Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What do you think about having a camp out indoors for a toddler playdate?

kids indoor camping tent on Its helpful to make one end of the tent higher than the other so it ...
kids indoor camping tent image


What kind of things could we do for the camp out? What kind of snacks could I serve?

Hot dogs on skewers,(make sure the ends are not sharp), s'mores, monster cookies, chips, marshmallows anything else that you would eat on a camp out. You could set up a mini indoor tent, we have one w/ a tee pee and two tunnels that kids climb thru. Get a cheap plastic set of fishing poles and pretend to fish. Lay out sleeping bags, tell bedtime stories. You are only limited by your imagination. Good luck and have fun!!

How to make a tent easily out of household items?


My friend is sleeping over, and all of our other friends are at camp. So we wanted to have a little camp out ourselves. Our idea was to make a tent. Now, I've looked at a BUNCH of websites, and they all either have insanely complicated tents, or indoor ones made for little kids. We need a way to make a tent fast, and able to hold outside for the entire night. Any suggestions are helpful!!

Does your mom have a clothesline anymore? That's what we did. You use clothespins and clip sheets to the clothesline -- clip just the edge, so the sheet hangs far enough down to make a tent wall.

Failing that availability, can you set up a table or two outside somehow? Put sheets over it to enclose it, and put heavy stuff on top of the sheets to hold them down. It makes a rather short tent, but you can sit in it and it is cozy for sleeping.

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