Monday, March 17, 2014

do u think a camping tent could be used as a cheap playhouse for kids?


i was thinking of getting a playhouse but dont want to spend alot of money,a gazebo i dont think would be strong enough for windy rainy weather conditions so i have been wondering if a large tent would be suitable? thanx

An inexpensive tent would make a good play house for your kids when the weather is decent. If the weather is windy and raining, your children belong *indoors* in the house where it is safe. I once set up a tent in my back yard after a camping trip, to clean it and let it air out for a few days. My children loved playing in it while it was set up in the yard.

One evening a thunderstorm swept through the area very quickly. Of course the children were inside our home during the storm. The tent was still standing after the storm, the wind or rain did not budge the tent......but lightning had shattered one of the poles of the tent. If my kids had been in that tent during that storm, they would most likely have died.

is it okay to to take your 18month child camping and to sleep over night in a tint? i dont think so?


i need some advice my boyfriend and i have a son together and he want us to go on a camping trip, but he also want to take our 18month old son... i dont think its a good idea he is going to be fussy plus.... he wants to spend the night in a tint... you never know there might be bear or something out there in the dark... i dont think its a good idea.. what do yall think.. he tell me "clearly you dont know nothing about camping."

My grandmother raised me and she work at a camp site in the summer, well she took me camping from the time I came home the hospital. I don't think there's any problem with going camping with a infant, people get to crazy about stuff like that. The camp site wasn't one with a pool and stuff, I mean we were in the deep Forest. My grandmother said all the fresh air made me sleep like a log, She stayed stay there for three months and she had a newborn. I wasn't neglected, I sleep in a play pen with blankets and taken care of properly. Yes the might be bears , our campsite had them. You have to camp smart regardless of the situation, no food outside at night or in the tent, carry a light that makes noise to scared away bears and stuff just in case. Keep all food in the car at night you leave it out more than bears would come. I will tell you camping with my grandmother all the time was the highlight of my life and I have the best memories from it. Your baby will have a blast , i was fishing at his age of course no hooks but I I loved it as my son does now to. People have become paranoid about doing stuff with a child like this, oh the dirt, the bugs the animals. In the past that was a way of life and we didn't have the nice things you can buy now for camping. My whole family was raised that way we all went camping together and they took us with them, we were babies nothing went wrong and every year we go camping and we teach our child the same way. You;ll be surprised what a little fresh air does to a kid. From someone who been camping my whole life, your child will be fine your freaking out about something you should not, Try it and if it doesn't work out you could always leave. Camping wont kill you kid, just relax and have great fun with your family

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