Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do you miss the days of, Freeze Tag with friends, Saturday morning cartoons, twisting in circles to get dizzy?

kids garage tent on Kids love to make play tents and forts indoor and out. This is a guide ...
kids garage tent image


Looking up and seeing what the clouds could be with your imagination?

Cooling off with a capri Sun after an intense game of Hopscotch?

Another words, the good days, back when the only care in the world you had is whether or not your mom would let you go play in the rain or not.

PS:Can you add anymore to the list?

Finding pieces of wood and pounding together a nail riddled tree house.

Kick the Can with 20 other neighborhood kids, and actually kicking the darn thing before getting caught.

Exploring abandoned houses and being certain they were haunted and you were in 'danger'

Walking through a mile of snow to get to the perfect sledding hill, and climbing up the hill over and over again never getting tired of it, each ride down as thrilling as the first.

Flying down the hill in the Red Ryder Wagon on the side walk, trying to steer but instead dumping out, and just like the sled, getting back up and doing it all over again.

Popping up a tent in the backyard, running through the sprinklers on a hot summer day, making a chalk map out of the driveway, playing Horse with the garage top basketball hoop.....

Wow, those were the days!

what to put into an home indoor children's play area?

mommy of 1

we bought our home with a connected garage & a "workshop" detached garage. we have renovated the 3 car attached garage so it is insolated and carpeted and are going to use it for a "fun house" for our 2 year old daughter & her newborn sister to grow up in with their friends espeacially in the winter when it is hard to go outside. what should we put into it?

we already have a playschool bounce house and a playhouse.

A child size table with 4 chairs is essential.

Cubbies for books crayons barbie shoes etc.. An easy way to do this is turn an inexpensive book cases on the side and add shelves that will hold bins for these items.. leave a few cubbies unshelved and get roll out laundry baskets for doll clothes and large blocks to fit in those areas.

Get the chalkboard paint and do a small portion of the wall in it. You can get trim and section that off.
An easel for finger-paint creations.
A tiny fridge for healthy snacks so the toys don't have an excuse for wandering all over the house.
A tv with a DVD and a child's sized sofa that turns into a bed or a Daybed with a trundle for sleepovers (The day bed will grow with them over time).
A 2 way camera to keep an eye on your angels - And an intercom.

Make a theme such as a garden theme where you can attach lattice to the walls to hang their art and throw rugs in a garden theme so the rug doesn't get gross.

Set the room up in sections, Kids like to have small areas to use for caves and tents. Use the cubbies to demarcate the sections. as room dividers, you can easily finish the back of the cubbies with paint and lattice.

I had a playroom for my little ones that grew into the teen hangout room I can't stress the importance of the intercom and a camera.

**Oh and a locked out of reach cabinet for items ( like scissors) that need to be used under supervision only.

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