Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is it possible to cut your own childhood short?

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kids jumping tents image


If you cut your own childhood short, like you didn't watch cartoons because you were too "old" for cartoons. Or too mature to play tag, could that affect you later in life? Like a person gets sucked back into things that they missed as a kid.

Yes. I forced myself to grow up, because I felt that being child like was immature. What I didn't realize was that there is a difference between being child like, and child-ISH, the latter one being more the definition of immature. There is nothing wrong with being child like. To be like a child means to look for the joy in every experience. Live for the moment. Do things that your heart desires to do, without caring what others think about you. I think kids know more about their true self than most adults do. I look at my daughter, and she knows exactly what she needs to be happy. And it's always something simple. Like a hug, or a good laugh, or a good story.Think how easy it is to please a child. They have no worries, they live for the moment and enjoy the ride. We as adults are still capable of dealing with adult responsibilities, and still be child like as well. When I grew up and had kids, the child in me started to come out again, because I had suppressed it for so long. And I can tell you that I have no greater feeling of joy than when I play with my kids. We make up stories, we build tents, we play zoo, and army men, we jump on the bed, I even play with them on the McDonalds' playground. Being child like keeps you young, and helps you remember what is important in life- joy and love. That's all a kid needs to survive. Be child like for as long as you can. You will feel no greater sense of freedom.

What is the funniest youtube video of the last 2 months?


Ok so I used to spend all my time in college watching youtube instead of doing work but I eventually stopped because I had seen all the good ones but I havent watched any in the last couple of months so I wanna know what are the funniest videos that has been recently uploaded?

Here's some funny ones:

Drunks are always funny too:

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