Thursday, October 31, 2013

Should we let child molesters out of jail?

kids jail tent on DMX Threatens to Beat Up His Jailers |
kids jail tent image

The Random

I know a lady with a son who molested a 5 year old child and left the kid to die. He did his time and was released. Now he can't get a job and is precluded from living close to children. He is going to have to get a tent and live in the woods. Would it be more humane to just leave people like him in jail?

Chocolate eggs, breath stinks. Thanks can't thank ya any other way.

OK now to be way serious.

The average cost in many prisons to house a prisoner is $63 K a year.
In general population he woulda maybe been killed, given that no matter some crimes others committed, child molesters are in big danger
I get the economics maybe or paroled, BUT
9 MM bullets are like $1.50 each. That would be my solution to ease the stress of keepin them prisoners.

2nd time I had to repost please help declaring mother incompetent?


I'm 18 I'm trying to get gaurdianship of my mother however, she has not paid any child support for me and my siblings. My mother has schizophrenia she lives in a mother has schizophrenia she lives in a tent she is in no shape to pay child support. So what I'm asking here is if I obtain custody of her will she immediately be put in jail for back child support? My be put in jail for back child support? My siblings and I are all adults and I'm the only one who wants to help her. Is there anyway they can terminate her having to pay it back? Thanks so much

You really should ask an attorney. Most likely she would be placed in an institution or something. When trying to get guardianship of her (or anyone), they look at your age, where you live (is it safe or not), your job income, etc. She would have to be decared by the courts unable to care for herself, her kids, etc. Just because your mom us schizophrenic and lives in a tent doesnt mean they will grant you custody of her (especially since you are only 18, usually they place people like that, if needed, with much older people). There would have to be other factors involved. One more thing, if you are able to get custody, you will also be getting her debts. Courts dont let people off the hook for not paying child support that easily, regardless of her condition. If she wasnt capable of taking care of herself financially (homeless, starving to death, etc) they most likely wouldnt have ordered her to pay. They may stop her from having to pay future payments, but all pevious payments not paid, you would be liable for.

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