Monday, June 16, 2014

What is the best way to keep kids happy?


Keep them busy. Repeat after me....Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids. Busy kids are happy kids.

The best part is that after all of their activity they usually are ready to wind down with a nap, a break for mom! Yay!

Busy activities - park, walk, play in sand, play in water, bath fun, videos, playdoh, craft projects, coloring, painting, baking cookies, cleaning projects, gardening projects, trip to ice cream parlor, sidewalk chalk, jump roap, bike ride, empty and rearrange kitchen cabinets (mine love playing w/ pots & pans and canned goods), McDonald's playland, cooking projects, play with pets, play with giant balls - use blanket like a parachute, have races & relays, play dress up, build tent in living room w/ blankets, camp out in back yard... The possibilities are endless.

Try to plan 2 activities a day and a nap. They should be happy!

How to get more customers to come to your tent?


I just got a job as a face painter at the zoo. I don't know if I can do my own designs or if I have to do certain designs they have already created. Anyway, I will be getting paid $8.35/hour OR 18% of my commission, whichever one is higher. Obviously, if I make more through commission, I can be making like $10.00/hour.

So, what can I do to make more business and attract more people to my tent (kids especially).

Serious answers, please. Thanks.
Whichever paycheck is higher in he end***

I thought "come to your tent" was a metaphore...

I assume the operators have done their part in setting up promotional aids, sample image boards, signs around the zoo if allowed.

One recommendation, if things are going slowly, give a couple away for free to who would act as walking billboards.

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