Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How does the Book Water for Elephants end?

Q. I read most of it but haven't found time to finish it...i just want to know how it ends...i read up until Marlena left the train and was hiding out in the hotel room.

Marlena goes back to the circus....not to go back to August but to perform. And Jacob sneaks back and sees that a bunch of the fired/red-lighted workers have come back to sabatage the show. They free all the animals in the managerie and it causes a stampede. Jacob runs to Rosie's tent to find Marlena, who is cornered by August who is trying to ... strangle her I think...Rosie is there also and picks her stake up out of the groud and bashes Augusts head in. And Jacob and Marlena go to work for the Ringling Bros circus and have a bunch of kids...some of them grow up in the circus but they eventually stop travelling with the circus and get a home.

We know from the beginning of the story that Marlena dies before Jacob...and he's travelled across the street to the circus since his son forgot it was his day to hang out with him. It takes him so much time just to walk across the street that the circus is over but he ends up talking to one of the workers and tells him he worked on the Zambini Bros circus...the guy knows a lot of historical circuses and knows about the stampeded disaster and it's sort of unofficially decided that the man agrees to take the old Jacob alone on the circus.

Anybody have a tent for their cat?


Last weekend I went out to the Columbus Pet Expo here in Ohio. Among several toys and other things, I actually got a small tent for my cat! I think it's adorable (it looks like an elephant and is actually a kids' tent), and set it up in my living room. Here's a pic of the same tent I bought:


The back has a nice big opening, the two feet in front unzip into kitty-sized entrances, and the ear flaps on the sides roll up revealing two screened windows. I put some blankets and toys inside, and my cat loves it! It's her own little fort. It's safe and sets up anywhere with just 2 tent poles on the inside.

Has anybody else out there tried this or something similar with their cat or kitten?

Yeah! My kitty loves hers.. Well... Loves destroying it... And I also got her a little privacy curtain for her litterbox. She loves it.

(She carries around the tentpoles and leaves them in the closet)

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