Sunday, May 11, 2014

A rainy weekend with 2 kids?


I need some ideas on what to do with my 7 year old daughter and my 4 year old stepson this weekend. It's supposed to be storming all weekend and they will be bored and driving us nuts if we don't get them out of the house and do something fun.

We don't have lots of money and it's hard to find stuff that they're both interested in. Any ideas?
Oh, and I live in the St. Louis area

Libraries can be fun for the right kids - my older two could spend hours there.

Check the local paper - many high schools do performances this time of year and the cost is usually just a few dollars.

Go to the mall to just walk around or have a snack.

Visit a local pet center like PetsMart - my kids love the fish tanks there!

Have a lunch picnic on the floor of a living room, bedroom or somewhere they don't usually eat. Spread out a blanket, pack the lunch, the works.

Make a tent by draping blankets over the dining or kitchen table. Let them use their imagination.

Get some empty boxes, all sizes and let them decorate and use them any way they wish. My kids will ask us to cut doors in them to make 'cars' for their stuffed animals or if they are big, for themselves!

Make a scavenger hunt in the house with prizes.

Bake cookies (always a hit)

Sleeping with a kid with autism?

So basically I am going camping with some friends, my mom made me sleep with all the other guys, we're all 14, and no, none if us are gay, one of them has autism, let's just call him Jerry, my mom is pretty much best friends with his mom, I have no idea how he does it but he sounds and imitate spongebob asleep all night!!! I can't sleep like this! I've argued with my mom and she still doesn't care, last time I went camping and he was there, in our tent, during the night he threw his pillow at me all spongebob giggly, an then I tossed it back to him and accidentally hit his face, he started crying so loud and left the tent waking up the entire campsite... In the morning he kept imitating cats... Over and over!! What do I do when he starts acting up like this? I can't handle this anymore, sometimes he acts drunk and walks around all drunk falling into people...

Welcome to my world. I share a bedroom with my brothers and 3 have autism spectrum disorder.
Tell him no spongebob noe but if he stops with spongebob you will play spongebob with him later ( and you have to do it). When he imitates cats tell him not now and if he wants to be a cat then a little later.
Use his obsession with spongebob and cats to your advantage. One of my brothers is obsessed with serial killers. We got him to stop talking about it by giving him time to do so, and then no more. You could do the same thing.

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