Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Going camping.. is there a safe kind of heater for a tent?


it is a 2 bedroom tent, 6 ft high... not sure of other dimensions, but it is large. I'm in PA and tonight it will be in the low 40's. Is there such a thing as a safe tent heater? (we will have electric)

I have a 18' X24' canvas wall tent with a "stove jack" built into it for a fireplace/wood stove for winter heat and my wood stove works very well for this tent. But even flameproofing for canvas isn't always flameproof. With the modern vinyl tents made now adays there really isn't a safe heater to use. Buy a good sleeping bag with a rating below 20degrees F to keep you warm and toasty. I have a mini Dachshund that insists on going camping with me and he works way better than any heat source available to man. He literally roasts me out of my sleeping bag every time since he sleeps inside my bag with me at my feet. The most economical way to go in my opinion is the colder rated sleeping bag for several reasons including you don't need to carry extra bedding material with you, no water to heat up, no flame/fire danger, and it is a renewable overnight heat source good for many camping trips so its economical! The 40's arn't to cold to deal with when it comes to overnight temps. You can go to Wal-Mart for a cheap bag rated at 32 degrees but again I would suggest spending a little more for a better bag but, that's up to you. Good Luck

What type of canvas and rope make the standard GI shelter half or "pup tent"?

Mosin Smit

I have a genuine GI issue "pup tent" the kind that is made from two shelter halves. I love love love the canvas and rope that it is made of. The canvas folds wonderfully and is just thick / heavy enough to block wind and provide a durable, stable, solid tarp and still be light weight. The rope is perfect. It is nice and flexible, soft, and holds a great knot.
My question is this... I would like to buy tarp squares and ropes that are the same grade or quality and material as the pup tent. I am not familiar with how these are catagorized. Is the tent a 12 mil. is it a 10 mil.? Is it a duck canvas? Is the rope made out of cotton, hemp, nylon, what? It feels like cotton I suppose.
I would just like to know what to buy. Most of the shopping I will be doing for this stuff is online so I cant touch or feel it first. I know I could just buy a bunch of pup tents, but I dont want it in that shape. I want to be able to buy different sized tarps and a long length of rope to do different things with.

It's canvas duck and for camping it comes in two weights: ten ounce and thirteen ounce. There are two companies that sell these shelter halves as well as a variety of other tents and the first one will even sell you the canvas and you can sew your own. You can order their catalog and even shop their online stores.
The larger of the two companies is known as Panther Primitives. You'll be impressed by the variety of tents they sell - and a lot of their other products as well. The other is Smoke and Fire Co. Type either name into your search engine.
I have four tents, three from Panther Primitives and one from a sutler known as Orchard Hill. I also have two big canvas dining flys, both from Panther. One is 12 feet by 12 feet and the other is 16 b y 16 feet. They're incredibly sturdy. They do take up a lot of room when folded for storage, though. You have a pup tent (Panther calls 'em "dog tents" which is what they were called in the American Civil War) so you know how much room the can take up and how heavy they are. You won't backpack these tents! Heck, look 'em up anyway - both catalogs are full of way cool stuff!

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