Thursday, May 29, 2014

Help with camping on the beach! What things are good to do with a 4 year old?


this is my first time camping EVER! My husband is making it easy on me and we are camping by the bay. It is too early for swimming, but sand castles are good... after that.. no clue... any ideas?

I generally didn't camp right next to the water when my children where young. For example a 4 year old is old enough and Mobile enough to unzip a tent and go out early in the morning and get to close to the water while your still asleep. So if you are at a camp ground actually pick a site where the water is not directly in site and you have to walk a ways to get to it.

If you are going to be right next to the water be very, very aware at all times where the child is. It's amazingly easy to loose track for just a few minutes while getting dinner out of the cooler, or grabbing something from the Tent or RV.

Beyond that what you need can greatly depend on what kind of camping and how long. Our family does primitive/tent camping. And we have learn, especial with young children along to pack the following (Started camping with them since first born was 3 month old, so far nothing really bad has even come close to happening.):

Extra blankets, it seems you almost never can have to many of these.

Actually don't have to buy child expensive air mate. But a cheap swimming air mat will support a child very well and dry faster if it gets wet, like rain leaking in tent or people trialling water into tent. Even if you don't use any kind of mate, it's good for the child because their internal thermostat is not as well developed as an adult. So laying on the cold ground can rob them of body heat very easy. And they can actually get hypothermia. An air mate or yoga or camping Mat help prevent this.
Also if the night temps cools make sure the child wears some form of shoe while walking about. I have actually seen full grown adults develop hypothermia while camping because the nights cooled down so much and they where walking around long term bare foot. (Really an ambulance came and took them away.) It's not going to happen on a quick run to the bathroom but if their up making smores (Best treat ever Chocolate, gramcracker, and toasted marshmellow) with the adults or something it could plus good shoes are always a good idea.

!!!!!! extra socks!!!!! its' another thing you can't have to many of. In fact I have at least one pair of wool socks for each person camping with us. Wool will keep you warm even if it gets wet (thremo's socks from artifial fibers don't always). But because people can be sinitive to wool I'd put on 1 thin sock and then the wool over that. If the nights is on the colder side it's a good idea to have the child sleep in the sock combo. though don't over bundle the rest of the body. You don't want them to sweat in their sleep. Generally is you can keep the Head and feet warm lighter cloths are all you need for the rest of the body in a sleeping bag.

I usually go to the dollar store before any camping trip and buy little cheap coloring books, games and toys for the kid to play with. Kites and bubble always go over well. Kit's are especially a favorite on the beach even with adults.

Think in terms of rain. Yeah when it's nice and sunny there is plenty you can do with a child but nothing is worse then getting stuck in a tent on a rainy day with nothing for a small child to do.

Finger and snack foods. Actually fresh vegs like carrots, apples and the like work better then alot of prepacked junk food. They don't crush, or get stale or soggy and you have less trash to worry about. My kids where often running here and there and didn't really want to sit around alot, so giving them a carrot stick they could take with them to do what ever worked well.

Also we tend to cook a good breakfast and a good dinner but made lunch light. Actually found sliced meat and cheese worked great. lay out meat put on cheese and rolled it up. No plates, no silverware or other trash and quick prep time. Didn't even bother with bread (again smashes and soggy and takes up alot of packing space.) plus the kid would only eat half of the bread anyhow. So between the fruits, raw veggies and meat cheese roll they had a pretty good lunch.

!!!!!!!!! A good first Aid kit !!!!!!!!
this means: Band-aids
the green medicated ointment (good for other burns too)
Larger bandage gauze
bandage tap
over the counter adult pain killers
A card for quick first aid reference (even professional carry these) You should also make sure to get one that includes "Child CPR". Of course it's best if one of you at least is trained in it. But the card may be of help if you don't panic. Biggest thing is to not blow out the child's lung and keep the blood moving. But the card also tell you how to slow more serious bleeding and other simple little thing that can help alot.
Thermo blank (often packed folded to 3 x 4 size and shiny aluminum.
Tweezers (splinters and such. One year I bug flew in my ear and My husband used them to pull it out.)

Sunscreen, nothing worse then burning the first day and being miserable the rest of the time. Plus sunburn dyhdrate you and in some camp ground you have to carry in all fluids you drink including water. So don't want to do anything that means you need to carry even more.

Needle and thread

something to read

deck of cards

A folding table is always handy to bring

A good sharp knife (always handy and sometime necessary)

Rubber malot (small is fine)

plastic plates and silverware even if you plan on using normal stuff and washing it's good to have a pack of this with you. Same goes for Styrofoam cups but don't burn in fire. (other plastic cups are not good for hot drinks). It's a really bummer to have Hot coco and not be able to drink it because you don't have a hot drink cup.

If you drink coffee bring coffee, cream and suger. Even if you don't drink coffee you may find you like it while camping. (warms you up on cold mornings and not as sweet as hot chocolate)

Extra clothes (again think of what if it rains)

extra Toilet paper, even indoor toilets can run out. Plus can can be used for blowing noses.

A little bag for your child to bring home souvenirs.

Trash bags

Rope and twine

pedialite or something like it for the child and anti-diarrhea med for adults. Change in diet can cause it to happen.

I can go on and on

If you want to email me and discuss more specif to your needs feel free.

Looking for a camping tent for my family (2 adults + 2year old child)?


What tent would you recommend for a camping for my family with 2 adults and a 2-year-old child.

I would like to have a little bit of privacy even without fly, so that we can change clothes in the tent. I saw Eureka Sunrise has zippers for windows, but I hesitate to buy it because it doesn't have a full fly. I am afraid it makes us wet in heavy rain.

Any recommendation?

We are not serious campers, just want to have fun in campgrounds.

I bought last years model of the Ozark trail family tent. I've taken my family camping twice with it so far and it has worked out great. The inside seperates into 3 seperate private rooms big enough for queen size air beds in each section. I love it. We got rained on once and it worked out fine. Just be sure to put a large tarp under neath it to keep in the heat and you will be just fine.

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