Friday, May 23, 2014

Would it be morally correct to move to a 3rd world country after your kids are used to living in America?

Q. I just want a simpler life... I would love to live in the middle of nowhere, and grow my own vegetables, raise animals, and live in a tent. I want to focus more on the spirit and being with people rather than material things.

The thing is, I have three kids who are 12, 15 and 17. We're American, and we've lived comfortably in the good old south our whole lives... Would it be wrong of me to move the family to the middle of nowhere in Asia or Africa?
I know it is ultimately up to me, but I would like other opinions since this is no small deal, and I am not the only person involved.

You say you want a simpler life, but do your kids also want that? I don't think it'd be fair of you to deprive them of the things and people they love so you could be happy. While it's fine to not focus on material things, do just that: don't focus on material things. Don't buy so many things, and don't let your kids be absorbed into that. Just moving somewhere won't build up their lives, which is ultimately what they'd have to do. They can't live in a tent forever. They need formal education, and unless you have a college degree in everything, they won't receive it. If you're living fine now, don't take what you have for granted. Simpler lives don't always mean happier people.

Best place to take a vacation with the family to see wild animals?

Arthur kad

We wanna go take a vacation to see wild animals like lions, tigers, buffalo, zebras, elephants, and other animals that live with them where would be the best place to see them wild in one of those jeeps you see on tv? I want it to be clean we're we live but able to see the wild life were gonna be with two family's so we need a big place. Please give me some reccomendations on where to go I'm thinking south Africa but I can be wrong thanks and could someone give me an estimate for 6 adults and three kids please thank you.

If you go to South Africa you are sure to see Lions, Buffalo, Zebra, Elephant and lots of other animals. If you want to see Tigers in their natural habitat, best bet is to go to India.

Rent a jeep from a car hiring place.

Accommodation places in National Parks are clean. You can book your accommodation to suit your whole party (like the size of bungalo or chalet you will stay in) with the National Park once you have decided on one. If you are more adventurous, and you want to get really close to nature, there are options to camp in tents as well in designated areas that is relatively safe from wild animals.

Kruger National Park is a good one, also Addo Elephant Park. But dont be limited to these. There really are lots to choose from.

If you are looking what its gonna cost you, contact your local travel agent.

Here is just extra information.

Dont forget to visit Cape Town with Table Mountain. It is one of the new Natural Wonders of the World.

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