Friday, March 21, 2014

best place to find a bed tent?


Looking for a play tent that goes on top of a twin bed have been looking online but so plain jane. I remember having one shaped like a car growing up with a big front window and played in it for hours. Anyone know of a site that has some really neat one a kid could use their imagination with?


When do I convert the crib to a toddler bed?


My son is 14 months old. He doesn't climb out of his crib... he doesn't even try. He's a good sleeper - he goes to sleep without a fight and sleeps through the night.

Our crib converts to a toddler bed... when should I convert it over?

If you're not having problems, then there's no reason to switch to the toddler bed. Once he's out of the crib, it will be much harder to get him to stay there, and that goes for naps too.

My twins were great in their cribs until they started climbing out around 16 months. Then I got these crib "tents" which go over the crib and form a large tent on top, so the toddlers can't climb out. (My kids thought they were very cool -- they are see-through).

We used these until the kids were 3 1/2 (!) and then we went straight to twin beds.

Don't convert unless you absolutely have to. If he's napping and sleeping well, don't change a thing.

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