Thursday, September 5, 2013

I am looking for fun activities to do with my 4 year old when we are staying in for the day?

kids tent house online on ... online video, here) I watched my young friend rock back and forth in
kids tent house online image


We love to cook and do crafts together but could use some new ideas to mix things up!!!

My niece and nephews love "Theme Day". When I know that I will have them all day, and we have to stay indoors (which is already a challenge), I pick a theme ahead of time and use it all day. For example, we had a camping/picnic day.

We started the day of reading books and coloring Yogi Bear. Then, we fixed lunch, and I let them help (as much as a 3 and 6 yr old can). They especially loved making homemade trail mix and sugar cookies in the shape of bears (Yogi). Then, we made a tent out of a whole lot of crap (hey loved it) and we ate in the living room...a big no no at my After we finished eating, we watched "Open Season". I taught a little bit about camping safety. Which bugs and plants are ok and bad...etc (not that they will remember any of it), but they had fun looking at the pictures in the encyclopedia and online.

Anyways, the sky is the limit...have fun with it. Kids have such great imaginations and love to use them.

i want to fully change my families lifestyle. am i making a mistake?


ok so my partner, myself and our two daughters aged 3 and 1 live in australia below the poverty line. we rent a house and have also brought a block of land 1.4 acres. we are struggling with rent, mortgage, bills, food and all the rest! im over it and im over seeing my husband stressing constantly about everything. i'm sick of the TV being on and the junk food that is alway being brought into the house and useless cluttering crap that i have to clean up everyday and not being able to afford potatoes.
im wanting to sell of all our useless stuff and move into a tent on the block and build our house ourselves bit by bit, grow our own food (we already have some fruit growing and two chickens) and just say screw you to the world! limited power, no tv no internet just a whole lot of nature for the kids to run around in!
am i going mad or am i really onto something??
if you could do it would you?
would really like to know people opinions on this???
better paying job is not an option my partner is looking ALL the time but there is no one hiring anywhere around where we live for anything

you really shouldn't live in a tent, you couldn't do without basic bathroom and kitchen necessities. And building a house is hard work, you would definitely need some help to be able to build a decent house to code.
But you are on to a couple of good things. If you have 1.4 acres, that is plenty of space for a nice garden. Grow fruits, vegetables, grains, maybe get some more chickens so you have plenty of eggs, and maybe some to sell. Maybe get some other animals like a cow for milk. Do as much as you can for yourself. Learn to make your own bread, snacks, anything you can. Homemade is almost always healthier and cheaper. In this world it's hard to get by without internet, but why bother with the TV. Don't pay for cable. Turn off the TV, who needs it, plus there are always things online you can watch.
Take advantage of your land, it's really your only asset. If you can grow enough to sustain yourself, and maybe sell some, that would almost completely get rid of your grocery bill, and maybe make you a bit of profit.
Get your kids to help you in the garden. Get them out of the house, playing outside, teach them the value of work. Teach them to clean up after themselves and take pride in their property.
Don't move into a tent, I'm sorry you'll probably keep having to pay rent until you can afford to get contractors to build your house, but in the meantime, use the land to its full potential.

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