Saturday, September 21, 2013

Camping help?? 10 points!!?

kids bed tents queen on Toddler Bed Mattress Vs Crib Mattress
kids bed tents queen image


Do you think a 12' by 12' tent is big Enough for 6 peaple (3 kids, 1 teen,2 adults)? Will two queens air mattresses fit with room to spare? Also anything else I need to know about camping or tents??? Thanks!!! :) oh there's also a porch but I don't know if that matters... Lol

I have a 9x12 tent that has been used to sleep 8 adults. use a good bedding but forget the air mattress.

Should I say something to my sister in law?


Recently my sister in law bought new sheets for her bed.
I hear her telling her kid to "stay off the bed" (which is think is fine. Don't play on the bed, simple rule.)

but last night I was looking for her kid and I couldn't find her on the bed or in her 'tent' so I asked my boyfriend where she was and he told me she was sleeping on the FLOOR in the room.

I am a little shocked! Just because my sister in law got new sheets does NOT mean the kid cant sleep on the bed!

Its a small room they stay in and the bed is queen size (so they could both fit) but she has the kid sleeping on the floor between the bed and dresser. (not much space there)

Should I say something to her - or just let it go?

Stay off the bed to me sounds like... no horsing around or jumping on the bed. But "stay off the bed" as in.. sleep on the floor..No.

If she is afraid the child might wet the bed, there are mattress protectors even other products available to keep the sheets cleaner longer.

But no child deserves to sleep on the floor especially if there is more than enough room for the both of them.

Ask her why you found ________ (insert name) sleeping on the floor in a non chalant way. See what her excuse is..

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