Friday, March 28, 2014

What does your bug out bag consist of?

Winobot Du

I have decided to put together a bug out bag for a SHTF situation, and figured it would be a good idea to see what other people have so i dont forget something that would be useful. I have two US surplus day packs i will probably fill up. What do you have in yours and what is the bag?

I use many duffel bags that i got for free, and one wooden ammo case that I refinished. I also have a few unmarked cardboard boxes.
my BOB is something I stick into the minivan and get out of town asap. I have no plans to hike out of town, I live in the middle of a large city.

12 MREs handpicked, all my favorite menus
32 bottles of water- Kirkland 16.9 FL oz each
various meal bars from the supermarket
tablets for purifying water
funny purple tablets for cooking with (military surplus), I bought lots and lots.
mountain house dehydrated foods, 36 units, favorites only
water filter
2x collapsible 2L water bags
2x military OD green plastic canteens
titanium knife-fork-spoon utensil
as many matchbooks as I can cram into a 1 gallon zip lock bag
several cheap Bic lighters
metal camping cooking pot + lid
collapsible cooking rack that I made from aluminum

$200 in cash, $10s and $20s
one roll silver quarters (face value = $10, worth $130)
1 carton Grand Prix menthol cigarettes - for trade,sale, or personal use.
1 bag rolling tobacco, lots of paper slips for rolling. - for sale, trade, or personal use

a 3.2 million volt stun gun and LED flashlight
AK bayonet, Yugo style
mini crowbar, 18"
a FAK (I call it a field aid kit) I'm still adding stuff to it

3x15 min road flares
2x30 min road flares
3x coast guard approved signal flares
Camping Gaz piezoelectric 80W blue butane lamp
2x blue butane bottles (for the lamp)
1 wooden ammo case that holds lots and lots of glow sticks, and anything else fragile. its has tons of padding, it was designed to take a 33 foot fall without any glow sticks breaking. 33feet is because that's the highest I test the case falling. I threw it off the roof to the cold, hard concrete driveway below. I think its 33 feet, I'm really bad at math.
1 5x night vision monocular, waterproof
20 CR123 batteries
1x LED Lenser P7 flashlight,
3x AAA battery packs
1x trusty old Ti83 calculator sealed in plastic (to make water proof)
1- 4 man Coleman tent
2 sleeping bags (in case I bring someone with me)

all local area maps
spare battery pack (external, 12V) for GPS with hand crank charger (something I rigged up)
12 BLM maps covering everything within 150 miles of my house
1 really obsolete 1978 detailed street map book of LA and Orange county - something my parents uses, i have it in case the gps breaks. I am not buying a new one, even if they're still in print.
1 book detailing wilderness survival
1 book detailing auto repair and troubleshooting
1 clear plastic ruler
1 book detailing medial aid
4 compasses- in case one broke.

for defensive purposes, my vehicle may be attacked, ambushed, or mobbed depending on the situation, I must be prepared for that.
a simple cardboard box holds 10x 30rd AK magazines, 12 clips of russian light ball for my mosin nagant, 5 clips of Czech AP for my mosin nagant, 35- 20 ga #3 buck, 50- 20 ga 3/4 oz slugs, orange and grey smoke emitters, two bricks of .22lr, various fireworks or firecrackers I believe may be used, and two machetes- one cheap walmart one for chopping and one expensive Ontario knife one for sawing. that would be put up front next to me between my passenger.
the few cardboard boxes part of my BOB holds even more ammo. 960 rounds of 7.62x39mm, 370 rounds 7.62x54mmr, 3660 rounds .22lr, 182 #7.5 birdshot, and many, many, many "firecrackers".

the BOB is to get out of the city into the forests and be able to live out there for at least 2 months with occasional ventures into the city for more supplies and such.

Hey every one says laughter is best Medicine?

Preeti T

YOu are welcome to write
Good Jokes in this BLOG....

lets start it now

Hi, I love a good joke, so am looking forward to seeing a few here!

It really is true, laughter is the best medicine especially when shared by people that wish to lighten the burden of daily life.

Here is my contribution:

One Liners:
Eschew Obfuscation.

Husband to nagging wife: "Well, if I'm thick skinned and beauty is skin deep. I must be pretty damned attractive."

Life is a hereditary disease.

My son has a new nickname for me, it's 'baldy', I've got a new word for him 'heredity'.

Clara says 'Whenever I'm down in the dumps I get a new hat!', Sarah says 'Oh, so thats where you get them!'

A stitch in time would have confused Einstein.

Three budgies in a cage:
There is one on the top perch, one on the middle perch and one on the bottom perch, which budgie own the cage?
The one on the bottom perch, the other two are on higher perches.

A man walks into a doctors surgery and says "Doctor, my legs keep talking to me."
The Dr. says "Don't be daft, let me have a listen."
He puts his ear to the mans thigh and it whispers "Lend us a tenner!"
Amazed he moves down to the knee and it whispers "Give us a fiver!"
Astounded, he moves to the calf which says "Give us a quid!".
Perplexed, the doctor refers to his medical journal and finally says "I can see the problem - Your leg is broke in three places."

How to estimate how long a project will take:
Estimate the amount of time needed, multiply by two and use the next highest unit.
E.G. A one hour task will take two days to complete.

There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!

(Please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn't work.)
- Sign on the door of a repair shop.

Post office clerk to an old lady posting a parcel containing a bible
"Anything breakable in it, ma'am?"
"Only the ten commandments!"

Nervous passenger to an air hostess:
"How often do aircraft of this type crash?"
Air hostess: "Only once."

My dad is stupid:
He thinks a fjord is a Norwegian motor car.

A man with a newt on his shoulder walked into a pub.
"What do you call him?" asked the barman.
"Tiny." said the man.
"Why do you call him Tiny"
"Because he's my newt!"

Sign on a school noticeboard:
"Guitar for sale - Cheap - No strings attached."

Paul was in a very full bus when a fat woman opposite said "If you were a gentleman, young man, you'd stand up and let someone else sit down!"
"And if you were a lady, " replied Paul "you'd stand up and let four people sit down."

God put me on Earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now I am so far behind, I will never die!

Newspaper Headlines:



Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were going camping.
They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep.
Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said:
"Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you see!"
Watson replied "I see millions and millions of stars"
Holmes said "And what do you deduce from that?"
Watson replied "If there are millions of stars, and even if a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth out there and if ther are some planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."
And Holmes said "Watson, You Idiot! it means that somebody stole our tent!"

Good Luck.

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