Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Which International Organization has Duty to Investigate Crimes against Children & Single Parents by Canadian?


I am single parent & while I never got any kind of support from Canada to help my children.

But the Toronto Police, Attorney General of Ontario & Judges have taken my business and caused my children & me suffer badly from poverty.

Here in Toronto, children involved in prostitutions, by encouragement of the Crown that makes a lot of money from strip clubs & prostitution.

I saw that teenage girls were selling themselves for Five Dollars & yong mothers working as prostitutes to "Buy Milk for their childern", or even boys has anal intercourse with their Canadian Fathers to get some money.

In the other hand, kids are working in the factories and coffee shop and McDonald, where their adult colleagues, boss and supervisors are sexually abusing them.

SO, where I can file a complaint in the International Courts to convict Canada. Canadian by paying bribes to UN and Media have made a misrepresentation of crimes in Toronto and other big cities. We have obligation to let the World

It is very sad. Canada is a real shame for Human Society.
Please send me email I will daft a complaint for you to file it with United Nations. Also there are many organizations that they help children, and single parent out side Canada.

Canadian Government they know how to steal from people in the name of Child Support, but where all these billions moneys goes we don't know.

After US attack to Afghanistan, Canadian Immigration got about $100 million dollar too help to Afghan who may come as refugee to Canada!

They put few tents in the parks, then 100 million dollars went to pockets of a group of thieves!

Visiting Niagra Falls, Help!?


I have 1 day to plan an inexpensive trip for the family. My wife wants to travel from the US to the Canada side for a 1 or 2 night stay with our 2 kids. If the cheapest hotel deals are on the NY side(I assume) is it worth traveling back and forth to see the Canada side? Any suggestion? We've considered packing the tent and sleeping bags, but would rather find a cheap hotel. We're not picky just on a low budget.

Do you know that in order to GET BACK INTO THE USA, all adults require either a US passport, or a State issued "enhanced drivers license ' ?

So , unless you have those forms of identification, Canada won't let you come over the border.

Remember that is an AMERICAN law, not anything to do with Canada, and it has been in effect since July of 2009. In other words, for four years now.

No international travel, including to Canada.

Jim B


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