Sunday, February 23, 2014

Did you make Forts or Cars or Spaceships....?

Ron B.

out of cardboard boxes when you were a kid?

Forts....... and I also used to just take blankets and make a tent out of my whole bedroom!

sleeping arrangements for kids?


I have a two and a half year old boy and a one year old girl the one year old has been sleeping in her crib in our bedroom since she was born but we know she needs to get out and shes is crawling out of her crib. we only have one small bedroom besides ours upstairs and 2 bedrooms downstairs. whats a good way to get our girl out of our bedroom, they seem to young for bunk beds or to move my son to the basement.

Let your son and daughter share the upstairs bedroom, near you, for the time being. I would definitely not do bunkbeds yet, nor move them to the basement.

Make the bedroom that they share upstairs for sleeping only, and convert one of the downstairs rooms into a playroom. Thus, when they are upstairs at night or at nap time during the day, they are sleeping and then they are downstairs they are playing.

When they get a bit older, you can move them each to their own room. My oldest two (a girl and a boy) shared a room until they were 9 and 7. There is nothing wrong with such. In fact, I think it helped them bond.

Also, they make crib tents that might help you. It is a mesh dome that fits over the crib, so the child can not crawl out and get injured.

I hope this helps!

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