Saturday, March 22, 2014

What should a 11 year old kid do when they are bored?

Swag on Yo

Its the summer holidayz and this 11 year old girl is getting bored doing nothing at home all day...What should she do!!!!!!!!

Go for a bike ride, swim, have a sleep over with friends - put a tent up in the back garden, go shopping, cinema, museums, draw, paint. Join a club for cycling, walking, anything!. Enjoy every moment of every day, make new plans everyday, write a diary/journal for the holidays.

What is the best way to keep kids happy?


Keep them busy. Repeat after me....Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids.

The best part is that after all of their activity they usually are ready to wind down with a nap, a break for mom! Yay!

Busy activities - park, walk, play in sand, play in water, bath fun, videos, playdoh, craft projects, coloring, painting, baking cookies, cleaning projects, gardening projects, trip to ice cream parlor, sidewalk chalk, jump roap, bike ride, empty and rearrange kitchen cabinets (mine love playing w/ pots & pans and canned goods), McDonald's playland, cooking projects, play with pets, play with giant balls - use blanket like a parachute, have races & relays, play dress up, build tent in living room w/ blankets, camp out in back yard... The possibilities are endless.

Try to plan 2 activities a day and a nap. They should be happy!

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Friday, March 21, 2014

How do I anchor a swing set?


I need to anchor my children's swing set without using concrete? i was told that Home Depot sold a "kit", but no one there new what I was talking about!! Any advice!!

Ok, the stores will sell a kit that consists of 4-6 rods (about 12-15" long). They are like heavy gage tent stakes. You're supposed to pound these in to act as "deadman". Horse-pucky.

It's a simple structural engineering calc to tell us that a 60 pound child (swinging hard) can exert around 480 pounds of uplift force in the two legs opposite to the child's apex position. 2 kids, in sync with their swinging, can tip the thing over.

Two options:

1. If you are renting or planning on moving soon, you should stick to the "deadman" stake concept but take it up a notch. Buy 24" -32" concrete forming stakes and a sledge hammer. Angle the stake as you pound one down immediately adjacent to each leg and bolt them together (use round head fasteners for safety). You should try to get the stake down sio only 2-3" is above ground.

2. If you own, I'd suggest building a concrete "deadman" for each leg. It's a deadweight equal to the uplift force per leg. Since the child was exerting 480 pounds uplift, and that's resisted by the two opposite legs, the deadweight needs to be 480/2 = 240lbs at each leg. Since concrete weighs 160 lbs / cu ft, that means a block of 1-1/2 cu ft or 16" x 16" x 12". I'd dig a square hole at each leg, that was 16" deep x 16" x 16". I'd set a framing strap in the concrete as I mixed and poured the blocks. The strap would be screwed (self tapping sheet metal screws - lots) to the leg later.

Note: there was an intentional 4" space above the top of concrete deadman. That's to allow soil/grass/etc to be on top of the block. It also allows you to abandon the concrete blocks (in place) when you are moving away. No one will ever know they are down there.

Demonstration speech help.?


i have noidea what to do for a demonstration speech.
any ideas are apprciatedd:]]
i want to something unique and cool.
it doesnt matter at this point.
ohhh i forgot.
i cant do food.
bc it has to be apart of your culture.
thanks you guys!

how about these:
Maintain a bicycle
Cook lasagna
Make rice crispy squares
Prepare a pie
Build model vehicles or airplanes
Make a salad
Bake a special desert
Repair a flat bicycle tire
Replace old bicycle brakes
Perform yo-yo tricks and maintenance
Make nacho dip
Cook chili
Draw a cartoon character
Make a vegetable soup
Cook spaghetti with homemade sauce
Wash dishes safely and efficiently
How to choose the best pet
Polish shoes
Re-grip a tennis racquet
String a tennis racquet
Make a special sandwich
Tie a necktie
Perform a dance step
Paint a picture
Create a craft
Do rope skipping tricks and games
Do basketball-dribbling tricks
Iron clothes
Make a grilled cheese sandwich
Make homemade ice cream
Perform a cultural dance
Perform a jazz dance
Play a musical instrument
Do a magic trick
Perform martial arts moves
Make cookies
Create an elaborate paper airplane
Create Origami
Dribble and bounce a soccer ball
Make fudge
Do skate board tricks
Make breakfast
Do calligraphy
Make paper
Create a Halloween mask
Play an instrument
Organize a surprise party
Use a digital camera
Read sheet music
Make a new candle from old ones
Perform first aid
Speak a foreign language
Apply make-up
Style/straighten hair
Clean your teeth.
Coordinate clothes for any occasion.
Sign for the deaf.
Apply decorative stencils.
Roll clothes to pack a suitcase.
Read nutrition labels.
Defend yourself against an attacker.
Plan a home fire escape.
Set-up an e-mail account.
Play the drums.
Change a baby's diaper.
Make a simple children's game.
Make peanut butter bars.
Shoot a free throw.
Pack a backpack.
Use a compass.
Hit a baseball.
Catch a fly ball.
Serve a tennis ball.
Apply, care, and remove contact lenses.
Set a formal dinner table.
Weave a basket.
Change a tire on a bike.
Wrap a gift
Tie-dye a shirt.
Wash your clothes properly.
Bathe a baby.
Arrange flowers.
Give a manicure.
Administer CPR.
Do simple ballroom dancing.
Fold napkins for a formal dinner party.
Bake cookies.
Improve your bowling score.
Sew a button on a shirt.
Carve a pumpkin.
Draw cartoon characters.
Make your own valentines.
Recycle in your home.
Frame a picture.
Play soccer.
Write a childrenâs story.
Organize your closet.
Plan a little kid party.
Make Play dough.
Groom your pet.
Set up a tent.
Make a piñata.
Square dance.
Play a video game.
Bunt, or hit a baseball.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Write a poem.
Make deviled eggs.
Make and fly a kite.
Make fudge.
Make a cut up t-shirt look great.
Break dance.
Make Bar B-Que sauce
Create a power point presentation.
Make scrapbooks.
Play football.
Make paper carnations.
Make Ice cream.
Make a web page.
Apply fake fingernails.
Frost and decorate a cake.
Ride a skateboard.
Do the chicken dance.
Make an emergency kit for your car.
Make an first-aid kit for your house.
Do yoga.
Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Ride a bike.
Plan a vegetarian meal.
Groom your dog.
Train your dog.
Make your own jelly.
Plan a picnic.
Make a subway sandwich.
Grow and prune a bonsai tree.
Make finger paints.
Make a Halloween costume.
Do needlepoint.
Build a sandcastle.
Make pancakes.
Make a root beer float.
Braid hair.
Create a work out schedule.
Line dance.
Twirl a baton.
Fold the American flag.
Make a card house.
Drop kick a soccer ball or a football.
Eat with chopsticks.
Make an Omelet
Build a castle with Legos.

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best place to find a bed tent?


Looking for a play tent that goes on top of a twin bed have been looking online but so plain jane. I remember having one shaped like a car growing up with a big front window and played in it for hours. Anyone know of a site that has some really neat one a kid could use their imagination with?


When do I convert the crib to a toddler bed?


My son is 14 months old. He doesn't climb out of his crib... he doesn't even try. He's a good sleeper - he goes to sleep without a fight and sleeps through the night.

Our crib converts to a toddler bed... when should I convert it over?

If you're not having problems, then there's no reason to switch to the toddler bed. Once he's out of the crib, it will be much harder to get him to stay there, and that goes for naps too.

My twins were great in their cribs until they started climbing out around 16 months. Then I got these crib "tents" which go over the crib and form a large tent on top, so the toddlers can't climb out. (My kids thought they were very cool -- they are see-through).

We used these until the kids were 3 1/2 (!) and then we went straight to twin beds.

Don't convert unless you absolutely have to. If he's napping and sleeping well, don't change a thing.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

I need help writing an apocalypse story?


So, I want to write an apocalyptic story, where these three kids are all on their own because some sort of apocalypse scenario went down. I want for there to be empty houses(people living in tents and outside i guess), stores, etc, no functioning government, that sort of thing. But, i don't want the human population nearly extinct. So i guess what I'm asking is, should it be some sort of economic collapse that went down? (or if you have better ideas PLEASE let me know, just no zombies) and so if it is an economic collapse that went down to cause all this, how would that happen, how would it pan out?

I'd use the Illuminatiâthere are myths circulating that they aim to bring down the world. I personally don't believe any of it, but there's plenty of information readily available online. (My brother is currently obsessed and claim they'll let the world bring itself down with an economic collapse of some sort, perfect for your story)

i want to fully change my families lifestyle. am i making a mistake?


ok so my partner, myself and our two daughters aged 3 and 1 live in australia below the poverty line. we rent a house and have also brought a block of land 1.4 acres. we are struggling with rent, mortgage, bills, food and all the rest! im over it and im over seeing my husband stressing constantly about everything. i'm sick of the TV being on and the junk food that is alway being brought into the house and useless cluttering crap that i have to clean up everyday and not being able to afford potatoes.
im wanting to sell of all our useless stuff and move into a tent on the block and build our house ourselves bit by bit, grow our own food (we already have some fruit growing and two chickens) and just say screw you to the world! limited power, no tv no internet just a whole lot of nature for the kids to run around in!
am i going mad or am i really onto something??
if you could do it would you?
would really like to know people opinions on this???
better paying job is not an option my partner is looking ALL the time but there is no one hiring anywhere around where we live for anything

you really shouldn't live in a tent, you couldn't do without basic bathroom and kitchen necessities. And building a house is hard work, you would definitely need some help to be able to build a decent house to code.
But you are on to a couple of good things. If you have 1.4 acres, that is plenty of space for a nice garden. Grow fruits, vegetables, grains, maybe get some more chickens so you have plenty of eggs, and maybe some to sell. Maybe get some other animals like a cow for milk. Do as much as you can for yourself. Learn to make your own bread, snacks, anything you can. Homemade is almost always healthier and cheaper. In this world it's hard to get by without internet, but why bother with the TV. Don't pay for cable. Turn off the TV, who needs it, plus there are always things online you can watch.
Take advantage of your land, it's really your only asset. If you can grow enough to sustain yourself, and maybe sell some, that would almost completely get rid of your grocery bill, and maybe make you a bit of profit.
Get your kids to help you in the garden. Get them out of the house, playing outside, teach them the value of work. Teach them to clean up after themselves and take pride in their property.
Don't move into a tent, I'm sorry you'll probably keep having to pay rent until you can afford to get contractors to build your house, but in the meantime, use the land to its full potential.

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Ahh help!!?

winkwink ;

What can I do to enterian 4 little kids (10 and 9) at a sleepover in a tent??

uh tell scary stories, tell secrets,


north face trailhead 6 or wynnster hawk 4 or 6?


does anyone know about these tents. I have two kids and dog, and want something durable, comfortable and easy to put up. if you have experience of either please let me know.

I just purchased a trailhead 6 tent with the same worries about roasting in it. We spent 9 days in the mid 80's and this tent vents really well. The 2005 model has a light grey color which doesn't heat up as much in the sun. It has two mesh windows and each end. A mess dome in the ceiling and the door panels are just huge mesh vents when open. If you don't mind the zipper problem I would highly recommend. The problem with the zippers are the storm flap gets jammed in the sliders constantly. Even the inside doors have a storm flap for some reason. It's hard to get out of the tent sometimes when you are in and the stormflap is jammed on the outside. Until you get used to it.
We put a 5 foot camp table in one sleeping area and queen mattress in other and had room for chairs to sit at table with room to spare. The front vestibule is as large as a small tent lol. We also weathered a really bad T-storm that poured all night. Not one drop of water came in. I seam gripped the floor seam. Most of which is not suspended and lays on the ground. But I didn't even touch the fly it is already sealed up. Even the guyout loops have hot taped squares over them inside.
Hope this helps ya.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

what to do for my 14th birthday?



one.. turning 14.
two.. birthday is june 11
three.. i cant decide if i want a big party like last year, or a small party
four.. i want to some how incorporate lime green, purple, and zebra
five.. i have a pool in my back yard, BUT i had a pool party last year, and dont want to again
six.. i have a lake house down at the ozarks which is in missouri.
seven.. i dont want to have a dance party
eight.. i have a pretty big back yard with a pool & a lake
nine.. i am very stressed out about what to do.

help (: i cannot figure out what to do. and its really stressing me out.
p.s i ask to plan it so early because i work out all the little details during the time before i send out the invites. i think i want a smaller birthday, with just my really close friends- but i want to do something fun and something i wont forget.

well if your rich, just go to six flags with your super close friends. If you don't like six flags, then go roller skating, or ro a concert. Maybe not a concert. umm you could have a sleep over party with a big tent in the back. Have some Smores over a fire. Just have yourself a great campout, and if you live in the woods with lots of great clear visual hiding areas you could play a game i call monster.
Monster is like hide and seek. Only a few differences. See you pick someone to be a monster, the monster goes and hides somewhere. While the rest of the kids stay together and count to 30 to 45 secs. Then the kids go look for the monster, once they find the monster they run around til the monster tags someone. Then you redo the whole step by the new monster whom was tagged.
its a whole lotta fun. trust me.
i'm 18 yrs old, and i still play that game with my close friends, its a lot of adrenaline and excitment/fears.

Best place to take a vacation with the family to see wild animals?

Arthur kad

We wanna go take a vacation to see wild animals like lions, tigers, buffalo, zebras, elephants, and other animals that live with them where would be the best place to see them wild in one of those jeeps you see on tv? I want it to be clean we're we live but able to see the wild life were gonna be with two family's so we need a big place. Please give me some reccomendations on where to go I'm thinking south Africa but I can be wrong thanks and could someone give me an estimate for 6 adults and three kids please thank you.

If you go to South Africa you are sure to see Lions, Buffalo, Zebra, Elephant and lots of other animals. If you want to see Tigers in their natural habitat, best bet is to go to India.

Rent a jeep from a car hiring place.

Accommodation places in National Parks are clean. You can book your accommodation to suit your whole party (like the size of bungalo or chalet you will stay in) with the National Park once you have decided on one. If you are more adventurous, and you want to get really close to nature, there are options to camp in tents as well in designated areas that is relatively safe from wild animals.

Kruger National Park is a good one, also Addo Elephant Park. But dont be limited to these. There really are lots to choose from.

If you are looking what its gonna cost you, contact your local travel agent.

Here is just extra information.

Dont forget to visit Cape Town with Table Mountain. It is one of the new Natural Wonders of the World.

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kids and camping????

Q. if there is a posibility there will be bears at night when camping is the camp ground ok for kids

Yes! As long as the kids know not to take food into your tent and what to do if they do see a bear.

What is the best tent when camping with kids?!?


My husband and I are going camping in August and we trying to find a good tent. We want a dome tent for 6-8 people. It is actually going to be just my hubby, my 9 month old and myself, but I want the extra room (which our old 4 person tent doesn't have). Does anyone have any suggestions? We're wanting to spend between $100-$200. Thanks!

short, but simple answer. you can EASILY find Copeman (or Coleman i think rather) brand tents for ridiculously cheap and they're HUGE. take a look over there first. you'll be surprised. and most of them are under $100 too!

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Tent camping with an 8 month old?


Has anyone been tent camping with a young baby? Any tips? Is it a bad idea?

When our kids were little we took them tent camping many times. We camped in Yosemite, Devils Post Pile and even Borrego Desert Sites. We kept a play pen in the tent with us. When they would wake up at night the wife would get them out nurse them , burp them and put them back to sleep. Those were the days of cloth diapers too. Most of out camp sites had a laundry close by. Our oldest now almost 48 started camping at 6 months, as did our 46 and 44 year old. Our youngest now 38 was a bottle baby, saw 4 month old on her first camping trip. We kept the bottles in our sleeping bag to keep them warm. One night the temp was 21 and I rolled over and found a very coolish bottle in my back. Now that is one way to wake up with a start. camping never was a problem with us. take plenty of diapers, try to keep them on a normal schedule as much as possible. Have fun, take them often. My kids now take their kids camping and some times they will use the tents. Grand parents are great when camping out too, extra child care and most will help with the cooking and dish washing . But we do have problems with sleeping on the grouond. lol

Good tent ideas for baby?


Hi I am trying to find some of the portable tents i can get for my 5 month old cause we are going away to the beach in a few weeks and trying to find one that i can use for that and if u know of any what stores have them thanks so much.

We used to go to the beach when our kids were babies. We'd take their porta-crib (pack-n-play) and use a large beach umbrella to keep them in the shade. I am grandma now and I bought a pack-n-play that came with a cover - very nice for the beach and camping, too. I've seen some beach tents at Target so I imagine most of those types of stores like K-Mart or Wal-Mart would probably have them, too. Also, try a sporting goods store. We have Dunham's in our area and they carry that type of thing, too. I have also seen them on eBay. You want to only get the kind of tent that is specifically designed for the beach as the type of tent that you would use for camping, such as a small dome tent is not made out of the right material and does not have the right ventilation for the beach. Having been a tenting family for years, camping tents are incredibly hot inside when the sun is shining on them. You don't want to use this type of tent at the beach - your baby will overheat in it.

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Do your kids build forts in the house?


What is considered a fort to you? How elaborate are they in your house?

Of course! We have one up in our downstairs now. It's pretty much a permanent fixture actually, the girls sleep there more than they do in their own room. The one up now is pretty elaborate. They've colonized our big 8-person camping tent, dragged a queen mattress down 2 flights of stairs from their bed, that's under the blanket tent, the top of which is attached to the sofa and extends to drape over the TV and games system. The younger kids' play kitchen holds up the other part of it, they've got all the extra blankets tied together with knitting yarn.

I would have died and gone to heaven if I was allowed to make a fort at all, let alone one like that, so I don't rain on their parade. I help and add on to it when I see a way, LOL! We can fit our entire family + kids' friends in there. This thing is pretty extended.

We're working on rebuilding their treehouse my husband made them at our old house, we took it apart when we moved and they're itching to have it back again, I'm sure if we get it finished this weekend, they'll be cramming as many overnights in there as they can before it turns too cold.

Is it normal to share a bed with your child in a camper or motel if there's not enough beds for everyone?

Ann Onimou

My husband thinks it's creepy to share a bed with your child or sibling (or to share food or drink with them for that matter - like sharing a yogurt and spoon with our 1 year old) if you are camping or in a hotel/motel even if there aren't enough beds for everyone to have their own.

I think this is because he was a single child of fairly staunch British parents who were (and still are) a bit prudish and having no siblings, never had to 'fight for a bed' (two doubles in a hotel with 4 people means siblings or parents sharing for example). He also has no other family (cousins, etc).

In my family (me, parents, younger brother), we even shared the bathroom (in fact, there was only a curtain as a door until I was 12) lol. Last month, when we went on vacation together (me, mom, brother, husband and our 1 year old daughter), there were only 2 double beds and a fold out couch. My husband and I are fat (well, we are) so we can't share a double without fighting (seriously) so my husband said he'd take the foldout. That left me, mom and brother and 2 double beds. Brother thought it was weird to sleep with mom and she was afraid to get whacked anyway (she'd just had surgery and was still very sore) so brother and I shared. Husband thought this was super gross but brother and I didn't.

Husband and I are talking about buying a used camper. I said 2 double beds would be enough and he said we wouldn't fit and when I suggested that either we each share with a child or the two children share (the children being any age from 0 to 20 potentially), he was horrified. 'You can't do that!', he insisted.

What do you think? I think you should have a bathroom door but sharing a bed with or eating the rest of your child's sandwich (that they've been eating) isn't that big of a deal.

In case it matters, my brother is 28 and I'm 32.
To cathrl69: Yes, I'm just as fat but my brother is fairly thin thus he takes less room and I have more room and there is no need for either of us to fight for space. As for the floor, the only one of us who could physically manage that would be my brother and he likes luxury too much for that.
To RedStar: My brother and I did not come into contact at all during the night (I was awake a lot due to our baby waking). Our personal space was not encroached at any time. I think he thought it was weird to sleep with our mom because he hasn't done that since he was a little boy and he and I have had to share a bed on occasion (at relatives who had limited space) over the last 10 years. You do have a point about it being ok for my brother to feel it was weird but not for my husband to feel that way. I guess it's just because my husband feels weird about every possibility. My husband and I bought a queen bed a few years ago because we were tired of fighting over bed space so it is different at home. My husband and I have tried sharing double hotel beds before and have discovered that it does not work. He may have thought it was weird but he was happy not to share with me lol.

In a pinch, it's normal. My dad was very much on the rule that every boy has his own bed (this didn't apply for girls though, and we had to share a hand-me-down Queen for a long time growing up.) I tend to believe every child has their own bed, but in a pinch (camping trip, hotel room, etc) then sharing isn't a big deal. There's some provisos though.

Like, my sister was fairly abusive towards me. So putting us in the same bed would result in me bruised and battered. It's not right to put two kids together who don't want to be in the same bed, one always ends up with nightmares from the other pinching, hitting, kicking, etc. After a while my parents would bring a sleeping bag and if she didn't want to share the bed with me she could sleep on the floor. This was much MUCH better on both of us. But it's something to keep in mind. If you have two who get along, that's great. But if you have two who don't, then you're putting one in an abusive situation even if you're keeping an eye on things, because they're going to be nervous. My mom still has nightmares of her sister making her stay on 'her side of the bed' and the danger she was in if she crossed the imaginary line even a mm.

And boy girl... yeah. I would have actually slept with my mom and let my brother sleep with my dad or alone. When possible I would separate genders. Not because anything sexual will happen but just because it does get a bit odd.

But like with a camper, shoot someone can always sleep in a tent outside if they don't want to share with mom/pop. And if they're the same gender then no big at all (I have nieces who had to share the same twin sized bed for years... that's a lot more closer quarters.) It's only temporary, so it's really not a biggie.

Add: Oh, the bathroom... what would he have done growing up like I did, one of 8, and 2 bathrooms and one was off limit because it was mom/dad's? :P 1 bathroom for 8 kids... what's the issue? We didn't all go in at once. You learned to go and get out really. I really don't understand a bathroom for every child... that seems very odd to me. But then again I don't understand a bedroom for every child either.

As for eating food... okay, if I'm eating something and my daughter wants some I will break off a piece that is not touching my mouth. I have cavities and I don't want to expose her to the bacteria that causes cavities. Same goes with straws and drinks. You can usually ask for a small cup and pour some in there, then you each got one, no extra cost. But if she wants to share something with me and she's eaten on it, I'll usually take a bite, but not much. Again, it's more concerns about cavities, disease, etc than anything else. Eating the rest of their sandwich wouldn't bother me though. My mom remembers taking us down for a hamburger and fries, cutting the burger in 4 pieces and giving my sister and I a quarter each while she ate the 1/2. I think that's a lot healthier than everyone gets their own, and eats more than they need, y'know?

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How to put away the discovery kids princess castle?


This is what it is

but I removed the rods from the tent but cant figure out how to put it away in its little pouch. I googled everywhere for instructions but nothing! Help!

I haven't seen instructions anywhere online, but there is a great video on Home Shopping Network (HSN) that will show you how to fold and unfold it. It's a little on the long side, but you should get the hang of it after only one watching:

Campground suggestions and opinions for tent camping in California??

Team AMP

Please help us, in knowing the differences and condition between California one another, tent camping campgrounds. We would like near river for kids to fish, in California. Please any reviews, experiences or thoughts, thank you.

I have Tent camped at Lake Cachuma near Santa Barbara. Although it isn't a river, it is very nice to camp there. gets very warm during the day, but cools off nicely in the Evenings. They have an outdoor theater and a swimming pool. There are boat rentals and fishing.

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Any dog friendly holidays? (UK only)?


there's loads, you can rent a dog friendly caravan or a cottage by the sea then take your dog to the beach, let him swim or have a paddle in the sea, throw him a ball on the beach, meeting other dogs, give him a walk on the beach, buy an ice cream and give him a bit, or have a bbq and give him a burger and a sausage =]

or your dog camping, i took mine, we got him a dog tent and a dog sleeping bag although he didn't like his sleeping bag zipped up so he was in it, we had a bbq and gave him a burger, sausage and chicken wing, we also let him join in in our activities, he came on a hike with us, he came swimming with us in the lake and he even came cycling, i brought a little trailer what you add to the back of your bike what little kids sit in and he went in there xD

any dog friendly holidays? (UK only)?


there's loads, you can rent a dog friendly caravan or a cottage by the sea then take your dog to the beach, let him swim or have a paddle in the sea, throw him a ball on the beach, meeting other dogs, give him a walk on the beach, buy an ice cream and give him a bit, or have a bbq and give him a burger and a sausage =]

or your dog camping, i took mine, we got him a dog tent and a dog sleeping bag although he didn't like his sleeping bag zipped up so he was in it, we had a bbq and gave him a burger, sausage and chicken wing, we also let him join in in our activities, he came on a hike with us, he came swimming with us in the lake and he even came cycling, i brought a little trailer what you add to the back of your bike what little kids sit in and he went in there xD

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Monday, March 17, 2014

do u think a camping tent could be used as a cheap playhouse for kids?


i was thinking of getting a playhouse but dont want to spend alot of money,a gazebo i dont think would be strong enough for windy rainy weather conditions so i have been wondering if a large tent would be suitable? thanx

An inexpensive tent would make a good play house for your kids when the weather is decent. If the weather is windy and raining, your children belong *indoors* in the house where it is safe. I once set up a tent in my back yard after a camping trip, to clean it and let it air out for a few days. My children loved playing in it while it was set up in the yard.

One evening a thunderstorm swept through the area very quickly. Of course the children were inside our home during the storm. The tent was still standing after the storm, the wind or rain did not budge the tent......but lightning had shattered one of the poles of the tent. If my kids had been in that tent during that storm, they would most likely have died.

is it okay to to take your 18month child camping and to sleep over night in a tint? i dont think so?


i need some advice my boyfriend and i have a son together and he want us to go on a camping trip, but he also want to take our 18month old son... i dont think its a good idea he is going to be fussy plus.... he wants to spend the night in a tint... you never know there might be bear or something out there in the dark... i dont think its a good idea.. what do yall think.. he tell me "clearly you dont know nothing about camping."

My grandmother raised me and she work at a camp site in the summer, well she took me camping from the time I came home the hospital. I don't think there's any problem with going camping with a infant, people get to crazy about stuff like that. The camp site wasn't one with a pool and stuff, I mean we were in the deep Forest. My grandmother said all the fresh air made me sleep like a log, She stayed stay there for three months and she had a newborn. I wasn't neglected, I sleep in a play pen with blankets and taken care of properly. Yes the might be bears , our campsite had them. You have to camp smart regardless of the situation, no food outside at night or in the tent, carry a light that makes noise to scared away bears and stuff just in case. Keep all food in the car at night you leave it out more than bears would come. I will tell you camping with my grandmother all the time was the highlight of my life and I have the best memories from it. Your baby will have a blast , i was fishing at his age of course no hooks but I I loved it as my son does now to. People have become paranoid about doing stuff with a child like this, oh the dirt, the bugs the animals. In the past that was a way of life and we didn't have the nice things you can buy now for camping. My whole family was raised that way we all went camping together and they took us with them, we were babies nothing went wrong and every year we go camping and we teach our child the same way. You;ll be surprised what a little fresh air does to a kid. From someone who been camping my whole life, your child will be fine your freaking out about something you should not, Try it and if it doesn't work out you could always leave. Camping wont kill you kid, just relax and have great fun with your family

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to choose a family base camping tent?


I am planning to buy a family camping tent, what things should I consider?

1. Consider how many people will be sleeping in the tent and if you'll be requiring one or two tents to house everyone. Make sure you have enough room for everyone to be comfortable. Every tent has its dimensions specified on the package, listing how many people it will house and how big it is. If you're looking for roomy comfort, subtract the number of people the tent says it will hold by one or two.

2. Figure out what style of tent will best suit your needs. There are two basic types of tents: dome and cabin. While there are a variety of styles of both, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. A dome tent is easier to assemble, having only two poles for the tent and one for the top cover. Since it's shaped like a dome, you'll give up some space in its height. A cabin tent offers more room since it is built in a square shape, but because it has more poles, it can take longer to assemble and be heavier to carry. If you're looking to house more than four people comfortably and have only one tent, a cabin tent is probably the best option.

3. Consider what extra requirements you need in your tent to properly accommodate you and your group. Do you want an extra attached screen room or a tent with several rooms? Do you have a tall person in the pack that will want to stand up straight while inside the tent? Will you be spending large amounts of time inside the tent? All of these things need to be thought out before you buy a tent. There are many varieties of tents on the market that come at a variety of prices.

4. Think about the area where you will be setting up your base camp tent and what the weather will be like. If you'll be camping in a cold region, you don't want a tent that has a screened top with a liner that allows more air inside. You also don't want a tent that allows little ventilation if you're staying in a hot area.

5. Consider the camping experience of the people you're camping with. If you're a novice camper, you might want a tent that's easy to set up. Generally, the fewer poles you have to deal with, the easier it is to set up and take down and the lighter weight. has quality family tents, you can have a look.

what is the largest family camping tent? we have 6 kids.. people plus gear..?

ian t

i want the biggest tent possible. to fit our bags as well..

You can get tents in any size you want to pay for.
But the bigger it is the heavier it is and takes up more room, both in the car as well as the camp site.

You will only be using it for sleeping and some storage, EXCEPT for food and other smellables!
You don't want furry visitors in the tent.

Get a 3 room rectangle dome type.

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