Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Need a location for tent camping in southern new hampshire or maine?

best large family camping tents on ... Family Cabin Dome Tent (Light Grey/Taupe/Red) | Large Camping Tents
best large family camping tents image


I live in Boston and my buddy lives in Portland, ME. I would like to find some place within two hours of both cities to take our families camping. We prefer rustic camping and I dislike RV's. I think the Old Orchard / southern Saco River area is too built up - too noisy and too busy. Any ideas?

Appalachian Trail: White Cap Mountain

... Preview: White Cap Mountain stands like a great sentinel in the heart of the 100 Mile Wilderness. At 3644 feet, it is the highest peak in the region and the only one to rise into the alpine plant zone. Trail: Hikes in Northern New England
Brownville Junction , ME - Hiking - 28.1 miles

Appalachian Trail: Baldpate Mountain

... Preview: The trail through Baldpate is popular and well marked, making it a good choice for strong hikers looking for a pleasant day hike. Baldpate Mountain is in western Oxford County, roughly 7 miles east â¦
Trail: Hikes in Northern New England
Bethel , ME - Hiking - 8 miles

Appalachian Trail: Barren - Chairback Range
... Preview: The Barren-Chairback Range rises to just 2670 feet at its highest point, making it one of the lower mountain chains crossed by the AT in Maine. But this little range makes up in ruggedness what it la ... Monson , ME - Hiking - 16.2 miles

Appalachian Trail: Baxter Ponds
... Preview: This section of the AT is best described as a walk on the water side. This hike winds along a river, then along a stream, and then along the shore of several ponds before reaching the foot of majesti ... Millinocket , ME - Hiking - 9.9 miles

Appalachian Trail: Buck Hill
... Preview: This hike is a short but enjoyable day hike just outside the town of Monson. Though it offers no major views, it's a fine walk through the woods.
Monson , ME - Hiking - 6.3 miles

Appalachian Trail: Carlo Col & Goose Eye Mountain
... Preview: This mountain range is not reserved for the long-distance crowd. The heart of the Mahoosucs - the rocky wreckage of Carlo Col, the open heaths and summit vistas of Goose Eye Mountain, and even Mahoos ... Upton , ME - Hiking - 11 miles

Appalachian Trail: Carry Ponds
... Preview: This hike combines beautiful forest scenes with the scene of a dramatic moment in American history. Winding through a series of ponds, along streams and across the Kennebec River, the path also cross ... New Portland , ME - Hiking - 17.5 miles

Appalachian Trail: Central Lake Country
... Preview: For those who can spend only one day walking in the 100 Mile Wilderness, this 8.3-mile hike offers a sampler of some of the most beautiful and varied country in the Maine woods. The route includes a ... Greenville , ME - Hiking - 8.3 miles

Appalachian Trail: Crocker Mountain
... Preview: Crocker Mountain, with two distinct peaks, is at the northern end of a succession of mountains that constitute the most strenuous hiking on the AT in Maine, along with Katahdin and the Mahoosucs. Lik ... Stratton , ME - Hiking - 8.3 miles

Appalachian Trail: Little Bigelow
... Preview: The westernmost peak in the Bigelow Range, Little Bigelow, like its larger neighbor, Bigelow Mountain, has some outstanding views of the Flagstaff Lake country and the Dead River. Not particularly di ... New Portland , ME - Hiking - 13.8 miles

Appalachian Trail: Mahoosuc Notch
... Preview: Is Mahoosuc Notch really the "Toughest Mile of the AT?" Although selecting just one of the 2150-odd miles of the AT might seem impossibly subjective, every AT hiker will eventually hear the reputatio ... Upton , ME - Hiking - 9.4 miles

Appalachian Trail: Monson Slate Hills
... Preview: This first walk in the 100 Mile Wilderness covers its southernmost 14.2 miles, where the AT passes over a portion of the Monson Slate Hills. It features many small ponds, the AT's highest waterfall, Monson , ME - Hiking - 14.2 miles

Appalachian Trail: Mount Katahdin
... Preview: Legendary along the AT, the jagged, treeless profile of Mount Katahdin seems incongruous among other rounded, forested Appalachian peaks. The glaciers never reached high enough to smooth off Katahdin ... Millinocket , ME - Hiking - 10.4 miles

Appalachian Trail: Moxie Bald Mountain
... Preview: The hike up Moxie Bald is one of the prettiest you'll find. Even the beginning of this hike is gorgeous, leapfrogging across the rocks at a small rapid on Baker Stream. If you are feeling adventurou ... Related information:... From the guidebook Exploring the Appalachian Trail: Hikes in Northern New England
Bingham , ME - Hiking - 9.6 miles

Appalachian Trail: Northern Lake Country
... Preview: The northernmost section of the 100 Mile Wilderness traverses a varied landscape of tall trees, placid lakes, and surging streams, where a kaleidoscopic play of sunlight and forest color inspired earl ... Greenville , ME - Hiking - 17.4 miles

Appalachian Trail: Old Blue, Elephant, & Bemis Mountains
... Preview: The hike up Old Blue Mountain has much to recommend it: impressive hardwood forests, fine views from the open summit (3600 feet), and an old-growth red spruce forest on the saddle between Old Blue and ... Andover , ME - Hiking - 8.6 miles

Appalachian Trail: Old Speck
... Preview: You might expect the name "Old Speck"

What qualities and features should I look for when shopping for a tent?


I love to camp, but my poor old tent has worn out and it is time to purchase a new one. There are alot more features available now, and I want to know which ones are worth the extra money, and which ones just add more weight to my gear. It was a little overwhelming shopping at the Bass Pro shop last weekend.

Also, where is the best place to find a good deal on these tents? I only have a family of four, so an extra large tent is not needed. Just one that is relativley simple to set up.

Thanks for your input!

First, get a name brand tent. Almost everyone I know who has purchased a tent from a discount store has had problems with it very soon. Not only is this bad economics but can ruin a camping trip.

The tent that is right for you will depend on your own use and priorities. If you are car camping, you will likely accept weight and volume to have a comfortable tent. If you are bike touring, you probably want as small a tent as you can get.

Here's a few things to consider:

Self supporting - The more self supporting a tent is, the less you have to rely on stakes, but the more likely it is to have more poles and more weight. A classic pup-tent for example is simple, has only basic center poles, but needs good ground to steak it down.

Ventilation - Very important if you will be in warm weather especially. I find that having cross ventilation (two opposite doors for example) give much better ventilation than the percent of the tent body that is netting. ( I find that if the netting is completely surrounded by the fly, you won't get much wind movement anyways)

Mosquito netting - get the smaller no seeum netting. It's helpful if you can adjust this and the door rainflies without having to open the tent door (thus letting all the bugs in)

Zipper - get one with a substantial zipper on the doors. This is a point of failure on many bargain brand tents.

In my outdoor program I purchase Eureka Timberline Tents which are the mainstays of many outdoor programs. I think they are one of the best values you will find in a tent. They are well built, have good zippers, have excellent cross ventilation and are easy to set up with poles that are unlikely to break. You can adjust the ventilation from inside the tent. They are great for most general needs, but would not be my choice for activities where light weight is needed such as bike touring or light-weight backpacking. They will make more noise than a dome tent in a wind. A good source is Campmore. They also stock spare parts such as poles should you ever need them. Personally, I find myself using this tent most of the time unless I'm in the wind or snow I use a Eureka dome tent, and if I want to go light, I use a small
Sierra Designs hoop tent instead.

Help preserve your tent by shaking or sweeping out all the debris each morning when you take it down. This will make the floor last much longer. If you are not overly concerned about weight, cut a plastic ground cloth to fit, which you can always leave out if you don't want it. (Campmore sells these very cheaply to fit the timberline)

P.S. - the Timberline has a 4-person version, but it is room for sleeping only. If you are car camping for long periods of time, you may want something more roomy for a family of four.

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