Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A new baby, a toddler and two older children what to do?


Now that it's summer vacation I'm having a hard time thinking of stuff to do with the older children that the two little ones can enjoy as well. I'll be by myself (husband working) most days with 4 kids ages 11, 10, 2 and 4 months. We can't just stay home all the time or we'll all go crazy. I have the two older kids going to camp a few times a week but on the days they're not at camp I need some ideas that would be enjoyable for us all. We live by the ocean but I'm fearful of having the toddler and the baby by myself at the beach, same thing with the pool.

- i know by me there's a county zoo that's donation based, zoo's are good for all ages.

- google your town, county or state recreation and parks department and see if they have anything interesting, you'll at least find a few places to have a picnic or throw a ball around.

- go buy a $10 water game (slip and slide is still a surprising hit)

- check out Pinterest, there are so many crafty ideas posted, including my favorite one -

- break out the old school! my kids and I LOVE playing my original NES - sometimes they prefer it over the Wii and get just as excited about it as i did when i was their age. i'm sure there's something from your past you loved doing that they would love just as much.

- water balloons work for about 15 minutes, however, clean up of broken water balloons all over your yard lasts at least 30. ;) chalk a target on your garage door or side of the house to make it more fun.

- your kids wont like it, but i'm sure there's SOMETHING that needs to be reorganized. IDK about you but with my older girls that's an all day project i end with a glass of wine, but I at least feel accomplished when i look at it the next day.

- i know you're fearful of going to the beach with the 2 little ones, but keep in mind you have 2 older ones (god sents) that are capable of helping you carry stuff or the second eye if you need to get lunch ready and stuff. make sure they get a special thank you for helping out. :)

- sleepovers, play dates, the availability for "traditional weekend plans" just opened up to "any day" plans. dont forget the tent making in the living room!

- speaking of tents, throw one in the back yard and let the older ones sleep out there for a night.

either way, you'll def be outdoors so grab yourself the port-a-crib and a bug net to go over it and let the little guy hang out. Good luck!!

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