Saturday, November 2, 2013

what r some activites to do with a 6-7 year old boy?

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Gabby Hoen

I might be able to get a job as a babysitter its my first time and i would like to know what r some activity's an 6-7 year old boy would like to do. Theres also a 5 year old girl i would be babysitting but since im i girl i have an idea for that. But any way what r some activity's to do?

Ask them what they want to do first. There's no need forcing an activity on a child that already has their mind set on something.

Build A Fort- Do you remember how much fun it was when you were a kid, to build a fort out of blankets and chairs? Well even if you don't, building a fort is loads of fun for kids and really develops their imaginations. The ideas are limitless: You can pretend you're in a tent camping in the wilderness, a prince or princess in their castle, or even a bear in your cave.

Coloring and Drawing- Babysitting activities for children don't have to be complicated. In fact some of the simple ideas like coloring or drawing pictures can keep kids entertained for hours. If they don't have coloring books, you could even print some free coloring book pages online before you arrive at the house.

Playing House- Another idea that's popular with little girls is playing house. "You be the mommy and I'll be the daddy." This one can really get kid's imaginations going as they simply love role playing. Of course, this activity might get a little tiring to you if it goes on for an extending period of time! :)

Hide and Go Seek- Another good old fashioned classic is hide and seek. Just make sure you outline the boundaries of where kids can and cannot hide within the house. You want to make sure safety is first and foremost in mind.

I Spy Clean Up- play "i spy"with the toy in a messy room and when they spy it, they get to put it away. They won't even notice they're putting toys away.

Simon Says- Simon Says is a fun game that even helps the kids with their listening skills.

Sing Songs with them. Kids love to sing...sometimes the same songs over and over. These don't need to be new songs. In fact, the kid standards might be the best because there's no teaching required. Examples: London Bridge is Falling Down, Ring Around the Rosie, and Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round are all great starters.

Color with big fat crayons. :)

Pop-up books- Pop-up books or other books that are interactive such as those with textures are a good choice. These are more unusual so that kids will be more interested in them. For babysitting at night when the sitter is there, books can calm a child down, helping them to fall asleep. Always bring books with you to read to them at night.

Orchestra-This game is great for both tiny tots and older kids. If actual kid-sized instruments are not available, use pots and pans, buckets, lids, and brooms and put together a living room orchestra. You can make this even more fun by bringing your own instrument and showing the kids, maybe even letting them try!

Water Paint -This is another great hot-day activity. Grab a bucket of water and some old paintbrushes and have the kids âpaintâ with water on the patio or driveway. Talk about easy clean up!

Balloon Kites-Tie a balloon on some string and make a kite!

Bring some of your old toys and videos--kids LOVE when they have new stuff to play with.

Tatse Guesses-give them a food blindfolded, then have them guess what they ate.

Laundry Basket Basketball- Set out a laundry basket or tow. Give the kids socks that have been rolled up into ball shapes. Let them throw the socks in the baskets.

Play Freeze Dance! Take turns being the person in charge of the music, and turn it on and off. When it's off, stop. When it comes back on, dance! You can also play this just moving, if you don't want to dance.

Them- Activities are great, but sometimes just play with their toy and do what they want.

Bake cookies.

Bring her some magazines. A lot of girls love magazines. And it will make her feel big and important!

Volleyball- lay a string on the floor to use as the center dividing line and blow up a balloon to use as the volleyball. You can play too or be the reff.

Scrapbooking- Older girls will love to scrap book. Collect some stuff that you can do to scrap book with the girs. Probably best ages 8+

Reading â weâve just curled up and read a bit, our own books that is!

Things to do outside will keep them busy and get them tired. Other things like bubbles, board games, make braclets if some are girls, play doh, and coloring, are great too.

Always bring activities for them to play. It's fun to have new toys! Now that I've babysat for most of my clients at least 3 or 4 times, the kids recognize the tigerstriped backpack I bring babysitting and saunter over to it and check out what games I brought while I'm talking to the parents!

Hope I help!!!

What types of things do 9 year olds like to do?


I'm babysitting 9 year old girl twins, i need to know what types of things would keep them interested
their parents don't like them watching tv and one likes to draw and read and the other likes to sing and dance

You could bring board games and play with them. A good one is Cranium Conga, it involves all sorts of things from acting to drawing to using clay, so it appeals to both of their interests. More board games are Pretty Pretty Princess, Sorry, Connect 4, Monopoly Jr., etc. Obviously nothing too involved, advanced, or with too many rules.

Have coloring books and crayons on hand for them to color, or go online and print out a few coloring pictures. Bring chalk and color the sidewalk or street - that's fun for all ages! I sometimes make a maze out of chalk for the kids I babysit, and they love walking through it. You could have a talent show for the one who likes to sing and dance. Put on some music and let her just do her thing. If you have a camera you can make a music video with them that their parents will probably treasure!

Little girls like to use their imagination. Let them play house or school or tell them to go outside and collect pretty flowers and they'll be busy for a while. Just let them explore and play how they want. You can set up a tent using chairs and sheets or blankets and go in there with them and tell stories (scary or not), pretend you're camping outside, or you're in a cave or something. Just let their imaginations take them wherever, and play along.

If you have access to a stove or oven and food, you can cook with them. You can make some instant cookies or brownies, or sandwiches that you cut out into different shapes. You can pretend you have a cooking show and they're the stars. You can make milkshakes or smoothies or ice cream sundaes. Just have fun with it. And supervise them in the kitchen, of course.

I hope I could help! Good luck and have fun!

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