Monday, October 7, 2013

is it safe to sleep outside in the backyard in a tent?

kids pink camping tent on Outdoor Gear, Camping Hammocks, Tents & Tools
kids pink camping tent image


My children are 10 12 and 6 , they want to sleep in the backyard in our big tent. I live in a faily decent part of town. but are they too young to be out there all night by themself or am i just being too strict? My kids think im the worst mom ever today. someone let me know what you would do. i cant sleep out there with them all night, because of my shoulder issue. what can be some options>

My kids were sleeping in a tent at 5000 feet when they were only just walking. We carried them. Child carrier in front and rucksack at the back.
At ten they were higher than that...staying in mountain huts at 7000 feet and carrying backpacks with their night clothes and teddy bears in. And wearing gorgeous little Austrian walking boots.....
Loved it! Playing with snow under the baking Alpine sun in July!
Seeing mountains 50 miles across the valley and sunrises lighting the peaks with pink and orange light.
Ten year old eyes seeing that at 6am and eating breakfast outdoors with paradise for a view.....what a joy for them.
Lay down for a nap at midday with sweet Alpine flowers all around them. See the lake a thousand feet below shimmering in the sunlight, eat with children from other lands and sing with them outside the hut at night under the canopy of stars...sweet mountain songs coming back to us in soft echos across the deep valleys.
Reckon they sleep well at night, wake happy in the morning? They still do. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Got a bad shoulder? You can be warmer in a sleeping bag outside than under the duvet indoors.
I couldn't walk for two years. Lost a lot of school.
Later I was in an international marching civilian and military teams from around the world.....The Nijmegan Marches. Tough one. Succeed with honor for team and country. And then enjoy the blister parties till dawn....a huge and happy event.
Walking cycling and camping out got me fit when I could walk again. It got my legs working. It gave me paradise again.
Being out. Like yours are hoping for.
They need it. They're asking.
You can get an air bed for a few dollars for occasional use, or pay more for velvety cozy luxury...still cheap. You can be comfortable.
Blow them up as hard or as soft as you like. Whatever your shoulder likes.
Variable mattress technology....try that with a spring mattress. A big double one all for you if you want.
Give the kiddies a bit of fun...happy their eyes up laughing..
Children love adventure if it isn't already smothered out of them. Play at pirates marooned on a desert island....spaceships, pioneer explorers.'re not the worst by a long chalk. Some moms wouldn't even think of letting the children out at at all.
All covered in cotton wool and treated with total care and mommying loving and smothered with it. Kids in safe soft wrappers.
Misery for them. They can't grow like that. Kids need's fun.
Make it as safe as you can.....don't be too obvious about it by telling everyone you're sleeping out. You be there too.
Tucked up and warm, just like indoors.
Have a good night.
Midnight feast on the outdoor cookie stove...paradise for them.
Children grow into the space they've got. Give them more space they grow more....and they learn more.
It still has limits... you're just applying the limits to a bigger space.
Have fun.
Give it a couple of days if you like so you've time to get organized. Get some comfort things going for yourself. It's not on top of a mountain, just in the backyard. But you need a bit of time. Keeps them happy if it all goes smooth. That's means happy Mom too....
Get some goodies to eat outside ...a game to play...a story under the stars....nice warm bed for them...and lots of smiles.
Then you're ready to say yes...and see those happy eyes laughing with you....

It is possible to do cachicata with machupicchu?


I want that me envien a program of this new route.

CACHICATA 4 days/ 3 nights
Cachicata, it is a short rout through the mountains south of Ollantaytambo while we are trekking we see impressionist variety of landscape and ecological areas, over high pass whit facing to main snows to Cusco region. Going up to a beautiful waterfall and we camp here near to incas ruin too few visited in order to cross the Chancachuco mountain pass, where we continue passing open lands until arrive to our second campsite. The last day offer us two alternative routes, taking irrigation inca canal and descending by dazzling view of the camicancha valley and Urubamba toward snow covered adoration called intipunku, to choquetacarpo the conserved residential site of the elite, and to amazing ramps and rock blocks deserted by cachicata incas quarry.

Too early in the mourning we live in the private transport from cusco to Pachar in the sacred valley of the incas, and continue to Huarocondo canyon by short road until arrive to raphcca town. From here we walking up by exuberant valley near to countryman house and cultivate platforms, where we can see native birds like giant hummingbird and pepitero of tie. For lunch our cook gives us a fantastic food near to beautiful stream. Then we can decide to take a easy route or a steep route where we can stop and take a bathe.
Continuing the steep route weâll visit unknown incas ruin called corimarca located on the top of Soccma valley. A canal builds by incas where still water is running, we camp here near to incas platforms. (L, D)
Walking up through open grassland then passing a bush zone, our road meander until arrive to chancachuco pass (4,400masl), if is cloudless we can see spectacular landscapes and snows to the east we will see Ausangate snow and qoyllority range, while we ere going up weâll find Veronica snow ( 5,750masl).
Our trekking continue passing lakes qhere we can see Andean goose, duck⦠then we going down to second camp site, qèuñacancha (4080masl) (B;L;D)
Today if we are lucky we can see Andean condors, the experienced groups will go by chancachucu valley following the inca water canal, that use to take water until to old quarries. We continue the trek thought punkuyoc gully, there are a lot of bracken, orchids and many qèuña trees then we going dawn and find amazing landscapes of ollantaytambo and of the sacred valley, arriving to intipunku, apparently to adore Veronica snow. Alternative, for that day an easy route, walking up gentle from our second camp, through grasslands toward yana orco hill. Meander for a route to go around to valley, and then we descend through qèuña wood. Until arrive to intipunku.
We have lunch whit panoramic view from the valley and nearest to archeological site to Choquetarpo. After lunch we walking down exploring different places from cachicata quarry and in the way we will meet huge blocks of pink diorite, testimony of the biggest plan thet never culminate, destined to ollantaytambo temple at 6 km freom the quarry. Descending to the last camp site, located in the platformsnear to cachicata town, here weâll enjoy baths, hot shower, and warn wheatear, while relaxing and preparing our trip to machupicchu to the next day (B)(L)(D)
After breakfast weâll take the train to the famous citadel of machupicchu, here weâll see the machupicchu citadel whit a tour guide who is going to explain about this Incaâs site, after that weâll have a free time to visit for yourself, by afternoon , after lunch, we back to cusco city by train. (B)
- transport to beginning point of the trek

- briefing

- camping equipment: tents and sleeping mats

- Entrance ticket, meals according to itinerary,

- Tour guide

- Firs aid kid and oxygen

- Horses

- Train ticket ollanta/aguas calientes(machupicchu)/cusco

- Entrees ticket to machupicchu

- Bus ticket from aguas calientes/machupicchu/aguas calientes

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