Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When will my daughter outgrow her Princess phase?

kids tents princess on Buy Disney Princess Wendy House at Pink Sumo, Cool Kids Gifts
kids tents princess image


She is three years old and talks non-stop about princesses and is obsessed about marrying a prince. She watches Cinderella over and over. I have trieds to switch her over to different videos, but she always comes back to Cinderella. Just wondering when this phase will end because I am a little disturbed by it. I keep telling her that there is more to life than marrying a prince, but she is only three. Those who have been there, done that I could use some reassurance.

It is a phase.. I have the same senerio... My three year old son is watching Stuart Little over and over.. I have most of the adult humor lines right at the tip of my tongue. He is obsessed with that mouse! The more they see you getting fed up, the longer there interest stays. My niece lasted longer because she had it all around her..They bought her the Princess movies, clothes, car, playhouse, shoes, tiaras, bedding, tents, chairs, sneakers and stickers. The list goes on and on. Every holiday it was another princess gift. (she was easy to buy for).
I went to visit recently, and I bought her a box of Princess cereal... she replied, "Thanks! but, I am not into that anymore." I said, "Did you meet your Prince?" she says...."Nayyyyyyyyyyyyy" (like a Horse!) She finally gave it up for a new obsession: "Horses." Her conversations now are all about bridles, saddles, riding styles and breeds. Horses are mentioned in every conversation, I asked her how she was doing in school... she replied, "good, I drew an Arabian horse today in art class.. you wanna see it?" She has two horses now!!! I told my sister... "It is better than Boys!!!!"
Does your daughter have any playmates? I got my son into swim classes and I gave him two options, he can watch his movies in his room or watch my television with my picks!!!! So, his viewing of Stuart Little is less. My television has other kid DVDâs viewing. He canât change it... I set rules as such, because he was controlling my television. Try this and you will see results.... Good Luck and get your cowboy boots ready.....Horses are around the corner!!!

What are great toys to get my daughter who will be one in Sep?

*Mommy to

My little princess is turning one in September and I would love to know some fun toys to get her and to put on her b-day wish list. No price limit I just want them to be fun and for her to enjoy them. Shes a very happy baby and loves noises, lights, the water, everything really..Shes kinda girly too =) Please include links if possible. Thanks so much!!

I would just take a look at amazon.com and browse through the other toys they have listed. There are TONS of great toys out there for one year olds. Here are some other suggestions, as well as a link to get you started.


look at the "Customers who bought this also bought:" list.

- A toy baby or doll that the child can start to interact with in pretend play.
- Tea set
- Dollhouse
- Wooden or plastic kids size table and chairs
- A bike or ride on wagon is great fun for this age
- Good quality paint, brushes and large art paper
- A small tent and tunnel can be used inside or outside
- Toy farm house with animals and a tractor is good for learning different animals and the noises they make
- Mega blocks - it will be a while until the toddler is building robots and buildings out of blocks but she will love destroying what ever mom or dad creates and will eventually start to put 2 blocks together
- Dress up box - this box can be added to at each birthday. At age one having a few crazy hats, scarves and fake glasses can be fun.
- Music is an excellent gift for this age group, the toddler will soon be doing actions to songs, dancing and even singing along to familiar tunes
- Books are a great gift at any age

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