Wednesday, March 19, 2014

kids and camping????

Q. if there is a posibility there will be bears at night when camping is the camp ground ok for kids

Yes! As long as the kids know not to take food into your tent and what to do if they do see a bear.

What is the best tent when camping with kids?!?


My husband and I are going camping in August and we trying to find a good tent. We want a dome tent for 6-8 people. It is actually going to be just my hubby, my 9 month old and myself, but I want the extra room (which our old 4 person tent doesn't have). Does anyone have any suggestions? We're wanting to spend between $100-$200. Thanks!

short, but simple answer. you can EASILY find Copeman (or Coleman i think rather) brand tents for ridiculously cheap and they're HUGE. take a look over there first. you'll be surprised. and most of them are under $100 too!

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