Sunday, March 30, 2014

Fun and creative things to do with kids?


I babysit a four year old quite a bit.

What activities can we do that are actually fun and creative instead of playing Wii all day long?
10 Points for most fun and creative activities ;)

Coloring and drawing
Play dough
Hand printing
Potato stamps
Ideas and printouts you can find here:

Read books
Building blocks (Lego)
Use chairs and blanket to build a tent or "plane" or "bus"
Bubbles and water guns
Go to a playground and just let him/her run around.
Make a paper airplane

365 Drawings for kids.?

caitlin k

I am trying to make a drawing book for my sister. She loves to draw but I am not sure how I want to have the pages. I want to write what to draw but I don't want it to be like draw a dog,cat,stop sign etc.

Build on previous drawings. One day, draw (for example) a grassy lawn, a tree, and some clouds. The next day, a flower growing in the lawn. The next day, a bee heading towards the flower. The day after that, a bird bath. Then a bird in the bird bath and a nest in the tree.

That way, after 5 days, she's drawn 5 things and made a full scene.

If you can come up with 7 things per scene, she'll then have a different scene for each week. You can do a table setting with cookies and a teapot and a napkin and silverware and a cup and saucer and a birthday cake.

You can have a circus tent with a clown and balloons and a juggler and a trapeze and a lion and a ringmaster.

52 scenes will be a challenge, but it will make an awesome book!
Best of success to you!


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