Monday, December 23, 2013

whats the funniest thing thats happen to you or your family while on vacation?

kids tent bed with slide on Bed With Tent For Children - Buy Modern Loft Bed,Kids Loft Beds,Kids ...
kids tent bed with slide image


my husband and I are about to take the kids on a long road trip. Growing up it seemed that something always went wrong that we had to laugh about to share your funny vacation story?

In my family we compare ourselves to a Chevy Chase/National Lampoons vacation movies!!

What didn't happen to us?!!

There were 3 of us kids, in a 1979 Ford Van with a port-a-potty in the back!! My parents would have us on the road by 3 or 4 "AM"!!!! So they could beat traffic!! We'd be sleeping on the pull out couch in the back. My brother ALWAYS had to go #2!!!! The only windows that opened were the driver and front passenger windows, my sister and I would be crawling over my mother to hang out the window!! My dad wouldn't stop, so "we'd make good time"!!!

Once my grandparents gave me a 1000 page (yes 1000 pages) joke book right before one of our family vacations. I drove my parents NUTS reciting joke after joke after joke, by the time we got home I still had like 500 pages to go... Somehow that book disappeared!! LOL (my mother just recently admitted to the disappearance!!)

Once there was a bat, yes a bat, in the womens bathroom at a campground we stayed at.

One time when we went camping, my sister and I, who both HATE bugs, wanted to sleep in the van not the tent. So my parents set us up in the van on the pull out couch. So night comes and we go in the van, we stayed up giggling and talking, then shut off the light and started to fall asleep. All of the sudden my sister starts freaking out and saying she wants to sleep in the tent. She said something was in the van, I didn't believe her and tried to talk her out of it and stay with me in the van, but she was insistent on sleeping in the tent. So we open the very loud sliding door and zip open the tent, we made so much noise, my parents were NOT happy. So I leave my sister with them and zip the tent back up and slam shut the van door, I layed down and started to fall back to sleep, when all of the sudden I heard something running on the vinyl pull out bed I was on AND THEN... Whatever it was jumped onto my chest!!! I freaked, started screaming open and slam the van door unzipped & rezipped tent to sleep with everyone else!! My dad was so mad, lol. -never did find out what it was, we made them search the van from top to bottom and found nothing, but I will never forget that!!!

I'd have my Walkman blaring, they'd always be asking me to turn it down, there were fights between us kids, my mom would be saying "Look kids, Mountains!!" - we'd be like "yeah, seen one, seem em all" , my dad would be getting frustrated from us fighting and "trying" to have mom help him with the map!!

If I don't stop now you'll be reading for days!! I have millions of stories! Treasured memories we still laugh about today. And now, as a parent of 3 kids myself... I am the one saying "Look kids, Mountains!" - the only difference is I'm still the one with the joke books, lol

Thanks! I love to laugh and remember these memories!!

Have a great trip! :)

Where can I buy a Alexander tent bed with slide? PLEASE HELP?


My son has been wanting this bed for awhile. Its a kids loft bed thats not very big with a tent underneath and a slide w/ladder attached to bed. Ive been looking for this all over the internet and found it on lots of sites but everyone ive come to says SORRY OUT OF STOCK!! Ive emailed every company asking when they will get more but no response. No one seems to have this product and my son would love to have it. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!

it might not be the exact brand but have you checked Ikea?

if they have one in your area, you should go look-they have some cute beds w/slides there and they are reasonably priced.

craiglist is also a great place-we got my daughter's loft bed off of our craigslist for 50 bucks.

ebay-great place to find beds here is a link for one

same bed ebay link above has

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