things. the bulk of traditional filipino toys are in school age years.

so its ok if you'd just give her toys that can be found anywhere. besides, these traditional things are very hard to find nowadays.

Where does slavery still exist IN THE WORLD?


It's for a homework assignment! Can anyone tell me the answer?
Can you guys be more specific?

Everywhere... And I'm not being sarcastic.

Kids are abducted all the time in the US and you can buy sex with them on Craig's List.

In Africa, slavery is extraordinarily common for field workers, house slaves, and the sex trade.

In the US, people smuggled in to the country are held in sweat shops and "Massage Parlors" where they are held and forced to work or have sex to "Work Off" the cost of their transportation.

The Pacific Islands have a thriving sex tourism industry that includes children being held by force, either sold by their parents or kidnapped.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic are known centers of child slavery, which is accepted by the governments because it is a "Cultural Practice".

In Africa, Asia, and the Middle East there are thousands of "Child Soldiers" that are part of tribal warfare and holy warfare... The boys are fed drugs, alcohol, and sex then exposed to violence and death to get them to fight for the cause and the girls are given drugs and alcohol and weapons training during the day and then are sent to the tents to be sex slaves at night.

Whenever there is a natural disaster anywhere on earth, the slave traders swarm the site of the disaster to kidnap lost and orphaned children.

MSNBC did a series on the sex and slavery trade in America. Teenagers and young children kidnapped then taken on "A Circuit" across the country where they are held in hotels and at truck stops for use as unwilling sexual partners.

There are, literally, more than 30 million slaves estimated to be held in captivity and those don't count places like the Sex/Prostitute Villages in India where children are sold to "Madams" by their parents or kids being pimped out by their parents in Italy, Mexico, etc. etc. etc.

In Africa, it is quite common for a father to give his daughter to the person he owes in trade for writing off the debt, sometimes there are terms and she can be released after a time but usually it is "You are now his."

Do a google video search for:
"MSNBC Slavery in America"

Do a google Search for:
Child Soldiers
Child Slavery
Modern Abolitionist Movement

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When camping alone how would you protect your belongings/self?

kids tent sleeping bag on Mini Tent & Sleeping Bag |�
kids tent sleeping bag image

The Gay Ar

1) I am going to a campground alone, not wilderness camping, so I feel that a gun of any sort would be a bit much. For those who have camped alone do you bring anything for protection?

2) When you need to leave your tent site for any reason for a period of time do you just trust the other campers? I know that I will put my iPod, phone and such away but what of the tent, chair, sleeping bag?

Thanks in advance.

1. It is very unlikely for you to be harmed in a campground because their will be many people around including employees of the campground.
2. I always put anything valuable in my car after getting my bikes stolen when I was a kid but for the tent, chairs, etc I have never had a problem with people messing with them.

How to stop toddler getting cold in bed?

lucky gal

My two year old sleeps in a single bed, but up until now has still been in his Grobag. He's tall for his age and is therefore getting too big for the sleeping bag, but when I try him under the duvet no matter how well I tuck it in he ends up uncovered and cold in the night.

Has anyone ideas on how to address this? I've seen duvet clips in the shops, but am not sure I like the idea of pinning him under the covers like that.

Will he wear fleece footie pajamas? I know some kids won't, but my son loves them and they keep him warm throughout the night because he's zipped up from head to toe in a little cocoon...

If he won't, you can always try to get a bigger sleeping bag... my son has a toddler size Transformers one from Target that he snuggles with in the play tent in his room; it was pretty cheap but very warm.

Personally, I wouldn't try a heater just because my toddler is always curious and the orange glow from the heater would just be asking for my son to reach out and grab it, obviously leading to far worse problems. Maybe if you can get one that can go on a shelf or somewhere out of reach, that could work for you. I personally wouldn't risk having one of those around my child while he is unsupervised. lol
Good luck =)

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what do my husband and I need to go camping?

kids tents at walmart on Deluxe Kids Play Tents thumb 300x224 Play Tents for Kids As Low As $19 ...
kids tents at walmart image


I haven't been camping since I was a kid. What equipment do I need? I don't want to spend a fortune on camping equipment, but I need to be comfortable. I am five months pregnant and feeling very sick. I think the outdoors would help me quite a bit. Any advice would be helpful thanks.

#1 most important thing.

Be comfortable.

Pick out a tent at Walmart/Kmart/Target that is large enough for one of those Coleman (or off brand) air mattresses to fit inside it. Twin size at least. The air mattress should come with (you may have to buy it seperate) battery operated blower/pump, to blow it up for you. If it rains...the 6" thick air matress will keep you up off the ground and dry...even if you have an inexpensive tent.

Try to find a shadey spot, wherever you set up your tent. Tents can get hot in the morning with the sun shining on them.

I'd say the rest ...keep as simple as you can. Setting up and taking down your camp should not the a "big" chore. If it is...your making it too hard on yourself.

My favorite time saver? I gotta have coffee in the morning. I don't mess with a perculator anymore. I buy those big pre-made coffee/filter bag things. Drop one or two in a camp! No mess to clean up.

Keep the "camp" part of it simple. You will have more time to relax, explore or goof around.

Just my two cents...

Have fun!

a glow stick opened all over our trailer lino..does anyone know how to remove?


We have a tent trailer and one of the kids glow sticks got a hole in it and dripped all over the lino floor. Now the floor glows yellow in those spots..we have tried vim and sos but nothing seems to work. We want to sell the trailer and don't think this will be a good selling feature...please help!!!

yeah those things are horrible my son broke one it went all over a playstation game and on his carpet..the carpet was a two foot high hump that eventually went also got in his eyes which we got that out..the game was trash the carpet it was dark blue so you couldnt see it on the top but it was stained on the bottom when we removed bet replace the lino...i dont think there is anything that gets it could try goo gone or goof off..found in walmart hardware depts.

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When will my daughter outgrow her Princess phase?

kids tents princess on Buy Disney Princess Wendy House at Pink Sumo, Cool Kids Gifts
kids tents princess image


She is three years old and talks non-stop about princesses and is obsessed about marrying a prince. She watches Cinderella over and over. I have trieds to switch her over to different videos, but she always comes back to Cinderella. Just wondering when this phase will end because I am a little disturbed by it. I keep telling her that there is more to life than marrying a prince, but she is only three. Those who have been there, done that I could use some reassurance.

It is a phase.. I have the same senerio... My three year old son is watching Stuart Little over and over.. I have most of the adult humor lines right at the tip of my tongue. He is obsessed with that mouse! The more they see you getting fed up, the longer there interest stays. My niece lasted longer because she had it all around her..They bought her the Princess movies, clothes, car, playhouse, shoes, tiaras, bedding, tents, chairs, sneakers and stickers. The list goes on and on. Every holiday it was another princess gift. (she was easy to buy for).
I went to visit recently, and I bought her a box of Princess cereal... she replied, "Thanks! but, I am not into that anymore." I said, "Did you meet your Prince?" she says...."Nayyyyyyyyyyyyy" (like a Horse!) She finally gave it up for a new obsession: "Horses." Her conversations now are all about bridles, saddles, riding styles and breeds. Horses are mentioned in every conversation, I asked her how she was doing in school... she replied, "good, I drew an Arabian horse today in art class.. you wanna see it?" She has two horses now!!! I told my sister... "It is better than Boys!!!!"
Does your daughter have any playmates? I got my son into swim classes and I gave him two options, he can watch his movies in his room or watch my television with my picks!!!! So, his viewing of Stuart Little is less. My television has other kid DVDâs viewing. He canât change it... I set rules as such, because he was controlling my television. Try this and you will see results.... Good Luck and get your cowboy boots ready.....Horses are around the corner!!!

What are great toys to get my daughter who will be one in Sep?

*Mommy to

My little princess is turning one in September and I would love to know some fun toys to get her and to put on her b-day wish list. No price limit I just want them to be fun and for her to enjoy them. Shes a very happy baby and loves noises, lights, the water, everything really..Shes kinda girly too =) Please include links if possible. Thanks so much!!

I would just take a look at and browse through the other toys they have listed. There are TONS of great toys out there for one year olds. Here are some other suggestions, as well as a link to get you started.

look at the "Customers who bought this also bought:" list.

- A toy baby or doll that the child can start to interact with in pretend play.
- Tea set
- Dollhouse
- Wooden or plastic kids size table and chairs
- A bike or ride on wagon is great fun for this age
- Good quality paint, brushes and large art paper
- A small tent and tunnel can be used inside or outside
- Toy farm house with animals and a tractor is good for learning different animals and the noises they make
- Mega blocks - it will be a while until the toddler is building robots and buildings out of blocks but she will love destroying what ever mom or dad creates and will eventually start to put 2 blocks together
- Dress up box - this box can be added to at each birthday. At age one having a few crazy hats, scarves and fake glasses can be fun.
- Music is an excellent gift for this age group, the toddler will soon be doing actions to songs, dancing and even singing along to familiar tunes
- Books are a great gift at any age

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Monday, October 28, 2013

How do you survive in the woods when you are homeless?

kids tents new zealand on ... New Zealand - Kid's Snow Gloves Peacock - gloves, kids, snow, small
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Q. Okay so my husband and I might be going homeless by this Tuesday. We have a place to stay which is private property, the woods. All we have is a tent, blow up mattress, a van , pillows, sheets, blankets, clothes, and some food. But that food will obviously run out soon. So what is there really to eat at the woods?

By the way, my husband has been looking and applying for jobs for a long time and still has not gotten hired anywhere. He applied at supermarkets, construction, janitor, etc, but nothing. So the woods might be our next destination.

That's terrible, you should gets your passports, work visas and sell or borrow whatever you can and get a couple of plane tickets to Australia. There are millions of vacant jobs here and not enough people to fill them, the wages are over three times more than in the US. Believe it, it's not going to any better soon, it's best to get the hell out, while you can. Than living in the woods, bush or whatever, eating squirrels and worms.

I got my sister, husband and kids out of the US, and as soon as they got off the plane in Australia they both got full time jobs, on there first interviews, and love it here so do there kids. There are want adds on windows every where you look, and the newspapers are full of jobs. The US dollar is only worth 90 cents here and it's going down everyday.

By winter it will only be worth 70 cents in Australia, and all hell is going to break loose when all the summer jobs finish. There are a lot of us expats who work and live in Australia, you can't no longer live in the states, our country is bankrupt and it has been for a few years. They can't keep printing money or borrow from China anymore.

If you got a fridge, car or whatever sell it to get the hell out. A lot of US Americans are getting out and going to Canada, New Zealand or UK but there aren't many jobs there nor are the wages as high nor is the dollar is strong as it is here. You'd be very surprised on how many US American actors, singers, business's, company's etc are moving here before the crap hits the fan and end up in a tent next to you and your husband if you don't get out.

The weather here is like in California and Sydney is a sister city to NY, it dose cost as much to live Sydney as in NY. But the wages are a lot more and no religious people here, so everything here is open 24/7. Everyone speaks English and this country is as big as the US only with just 22 million people so it's really laid back and friendly nobody here lives in tents, trailers, cars or gets paid in tips it's all wages. You don't get homesick either TV, the stores and everything is the same. There opening Costco's, Lowe's, Ben and Jerry's everything here and need staff. There is no problem of getting a job here in anything you want to do. All industry's here are booming, there is no recession here and never has been. The wages are so unreal, women get paid the same rate as men it's all equal opportunity employment and your job is protected by laws. I'm talking high five to six figures, even minimum wage you take home around $800 a week after tax.

You can rent a furnished room for $150 with free utility's a week, with a swimming pool in the back yard till you get cash together to get an apartment or house. Milk is $2 a gallon and bread is a $1 a loaf and there are heaps of free bee places to eat. Nobody here ever goes hungry or ever lives in appalling conditions. The Australian government even sends luxury liners to the Pacific Islands to get workers. If you can speak English and have school or trade certificates get yourselves here even if you have to swim. Don't fall in the homeless trap your walking into.
A lot of us living and working in Australia know how financially bad it is there, with the high wages we earn here, we can send money home to help out family to pay bills or get them out.

Things I must do while in Hawaii?


I'll be there for two weeks in late October, spending 5 nights on Oahu, Lanai, and Wailea in Maui. Hubby and I will have our 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter with us. Already planning on visiting the Arizona, Garden of the Gods, Shipwreck Beach, Haleakala (by myself) and poss taking my son for a day trip to TBI to see the volcano.

But I want to know if there's anything off the beaten or not in the guide books that would be great for us to do/see. One thing I'd really like to see is a huge waterfall, but with the kids with us I think the road to Hana is out of the question.

Hi, not all of this will pertain to you and your children, but while you are on Oahu you should be able to find a few things in here that might help you out! I hope you and your family have a great trip!
I am a nature nut and Hawaii is a great place to enjoy our beautiful planet! I put this together earlier but wanted to share it with you because there are some things here that will help you out! Hawaii is definitely worth it! I just can't get enough of that place! I have been 6 times and I have found enough on Oahu to do that I haven't even ventured out to the other islands yet! Here are some things in Waikiki and around the island to do; Dukes is def cool and right on the beach, and if you want to dance you can head over to Scruples. If you like to drink then do it in your room cause it is way way to expensive at the clubs. I suggest going to one of the 50+ ABC stores and grabbing your alcohol there for much cheaper! There is a ton of eating places down on the strip but the real Hawaii is out of town. Take the bus or drive up to manoa valley and experience the rainforest and a natural waterfall! Take a trip to the north shore and go to Waimaia Valley and see some of the most spectacular fauna anywhere! If you adventurous hike along the ridges and see paradise from 4000 feet! I did that and loved every second of it..Ok well it was more like 8 hours of it but This link will take you to a site with very detailed info on hiking trails Diving and snorkeling are pretty awesome too! Hanuama bay is touristy and with good reason. You are guaranteed to see tons of fish and have a nice afternoon at a beautiful beach! Diving can be done just off shore and runs around 100 bucks for 2 tanks and you don't need to be experienced. Not far out of town you can jet ski or parasail. Wouldn't really bother with the jet skiing because they have too many rules in Hawaii but the parasailing is something you should at least try once. After that it gets kind of boring. In town the international market place is def cool and worth strolling through...a tip..go to all the kiosks and then go back and don't be afraid to barter..that's how it works there! On the weekend a really cool thing to do it go to aloha stadium for a huge flea market!!! I mean huge the tents go all around the stadium and everything you find for souvenirs in Waikiki you will find there for way I mean way cheaper!! Oh one last thing, you have to go to a Luau and the Paradise Cove Luau is the best. oh crap...just thought of something else that will help you out. Go to and buy the book for Hawaii and it will give you so many discount coupons it will pay for it self right away. I did and it worked great. I just found another site that has coupons that you can print off the web so check this one out too Don't forget that part..really do it and you won't be sorry. Many 2-1 coupons on dinners in the Entertainment Book. Waikiki is is really expensive so anytime you can save money itâs a good thing. I have been to Hawaii 6 times now and would love to live there. I hope you make it because you won't forget it! Aloha!

Some more stuff:

Must See Attractions

Paradise Cove Luau - Best on the Island (get entertainment coupon"
Polynesian Cultural Center - North Shore (can catch show here) Make sure you get the "entertainment coupon" At the 42-acre Polynesian Cultural Center, you can experience the everyday adventures of Pacific cultures first-hand. Immerse yourself in the habits and customs of the real Polynesia, while natives demonstrate the art of dancing with fire, making jewelry from plants and climbing 50-foot trees in bare feet. And our new âGo Nativeâ activities let you try your hand at authentic activities and games in our seven native villages. Try Tongan spear throwing or participate in the Haka war dance of New Zealand. Enjoy the AliâI Luau, named âMost Authenticâ by the Kahili Awards, and the âHorizonsâ night show, featuring over 100 native performers
Diamond Head - Cause everyone's doing it
Waikiki- Can't go to Hawaii and miss the strip
Manoa Falls - An easy hike with views and feel of the jungle and it's free!
Hanuama Bay - Best tourist snorkeling in the islands!
Drive the Pali Highway and go to the lookout
Pink Cadillac is where most Japanese gals hang out and is located in Waikiki on Ena Road!
Zanzabar in Waikiki it's in the Waikiki Trade Center on Kuhio Avenue.
Pipeline Cafe in Honolulu located behind Dixie Grill.
The Ocean's Club located in the Restaurant Row Shopping Center.
The Mai Tai Bar located in Ala Moana Shopping Center located across from Bubba Gump 2nd floor from Shirokiya. The food & drink menu is awesome!
Rumours nightclub is located in the Ala Moana Hotel.
The Galaxy Club located at 1739 Kalakaua Avenue across the street from the back half of Hard Rock Cafe in Honolulu.

Have fun!

Makiki Heights drive - Tourists don't find this gem and it's amazing! MUST SEE. Check your map to get to Makiki Heights. Great views of the island

Restaurants: There are tons of restaurants in Waikiki. If you are young and like to drink then drink b/4 you go out! The Pacific Beach Hotel has drink specials all week long and there a good deal. There are Mai Tai specials all over but DIXIES has the screamin Mai TAi which comes in a 32 oz glass and is about 6 bucks!!! Good Eats there too! For cheaper eats go outside of town over towards the Kaneohe side. If you do want to eat in Waikiki then I would highly recommend that you go to and buy the book for Hawaii. This coupon book will save you a ton on the island! Seriously every time I go I get the book and use all the 2-1 deals in it! Check ebay for it too sometimes you can get it dirt cheap!

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What are you getting your kids for Christmas?

kids tents amazon on Kids Circus Tent Play Tent: Toys & Games
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Q. Our kids get a bunch of little things from us and their relatives but Santa always gets them the "BIG" present. This year Santa told me the elves made:

The boys each a:

and Emerson a:

What are you getting your kiddos?

Getting? More like got. Done shopping. Yay me!

DS1(5yo): Beginner telescope (dang, it's on sale. I should have waited!!!) Despicable me DVD with Minion Glasses (pre-ordered)

DS2 (3yo): Buzz Lightyear wings Toy Story 3 DVD with collectible Buzz|1287991011&searchPage=1&fromGsearch=true&sr=1-2&qid=1289917914&rh=&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&searchRank=target104545&frombrowse=0.

For both to share: Planetarium play tent

Plus, they each get a pair of pajamas (yearly tradition). Socks and stocking stuffers.

Grandparents and relatives will get them a bunch of stuff, too.

does anyone know where you can find a bed tent for a toddler/crib matteress?


I can only find one for a twin size.

Ebay or Amazon or "Bazoongi Kids Bed Tents". search for it on google

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