Monday, September 16, 2013

Tent Camp Site East TN?

tent camping with kids in georgia on Baby Camping - smart reviews on cool stuff.
tent camping with kids in georgia image

Planning to for family camping somewhere in East TN. We will have family members driving from Atlanta and Lexington KY. We wanted to be somewhere in middle close to water fall, river etc. Since we will have kids so we do not want to camp in very remote area....please advise.

Since you want waterfalls, here are two suggestions.

My family use to camp at Amicalola Falls in NE Georgia. Have not been in a long time, but you might check it out at

Also check Fall Creek Falls, north of Chattanooga TN.
The camping is not remote, but the nearest town is Pikeville and is off the beaten path.

One other suggestion is Great Smoky Mountains National Park. They don't have high waterfalls, but it is a great place to camp. Lots of activities.

Living in the wilderness...?


I would like to live in the wilderness for a while. I am sick of society and of what this country is becoming. I am going to buy one of those eureka tents and make sure that i have everything that i need. i live in new england.
my questions
Where would you shower/bathe?
how do you wash your clothing?
how do you avoid your stuff getting stolen?
how do you avoid animals/your stuff getting invaded by animals?
where are places that you can just randomly camp for long periods of time?

Well first of all for a long term camping situation a Eureka tent is anything but ideal, you might as well buy a kids tent from walmart. Secondly, why would you care to shower or bath and wash your clothing if your going to be living in the wilderness by yourself? Are you planning on having neighbors?....who is going to steal your stuff if you are in the middle of nowhere. You stash your food up in whats called a bear bag. You can hike and camp anywhere. Appalachian trail thru-hikers hike from Maine to Georgia, rarely doing a wash or bathing for those 2,000miles in about 6-10 months. If you are asking these questions you probably are not ready to go long term "camping", forget about living in the Wilderness, especially now in December what are you going to eat? Most of the plants are dormant and if you are asking these questions I doubt you know how to trap food.

Can I make a suggestion, one that I made to another person thinking along the same lines as you.... read the book "Into the Wild" it has everything you need to know and need to hear in it. Read it cover to cover before you do anything else.

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