Sunday, May 18, 2014

Kids sleeping with parents?


There was a article I saw that if you sleep with you're parents or awhile.. 8 or so, you'll have social and behavior problems. I slept with my parents until 8 or 9 and I do dislike people alot, I usually just tend to stick with my small group of friends and my gf but I think that's just because I played videogames... Alot and gave no fucks socially so I got pretty bad around people, I mean a lot of people like me, I just don't like themxD I'm getting better though, so anyway back to my point I don't have any behavior problems so are these related?xD

Some people who sleep with their parents end up with social, emotional or behavioural problems BUT so do some people who sleep in their own room!

In some places, you would be considered rich if you didn't have to share the room with another family. For millions of years our ancestors slept in caves, tents or even igloos - sometimes 3 generations slept together, Obviously most of them survived with no problems,

Not everyone aspires to be a social butterfly. I prefer to be alone, or with my family or close friends too. There is nothing wrong with being a bit of an introvert .

If you feel that playing video games alone too often has robbed you of some social skills - it is an area you can work on.

Did you ever build "tents" out of furniture and blankets...?

Q. ...when you were a kid and sleep under them? We used to do that when friends would spend the night.

Did it all the time.. City kids.. my brother and I would steal sheets and make a tent city (had a dining room set with 8 chairs ;)

loved it!


Think I will call my brother ... :) I miss him now for some reason :)
THANKS for the fun! :)

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