Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How do you feel about parents that allow their children to smoke weed?

kids tent house on Buy Disney Princess Wendy House at Pink Sumo, Cool Kids Gifts
kids tent house image


What about parents that smoke with their kids? What age (if any) do you think smoking is appropriate? If you are one of these parents an answer would be delightful. Please remain as unbiased as possible, be empathetic, and ask what you would do.

It's disgusting, irresponsible and people that do allow their children to risk ending up in a psych ward or become addicts for the rest of their lives, blowing away their happiness and money shouldn't have kids.

Whether they are children or adults, parents should always discourage it.

I wish people could take a look at people like my brother-in-law, who is 34. Smoked pot at 15, schizophrenic now. He doesn't leave the house, has about 3 fans on at all times to block out the "noises," he lives in the middle of nowhere, no noises around. He lived with his parents until about 6 months ago, before that he lived in a caravan inside the shed. Now he's taken over the house, he's kicked his parents out (who he has come close to stabbing a few times) who are poor pensioners, they now live IN A TENT.

My ex, smoked pot, schizophrenic now. My sisters good friend, got on the pot, schizophrenic too.

I first tried it at 14 (without my parents knowledge) , dabbled in it til I was about 17, became an addict at 18, i'm now almost 21 and have just managed to overcome my addiction. It almost ruined my relationship, it changed my personality, my memory is terrible now, at first when I couldn't get it i'd feel suicidal, but eventually even when I did have it I still wanted to die. I'm just not quite the same person anymore.

All my friends that do it, all addicted to it, are different people now. They are shadows of their former selves. They are all lost and are just missing something.

It's all fun and games, gettin' high, having a big fat joint, til you become addicted, it ruins your life or you end up in a psych ward.

Please, don't give it to your kids, no matter what their age is. It's so unpredictable, you never know what could happen, and nothing good will ever come out of it. You will just set them up for a life of failure and pain. Don't set such a bad example, they look up to you.

What color or exactly to decorate my kids bedroom?

Proud mom

I am moving to a house and will needed painted. I wanted to paint and decorate my kids room. Both of them are boys. Three and a five year old. They both will be sleeping in the same room together. I am trying to figure out want to do for them to be happy in our new place and they like cars and balls. I really want it to be special.

Do you have a bed? If not-here is a link for a loft bed w/a tent. Its so cute. Too bad its not a bunk bed, though. Then you could get the sports bean bags, basketball clothes hamper.. etc

sports bed:

sports bean bag chairs:

I wish my 4 year old wanted sports, I have found many more ideas and things to go with sports. but he wants monster trucks! I may get a tire and dip it in brown paint and make muddy tire tracks over his blue walls. Then hang posters up and maybe even get a wall murial. Also hang or paint road signs. if you do a search on wall murials and/or road signs you will find lots of ideas. the murials are really too expensive for me so I may try to do it myself! (MAYBE) they also have the wall "stick ups" for sports or cars. they are removable stickers. do a search if your interested.
anyway. good luck and have fun!

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