Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Is this a good tent for camping?


Wenzel Sycamore 6-7 Person Tent
Has anyone had any experience with this tent?
How does it hold up? and also, what are the dimensions of the smaller rooms? Would I be able to fit a queen sized airbed in one of them?

How about this tent? http://www.target.com/Coleman-Family-Dome-Tent/dp/B0006U9PB4/ref=sc_ri_3?ie=UTF8&pf_rd_r=1KRANA7WBVV0SN6KYJQ5&pf_rd_p=465348991&pf_rd_i=B000W4O8JI&pf_rd_s=bottom-11&pf_rd_m=A1VC38T7YXB528&pf_rd_t=201 Coleman Family Dome Tent

We want one big tent, not several smaller tents.

The first one gives dimensions and 10 by 18 should be plenty of room for your mattress. They are both decent tents but not top of the line. Coleman products have always been reputable. It is also plenty large for a mattress. One is square and one is more rectangular, so that might be the biggest thing to consider for sleeping arrangements.

Top 10 camping Tent Manufactures in the U.S.?


Hey, I would just like a list of the top 10 (largest and most successful) camping tent manufacturers (not stores) in the U.S.

-----Then out of that list, could you please the best top few manufactures that are known for making smaller tents for independent campers and hikers.\

Thanks to all in advance!

At the top of my list is Coleman they are the oldest and most reliable of all the manufactures there are. Not in just tents but for all your camping needs. Unbeatable in price and guarantees. Now there are other great tent makers and gear manufacturers and where they are on any top ten list varies from person too person. Read the reviews of products before you buy and shop and compare. Here is a link to a great supplier with reviews of the products they sell,



See what I mean by other opinions? gear heads that think your not getting quality if your paying department store prices. Folks that like BackPacker magazine endorsements are just another group of high-end price fools. Looking at their endorsement lists you won't find any 4 man tents under $100 when Coleman has been selling the top rated Sundome for less then that for years, mind you it is the most copied tent design out there and you can spend upwards of $500 for the same tent design.

How do they do that? by keeping the manufacturing cost down and passing it on to the consumer. Nearly all tents are made overseas in either China or Pakistan it's just that some companies pocket more profit than others. Pay more if you want too but again Coleman cannot be beat price-wise or in quality and guarantee.

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