Thursday, May 29, 2014

What is a good tent for this situation?


I go on a trip every summer in the desert of New Mexico.The weather is hot in the day time, colder at night. But there is nights we have torrential downpour and super high winds which the winds continue into the next day which leave a blanket of dirt over everything in our tent. We had a Target brand tent last year and it worked well with the amount of rain we had. But it was too small for one cot and one sleeping bag. This year I am looking for one that's big enough for 2 people sleeping in cots, 2 suitcases, and enough room to change. Which usually means we get about a 6 person tent for 2 to fit well, but it was too small last year. Oh and I always spray the waterproofing all over every tent and the rain fly before going.

Also looked into the Coleman Weathermaster 10 (17x9) If anyone has used that one. I am not paying over about $220 for a tent either. Any suggestions?
No one on here is really paying attention to the fact I am not paying over about $220. I'm still in high school I don't have $600 dollars to shell out.
No one on here is really paying attention to the fact I am not paying over about $220. I'm still in high school I don't have $600 dollars to shell out.

The Coleman Weather-master is indeed a good tent, so is their instatent 8. However even with their weather-tec stay dry guarantee no large size tent will fair very well in heavy winds. If your camping in some place that has that type of consistent weather you would be better off with a lower profile 2-3 man dome style and sleep on air mattresses.

Tent placement will help you weather the windstorms so look to set your tent where you will get the best wind break from either land formations like boulders or plants and trees. Don't set a tent on the ridge line for example but well below it.

do you believe in the super natural if so why why, if not why ?

Q. vampires , lykin , ghosts , witches ......magick

One time on a camping trip I was walking back from the bathrooms at that moment right between day and night and I saw someone walk across the front of the site and stop behind a tree. So I figure one of the people is going to jump out and try to surprise me, so I pull out my flashlight, walk up to the tree, turn on the light, and there's no one there.

As a child the chandelier used to swing from side to side, and the radio would turn on by itself in the middle of the night.

One time I was alone in a house, and I felt a presence. I looked a mobile hanging motionless, and said, "If there is anyone else here, make the mobile spin." The next moment, the mobile began to spin.

One time I was driving into Ponca State Park to set up a large camping gathering, and the sides of the road were lined with spirits. All standing there, clearly visible to everyone, calmly welcoming us back.

On another camping trip, we felt a spirit near the bon-fire. We had a ring of 40 tiki-torches around the bonfire. It was a still and windless night, but all the tiki flames near the spirit bent in. One of the people in the circle had a fancy camera. After the campout she went to get the film developed, and all the photos from before the visitor turned out, but after that all the film was blank. She took the camera in to be repaired. The repairman asked if she'd been in a nuclear power plant. All the innards were fried from electromagnetism

My grandmother died while my niece was in utero. After my niece was born, she would look up at areas where no one was standing, and laugh and giggle. We all knew that she was looking at gramma, so we never showed her any pictures. Finally, at about a year old, she could speak, and my sister showed her the family photo album. My niece picked out her photo and said, "That's Old Gramma."

One time, on a camping trip, it was an especially magickal night. At some point, everyone in the camp noticed that something was missing, including a necklace from around one woman's neck. The area where we were camping was separate from any other areas and so no one came into the area. Suspecting activity of the Fae, everyone put out offerings, except for the woman who lost her necklace. She cursed the fairies. The next morning, everything was returned except the necklace. To this day, the necklace has never been found.

On another camping trip, I put my tent right in the middle of a natural faery ring. When I camp, I always have a flashlight with me at all times. The only place I could have lost it was in my tent, so I searched my tent, and the flashlight was not in there. Then I had two friends search the tent, and they couldn't find the flashlight. I put out offerings to the fae, and the next morning, the flashlight was back in my tent.

Another camp-out, We had a tarp structure in the most wind protected part of a wind protected valley. I've put up a lot of tarp structures, and it was put up very well. I've put up hundreds of tents and tarp structures, and I know what I'm doing. In and around the tarp structure where etched glass tealight holders on stands averaging about 4 feet high (it was beautiful). That night, the structure blew over (in a wind protected area) but when it fell, somehow it completely missed all of the etched glass. About mid way through the day, with no one anywhere near the structure, about half of it spontaneously stood back up.

Personally, I do spiritual healing with singing bowls. I play the bowl in someone's hand, and feel the vibrations as they extend through the person, and can tell them where the vibrations are and what they're doing.

I used to work with a Reiki master who could tell people many details about their lives while we were doing our energy work. Very specific things

many people drain those around them of life force, but there are some who can do it purposefully. They have the ability to reach out and drain a person's energy. They say it's better than caffeine.

I have a good friend who can do that. She's the only energy vampire I know who uses her power for good. She takes people's headaches. She also has an amazing ability to sense energies, making her one of the most powerful witches I know (I know a lot of witches who claim to be powerful, but very few who actually are). I have known her for many years and we are very close friends.

One time it was the dead of winter, she was sitting next to a window, and she felt someone looking at her. She looked and there was someone dressed in black with no color in their body sitting across the road, intently looking at her. She looked down for no more than five seconds, looked up again, and he was sitting on her side of the road, still intently looking at her. He was not dressed for the cold, but was not shivering at all. Just intense calm looking at her. She immediately closed the blinds realizing that she had just had an encounter with a real vampire. A real vampire and a kindred spirit. It probably wasn't a vampire like Dracula or what we see from Hollywood, but it was definitely something from outside of our mundane existence.

Most of what we think about werewolves was invented by Hollywood. The ancient myths involved people donning skins, invoking the spirit of the wolf, and losing their humanity. There's a woman called Lupa who lives in a national park and becomes a wolf nightly. I met her, and I saw her lose herself to the spirit of the wolf

Lupa was at a Pagan festival. She mostly kept to herself, except for at night when she would don the wolf pelt and dance around the fire, invoking the spirit of the wolf, giving up her humanity, losing herself to the spirit of the wolf. She was naked except for the wolf skin, and her body was lean and toned like a wolf. After she was finished dancing, she went off to do I know not what.

I heard that she was nineteen, but her face showed more years. She could speak, but rarely ever did. She might have been a bit feral

I had just gone through a shamanic vision quest to find and merge with my spirit animal, which was far more domesticated, so I was a bit leary of her, however it did give me a much greater insight into what she was doing. She was one of the most fascinating people at the festival, and for a Pagan festival, that's saying something.

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