Saturday, October 12, 2013

What are some random things to do outside?

kids outside tents on Kids Giant Adventure Tunnel Play Tent Set #8906: Toys & Games
kids outside tents image


I always go outside but there's practically nothing to do. Sure, I can bike or skateboard... but that stuff gets boring after a while. I don't have any forest around my house, so that's out of the question. Please, I need at least something to do outside since y parents make me go out so much. Also, there's only one practical rural thing outside that may give you ideas, and that's the 5 pine trees in my backyard.

I was constantly forced to go outside as a kid, and I plan on making my children do it as well when I have them.

1. Go for walks
2. Make "nature mobiles" with things that you find around your neighborhood and hang them from the trees.
3. Bury a time capsule
4. Start a garden (vegetable or flower)
5. Stare at the clouds.
6. Build a tree house or fort
7. Find some friends and play bocce, can jam, frisbee, or whatever you want.
8. Build a swing off one of the trees with some rope and a piece of wood.
9. Find a dog/cat/rabbit/pet turtle and take it outside.
10. Meditate. Find your inner you.
11. Take photographs of your neighborhood.
12. Think about geo-caching.
13. Build some bird houses out of wood or recycled materials and put them up in the trees.
14. Write poems that are inspired by completely mundane things in your yard (ode to a puddle)
15. Lay out a blanket on the lawn and read in the sun.
16. Draw with chalk on the sidewalk or driveway or patio.
17. Set up a treasure hunt. Leave clues around the neighborhood.
18. Buy some bubble solution or make your own out of dishwashing liquid and water. Blow bubbles.
19. Fly a Kite
20. Fly a paper airplane
21. See if your parents can get a chimnea, so you can roast marshmallows!
22. Build a hammock
23. Make a tent. Camp out in it.
24. Try to make a solar oven, and cook something. Force a family member to eat it (hot dogs work well.)
25. If all else fails force your parents to come outside and play with you. That'll teach them.

How can i make a homemade tent?

Bill R

My sister is having a sleep-over on here birthday. She is having like 15 people (too many) and i wanted to have a friend sleep-over too. There are too many people for me and my friend to sleep in there. So I wanted for us to sleep outside in a tent. I don't have money to get one. So i turned to Yahoo ANsers to see if there was anway me and my friend could make tent out of like balnkets and stuff. Can someone help?

You should be able to as long as it doesn't rain, but it might be fiddly. Check out some of the links in these searches to get some ideas:


Diane B.

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